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Last active February 12, 2024 10:54
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Examples of using custom dialogs and messages in Sublime Text 2
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
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Project: Examples of using custom dialog and messages in Sublime 2
Platform: tested only on a Mac
File Name:
Place file in your User folder
On Mac it is:
/Users/username/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/User
On a Mac, this is hidden, find the folder by going to Finder and
Go | Go to Folder
~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2
press ENTER
How to add a Command to the Command Palette (Cmd-Shift-P) on Mac
1- Create a folder in
There is same file in
don't modify files in Packages/Default, they will be overwritten when upgrading
always use User folder for user specific settings
2- add this to file
"caption": "Run Example 1",
"command": "example1"
3- Then you can press Cmd-Shift_P, and type in: Ru
and you will see this on list
Rev #1 - updated "print" to work with Python 3 and Python 2
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# show_input_panel, status_message and message_dialog example
# to run this use:
# view.run_command("example1")
# at the command line in Sublime
# Note: Example1Command is expressed as example1 with the view.run_command("example1")
class Example1Command(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
# 'something' is the default message
self.view.window().show_input_panel("Say something:", 'something', self.on_done, None, None)
def on_done(self, user_input):
# this is displayed in status bar at bottom
sublime.status_message("User said: " + user_input)
# this is a dialog box, with same message
sublime.message_dialog("User said: " + user_input)
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# message_dialog example with cancel example
# to run this use:
# view.run_command("example2")
# at the command line in Sublime
# Note: Example2Command is expressed as example2 with the view.run_command("example2")
class Example2Command(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
# test of question box
# this no work, in 2 or version 3 beta sublime.question_box("thi sis a quetsion box")
# this has OK button only
sublime.message_dialog("Message goes here.")
# this has two buttnos, Cancel and OKY
sublime.ok_cancel_dialog("hello mrm", "OKY")
# no work sublime.errormessage_dialog("BIG ERROR")
sublime.status_message("fred ******************") # this is at bottom
# this has Cancel and OK button labeled OK Rob - and will respond depending on user action
# Esc key will be taken as a Cancel
if sublime.ok_cancel_dialog("OK ROB ?", "OK Rob"):
# print will print to console
print ("You Pressed OK") # this will print to console if OK pressed.
print ("You Pressed Cancel")
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Dialog for error_message
# to run this use:
# view.run_command("example3")
# at the command line in Sublime
# Note: Example3Command is expressed as example3 with the view.run_command("example3")
class Example3Command(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
sublime.error_message("Must be and error!")
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updated the print so it will work in Python 3, which comes with Sublime Text 3

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