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Last active January 5, 2023 14:18
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CMake dependency generator

When you add --graphviz=graph/ to the cmake command, it will generate some .dot files based on the dependencies you have. For unix based systems, you can use the following python code to generate svg for each dot file:

import os

# read all .dot files in a path

def get_dot_files(path):
    dot_files = []
    for file in os.listdir(path):
        if 'dot' in file:
    return dot_files

path_2_dot_files = '/cmake-build-debug/graph'

dot_files = get_dot_files(path_2_dot_files)

# generate svg files from dot files
for dot_file in dot_files:
    os.system('dot -Tsvg ' + dot_file + ' -o ' + dot_file + '.svg')

For more info refer to this link

When running CMake with the option, it produces:

  • a file, showing all dependencies in the project
  • a file for each target, showing on which other targets it depends
  • a file for each target, showing which other targets depend on it
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