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Last active March 8, 2021 01:51
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Convert Robinhood Account Summary (CSV) to a Transaction Summary (CSV) you can use with a tax software like Glacier (or TaxAct, SprinTax etc.
Coupled with (, use this script to autofill Robinhood transaction summary for your 1099-B tax docs on Glacier Tax Prep (
NOTE: This can manually handle stock splits, but does not account for referral stocks. You might have to handle them externally.
from collections import deque
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import csv
def add_index(df):
df["id"] = range(len(df))
return df
def filter_df(df, trans_codes=["BUY", "SELL"], date_filt=None):
# filter dataframe by transaction codes and date range
df_filt = df[df["Trans Code"].isin(trans_codes)]
if date_filt:
# filter by start and end ID
id_low = df_filt["id"] >= date_filt[0]
id_high = df_filt["id"] <= date_filt[1]
df_filt = df_filt[id_low & id_high]
return df_filt
def preprocess_dollars(df):
# convert $ strings to unsigned floats for "Price", "Amount" and "Quantity"
df["Price"] = df["Price"].replace('[\$\,]',"",regex=True).astype(float)
df["Amount"] = df["Amount"].replace('[\$\,\)\(]',"",regex=True).astype(float)
df["Quantity"] = df["Quantity"].astype(float)
return df
def adjust_stock_split(df, ticker, ID, ratio):
# adjust Qty and Price for stock splits (not very clean)
new_df = df
is_ticker = df["Instrument"]==ticker
is_older = df["id"]>ID
is_update = is_older & is_ticker
df.loc[is_update, "Quantity"] *= ratio
df.loc[is_update, "Price"] /= ratio
return df
def create_assetwise_dict(df):
assets = {}
tickers = pd.unique(df["Instrument"])
for ticker in tickers:
assets[ticker] = df[df["Instrument"]==ticker]
return assets
def generate_transactions(df):
# generate BUY-SELL paired transactions from df of an asset
df = df.reindex(index=df.index[::-1])
transactions = [] # [name, acquired, sold, proceeds, cost]
buy_orders = deque()
for idx, row in df.iterrows():
ticker = row["Instrument"]
if row["Trans Code"] == "BUY":
# populate the queue
if row["Trans Code"] == "SELL":
# execute SELL routine
sell_amount = row["Amount"]
sell_qty = abs(row["Quantity"])
while len(buy_orders) > 0:
curr_id = buy_orders[0]
order1 = df.loc[curr_id]
if order1["Quantity"] <= sell_qty:
# need more orders
curr_id = buy_orders.popleft()
order1 = df.loc[curr_id]
order_qty = order1["Quantity"]
transactions.append([ticker, order1["Activity Date"], row["Activity Date"], order_qty*row["Price"], order_qty*order1["Price"]])
sell_qty -= order_qty
# trim the first order
order_qty = sell_qty
transactions.append([ticker, order1["Activity Date"], row["Activity Date"], order_qty*row["Price"], order_qty*order1["Price"]])
df.loc[curr_id, "Quantity"] = df.loc[curr_id, "Quantity"] - order_qty
df.loc[curr_id, "Amount"] = df.loc[curr_id, "Quantity"]*df.loc[curr_id, "Price"]
sell_qty = 0
if sell_qty < 1e-9: break
if not sell_qty < 1e-9:
raise Exception("Insufficient buy orders")
return transactions
def verify_buy_sell(asset_tran):
# verify gross buy-sell prices for debugging (true values available on form 1099)
if len(asset_tran) == 0:
return "No Buy Orders"
sell = np.array(asset_tran)[:, 3].astype(np.float64)
buy = np.array(asset_tran)[:, 4].astype(np.float64)
return(np.sum(buy), np.sum(sell))
activity = pd.read_csv("activity.csv") # upload your Robinhood account statement CSV files (you can request this over email)
# activity.keys()
## ['Activity Date', 'Process Date', 'Settle Date', 'Account Type',
## 'Instrument', 'Description', 'Trans Code', 'Quantity', 'Price',
## 'Amount', 'Suppressed']
activity = add_index(activity)
activity_stocks = preprocess_dollars(filter_df(activity, date_filt=[112, 1231])) # filter by financial year date range by providing IDs of first and last transaction in the year
activity_stocks = adjust_stock_split(activity_stocks, "AAPL", 536, 4) # find and specify the ID of a stock split and its ratio (e.g. AAPL had a split in Aug 2021; can be automated or set by date)
asset_dict = create_assetwise_dict(activity_stocks)
all_transactions = []
for ticker in asset_dict.keys():
asset_tran = generate_transactions(asset_dict[ticker])
all_transactions.insert(0, ["name", "acquired", "sold", "proceeds", "cost"])
with open("transactions.csv", "w", newline="") as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
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