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Last active May 21, 2018 16:01
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Save roboli/5b9bf19e196d2226672dcc2fc46da187 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
function loadUtils(opts) {
opts = opts || {};
var $ = opts.$;
var Promise = opts.Promise;
var dbaClient = opts.dbaClient;
var tryAgainUri = opts.tryAgainUri;
function redirectToSign(leadId) {
var skipped = false;
var tmtId = setTimeout(function () {
if (!skipped) {
location.href = dbaClient.uri + 'sign/' + leadId;
}, 10000);
$('#skip-instructions').click(function () {
location.href = dbaClient.uri + 'sign/' + leadId;
function showAgreement() {
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
$('#infsheet').modal('show'); // display information sheet
fbq('track', 'Lead', {
value: 0,
currency: 'USD' // not sure if it is neccessary
ga('send', 'event', 'MainPage', 'DisplayInfoSheet');
// Disagree on information sheet
$('#infosheet-btn-disagree').click(function () {
fbq('track', 'Lead', {
value: -1,
currency: 'USD' // not sure if it is neccessary
ga('send', 'event', 'MainPage', 'DontAcceptInfoSheet');
// Accept information sheet
$('#infosheet-btn-agree').click(function () {
fbq('track', 'Lead', {
value: 1,
currency: 'USD' // not sure if it is neccessary
ga('send', 'event', 'MainPage', 'AcceptInfoSheet');
var _lead;
function buildLead() {
if(_lead) {
return _lead;
var lead = {};
lead.leadgroup = dbaClient.leadGroup; = 0;
lead.introducer = 0;
lead.reference = '';
var adsinfo = getUrlVars(window.location.href);
lead.source = adsinfo.utm_source;
lead.medium = adsinfo.utm_medium;
lead.term = adsinfo.utm_term;
lead.cost = 120;
lead.value = 120;
// get address and postcode
lead.firstname = $("#first-name").val();
lead.lastname = $("#last-name").val(); = $("#email").val();
lead.phone1 = $("#phone").val();
lead.address = $("#housenum").val() + " " + $("#streetname").val();
lead.towncity = $("#towncity").val();
lead.postcode = $("#postcode").val();
// get date of birth
var dob = new Date($("#dob-calendar").datepicker("getDate"));
lead.dobday = dob.getUTCDate();
lead.dobmonth = dob.getUTCMonth() + 1;
lead.dobyear = dob.getFullYear();
if (lead.dobday < 10) {
lead.dobday = "0" + lead.dobday;
if (lead.dobmonth < 10) {
lead.dobmonth = "0" + lead.dobmonth;
lead.data6 = 'Yes'; // permissionAccessInfo
lead.data7 = 'Yes'; // gaveConsentData
lead.data8 = 'Yes'; // agreedExperianCheck
lead.data41 = 'Yes'; // workedHourlyRate
var campaignURL = window.location.href;
lead.data46 = campaignURL.replace(/&/g, '&' + 'amp' + ';');
_lead = lead;
return lead;
function isDuplicate() {
var today = new Date();
var dd = today.getDate();
var mm = today.getMonth()+1; //January is 0!
var yyyy = today.getFullYear();
var lead = buildLead();
var leadId, agreed;
return dbaClient.searchLead({
leadtypeid: dbaClient.leadGroup,
startdate: dd+'/'+mm+'/'+(yyyy-1),
enddate: dd+'/'+mm+'/'+yyyy
}).then(function(results) {
// Filter by email, postcode, phone1, fullname and towncity
var match = results.find(function(l) {
var fullname = lead.firstname.trim().toLowerCase() + ' ' + lead.lastname.trim().toLowerCase();
return === &&
lead.postcode === l.postcode &&
lead.phone1 === l.phone1 &&
fullname === l.fullname.trim().toLowerCase() &&
lead.towncity.trim().toLowerCase() === l.towncity.trim().toLowerCase();
if(match) {
// Fetch complete lead to obtain data fields
return dbaClient.getLead(;
return match;
}).catch(function(err) {
console.log('Error', err);
function transitionFromTo(step1Id, step2Id, setPercent, stepNumber) {
$('#' + step1Id).hide();
$('#' + step2Id).show();
percent: setPercent
$("#progress-step").text("Step " + stepNumber + " of 3");
fields: {
question1: {
identifier: 'question1',
rules: [
type: 'checked',
prompt: 'You must have worked at Morrisons for past 6 years on an hourly rate to submit a claim'
onSuccess: function (e, fields) {
transitionFromTo('step1', 'step2', 33, 2);
$("#step1-next").click(function () {
$('#step1').form('validate form');
// add custom validation for postocde
$.fn.form.settings.rules.validPostcode = function(param) {
var postcode = $("#postcode").val().replace(/\s/g, "");
var regex = /^[A-Z]{1,2}[0-9]{1,2} ?[0-9][A-Z]{2}$/i;
return regex.test(postcode);
fields: {
question1: {
