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Created October 26, 2014 19:30
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(define (safe-string-head s start) ; gives 'up to' 6 or remaining
(let ((sl (string-length s)))
(if (>= sl start)
(string-head s start)
(string-head s sl))))
(define (safe-string-tail s end) ; gives 'up to' 6 and remaining
(let ((sl (string-length s)))
(if (>= sl end)
(string-tail s end)
(string-tail s sl)))) ;
(define (string-split s split-at)
(define (split ss ac)
(if (string-null? ss)
(split (safe-string-tail ss split-at) (cons (safe-string-head ss split-at) ac))))
(reverse (split s '())))
; expects 6 character hex string and returns 24 character binary string
(define (hex-string->binary-string hs)
(let ((hs-lst (string-split hs 2))
; pads to length of 8 as conversion drops leading zero
(p (lambda (x) (string-pad-left (number->string (string->number x 16) 2) 8 #\0))))
(fold-right (lambda (x r) (string-append (p x) r)) "" hs-lst)))
; maps a 24-bit binary string to a list of 4 decimals
(define (binary-string->decimals bs)
; split out binary string into 4 6-bit strings
(let ((bs-lst (string-split bs 6))
; converts binary string (padding with zeros if less than 6 bits) into decimal
(p (lambda (s) (string->number (string-pad-right (safe-string-head s 6) 6 #\0) 2))))
; apply conversion to each string
(map p bs-lst)))
; maps a decimal value to its base64 equivalent
(define (decimal->base64 d)
(let ((base64-table "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"))
(char->name (string-ref base64-table d))))
(define (base64-encode hex-string)
; split out hex string into 24-bit binary strings
(let ((bs-lst (map hex-string->binary-string (string-split hex-string 6))))
; pad resulting text
(define (pad-base64 s)
(let ((mod (modulo (string-length hex-string) 6)))
(if (= mod 0)
s ; full 'frame', no padding needed
(string-append s (make-string (/ (- 6 mod) 2) #\=))))) ; partial 'frame', pad with 1 or 2 '='s
(pad-base64 (apply string (map decimal->base64 (concatenate (map binary-string->decimals bs-lst)))))))
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