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Created March 16, 2016 01:01
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This gist is an attempt to recreate some of the analyses discussed in this article:
# set this to the number of processors on your machine
processors = 4
remainder <- function(number, divisor){ return(number%%divisor) }
remainders <- function(divisor, numbers, mc.cores = processors){
# get the remainders of a vector of numbers after dividing by divisor.
ld = as.numeric(unlist(mclapply(numbers, remainder, divisor = divisor, mc.cores = mc.cores)))
# get ~4m primes
p = generate_primes(min = 0, max = exp(18))
# if you want to check that the code is sensible, use randomised primes first...
# this helps to train intuition
#p = sample(p)
# use a range of divisors
divisors = 5:20
# make a list of remainders of the primes with different divisors
p.r = lapply(divisors, remainders, numbers = p)
# make them into mcmc objects (a bit like a time series)
p.r.mcmc = mclapply(p.r, as.mcmc, mc.cores = processors)
# calculate autocorrelations at lags from 1:50K = mclapply(p.r.mcmc, autocorr, lags = 1:50000, mc.cores = processors)
# now let's look at the cumulative sum of the autocorrelations
# the reason being that this should be roughly a random walk if
# nothing interesting is happening = lapply(, cumsum)
# now we just build all the data into a big dataframe for plotting
div = rep(divisors, each = length([[1]]))
lags = rep(1:length([[1]]), length(divisors))
dat = data.frame('divisor' = div, 'lag' = lags, 'autocorrelation' = unlist(, '' = unlist(
# and here are our plots: the same data two ways
ggplot(dat, aes(x = lag, y = + geom_line() + facet_wrap(~divisor)
ggplot(dat, aes(x = lag, y =, color = factor(divisor))) + geom_line(alpha = 0.5)
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