identifier: 'postcode',
rules: [
type: 'validPostcode[]',
prompt: 'You need to provide valid postcode to continue'
townCity: {
identifier: 'towncity',
rules: [
type: 'empty',
prompt: 'You need to provide city/town name to continue'
streetname: {
identifier: "streetname",
rules: [
type: 'empty',
prompt: 'You need to provide street name to continue'
onSuccess: function (e, fields) {
transitionFromTo('step2', 'step3', 66, 3);
$("#step2-back").click(function () {
transitionFromTo('step2', 'step1', 0, 1);
$("#step2-next").click(function () {
$('#step2').form('validate form');
// add custom validation for birth
$.fn.form.settings.rules.validBirthDay = function(param) {
var currentDate = new Date();
currentDate.setFullYear(currentDate.getFullYear() - 18);
var date = Date.parse($("#dob-calendar").datepicker("getDate"));
if(isNaN(date)) {
return false;
if (new Date($("#dob-calendar").datepicker("getDate")) > currentDate) {
return false;
return true;
fields: {
first_name: {
identifier: 'first-name',
rules: [
type: 'empty',
prompt: 'You need to provide your first name'
last_name: {
identifier: 'last-name',
rules: [
type: 'empty',
prompt: 'You need to provide your last name'
email: {
identifier: 'email',
rules: [
type: 'email',
prompt: 'You need to provide your email address'
phone: {
identifier: 'phone',
rules: [
type: 'empty',
prompt: 'You need to provide a phone number to continue'
birth_day: {
identifier: 'dob-calendar',
rules: [
type: 'validBirthDay[]',
prompt: 'We are currently not taking on claims for individuals under the age of 18. Please contact us again once you have turned 18 and we will consider whether you have a claim'
onSuccess: function (e, fields) {
transitionFromTo('step3', 'step4', 100, 3);
$("#step3-back").click(function () {
transitionFromTo('step3', 'step2', 33, 2);
$("#step3-next").click(function () {
$('#step3').form('validate form');
fields: {
agree1: {
identifier: 'agree1',
rules: [
type: 'checked',
prompt: 'You must give permission for Pay Justice to have access to the provided information above.'
agree2: {
identifier: 'agree2',
rules: [
type: 'checked',
prompt: 'You must give permission for Pay Justice to have access to the provided information above.'
agree3: {
identifier: 'agree3',
rules: [
type: 'checked',
prompt: 'You must give permission for Pay Justice to have access to the provided information above.'
onSuccess: function (e, fields) {
function showAgree(leadId) {
var agreed;
return showAgreement().then(function(result) {
agreed = result;
return dbaClient.confirm(leadId, agreed);
}).then(function() {
if(agreed) {
function checkExperian(lead) {
var valid;
var experianDobFormat = "" + lead.dobyear + "-" + lead.dobmonth + "-" + lead.dobday;
return dbaClient.checkExperian({
firstName: lead.firstname,
lastName: lead.lastname,
dob: experianDobFormat,
address: lead.address,
postcode: lead.postcode
}).then(function(result) {
valid = result.valid;
return dbaClient.updateLead({ id:, data44: valid, data49: result.reason });
}).then(function() {
if(valid === '1') {
return showAgree(;
} else {
return Promise.reject();
}).catch(function() {
location.href = tryAgainUri;
function createLead() {
var lead = buildLead();
var leadId, valid, agreed;
return dbaClient.createLead(lead)
.then(function(result) { =;
return checkExperian(lead);
.catch(function(err) {
console.log('Error', err);
// first check duplicates before submission
.then(function(lead) {
if(lead && lead.data44 === '1' && lead.data40 && lead.data40 !== 'false') {
// Exists, passed Experian check and agreed
return redirectToSign(;
} else if(lead && lead.data44 === '1') {
// Exists and passed Experian check
return showAgree(;
} else if(lead) {
// Exists
return checkExperian(lead);
} else {
// New
return createLead();
}).then(function() {
$("#step4-back").click(function () {
transitionFromTo('step4', 'step3', 100, 3);
$("#step4-next").click(function () {
$('#step4').form('validate form');
$("#infosheet").scroll(function () {
if ($(this).scrollTop() + $(this).innerHeight() >= $(this)[0].scrollHeight) {
changeMonth: true,
changeYear: true,
yearRange: '1910:2020',
// startMode: 'year',
type: 'date',
useCurrent: true,
dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy'
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