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Created November 21, 2016 01:51
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Editing Windows PATH with AutoHotKey
#SingleInstance, Force
#NoEnv ; somewhat ironic...
; this won't work in vista/7 if it's not run as an administrator.
; i'm too lazy to request it manually so the easiest way is to
; compile this script, and then under Compatibility tab in the
; compiled exe's Properties select "Run as Administrator"
RegRead, P, HKLM, SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment, PATH
Gui, +Delimiter`;
width := 400
Gui, Add, Text, w%width%, Double Click an entry to modify it. Click Add to make a new entry and Delete to remove the selected entry.
Gui, Add, ListBox, vSysPath w%width% r8 +0x100 gEditEntry AltSubmit, %P%
Gui, Font, s12
Gui, Add, Button, gNew w70 section , New
Gui, Add, Button, gDelete w70 ys xs+74 , Delete
Gui, Add, Button, gExit w70 ys xs+330, Cancel
Gui, Add, Button, gSubmit w70 ys xp-74, Submit
Gui, Show, , SysEnv -- Change System Environment Variable
if (a_guievent == "DoubleClick" && a_eventinfo) {
Gui +OwnDialogs
RegExMatch(P, "P)^(?:(?<E>[^;]*)(?:;|$)){" a_eventinfo "}", _)
_En := IB( "Edit PATH entry", substr(P, _PosE, _LenE))
if (ErrorLevel == 0)
if (InStr(FileExist(ExpEnv(_En)),"D"))
rP := substr(P, 1, _PosE-1) _En (_PosE+_LenE+1 < strlen(P) ? ";" substr(P, _PosE+_LenE+1) : "")
P := rP
GuiControl, , SysPath, `;%P%
MsgBox, , SysEnv, Path is not a directory.
add := IB( "Add PATH entry" )
if (instr(fileexist(ExpEnv(add)),"D")) {
P .= (strlen(P) > 0 ? ";" : "") add
GuiControl, , SysPath, `;%P%
GuiControlGet, entry, , SysPath
if (entry) {
Gui, +OwnDialogs
MsgBox, 4, SysEnv -- Confirm, Remove entry #%entry% from PATH?
IfMsgBox Yes
RegExMatch(P, "P)^(?:(?<E>[^;]*)(?:;|$)){" entry "}", _)
P := SubStr(P, 1, max(_PosE-2,0)) (_PosE+_LenE+1 < strlen(P) ? ";" substr(P, _PosE+_LenE+1) : "")
GuiControl, , SysPath, `;%P%
Gui, +OwnDialogs
MsgBox, 1, SysEnv -- Save Changes, Change system PATH to:`n`n%P%
IfMsgBox, OK
RegWrite, REG_EXPAND_SZ, HKLM, SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment, PATH, %P%
If !ErrorLevel
SendMessage, 0x1A,0,"Environment",, ahk_id 0xFFFF
MsgBox, 0, SysEnv -- Success!, Modifying the PATH variable was successful!
MsgBox, , SysEnv, Error has occurred and new PATH variable was not saved.
MsgBox, , SysEnv -- Cancelled, Exiting now.
IB( prompt, default="" ) {
InputBox, out, SysEnv -- %prompt%, %prompt%:, , , , , , , , %default%
return out
max( a, b ) {
return a > b ? a : b
ExpEnv(str) {
; by Lexikos:
if sz:=DllCall("ExpandEnvironmentStrings", "uint", &str, "uint", 0, "uint", 0)
VarSetCapacity(dst, A_IsUnicode ? sz*2:sz)
if DllCall("ExpandEnvironmentStrings", "uint", &str, "str", dst, "uint", sz)
return dst
return ""
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tallpeak commented Mar 7, 2022

Cool! My path is 3k+ (over the 2048 limit) so Windows11's environment editor refuses to save changes, whereas your script works. (I presume.) I tried adding EnvUpdate, but I guess I still need a reboot.

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Thanks, I have no idea if it still works. Over 2048 characters is a looong path! Probably better to create a symlink to the target then add that to the PATH variable.

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This doesn't help. You can add stuff to PATH but the PATH variable will not actually load anything past a certain limit.

If you run $env:PATH in Powershell, it gets cut off at a certain point. If you try to populate the PATH variable with e.g. 5000 entries and you run where.exe git or whatever, it won't be able to find the exe binary, even though the path is added to PATH.

You can also simply backup the PATH registry key and edit the registry key, then import it. But the problem remains.

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