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Last active October 11, 2022 12:03
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Breaking MuSig2 with tweaking
import secrets
from reference import *
k_max = 256
def blank_array():
return [None for k in range(k_max)]
# Simulates an honest MuSig2 signer. An adversary can ask the
# honest signer to sign messages using one of {x, x + t} where
# x is the honest signer's secret key and t is some known tweak.
class Signer:
def __init__(self, sk, tweak):
x = int_from_bytes(sk)
self.seckeys = [sk, bytes_from_int((x + tweak) % n)]
self.pubkeys = [plain_pk_gen(self.seckeys[i]) for i in range(2)]
self.nonces = {}
def round1(self, k):
secnonce, pubnonce = nonce_gen(sk=None, aggpk=None, msg=None, extra_in=None)
self.nonces[k] = (secnonce, pubnonce)
return pubnonce
def round2(self, k, session_ctx, i):
secnonce, _ = self.nonces[k]
return int_from_bytes(sign(secnonce, self.seckeys[i], session_ctx))
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Keep regenerating the key and tweak until all of the following keys
# have even y coordinate:
# - X
# - X + t * G
# - KeyAgg([X, X + t * G])
# where X is the honest signer's public key and t is the tweak.
while True:
tweak = int_from_bytes(secrets.token_bytes(32))
sk = secrets.token_bytes(32)
honest_signer = Signer(sk, tweak)
pubkeys = [honest_signer.pubkeys[0], honest_signer.pubkeys[1]]
if pubkeys[0][0] == 2 and pubkeys[1][0] == 2:
keygen_ctx = key_agg_and_tweak(pubkeys, [], [])
Q, _, _ = keygen_ctx
if has_even_y(Q):
aggpk = get_xonly_pk(keygen_ctx)
print('successfully generated keys with even y')
# In general, _star variables will be used in the forgery.
msg = b'this is the honest message......'
msg_star = b'this is the adversarial message!'
a0 = blank_array()
a1 = blank_array()
for k in range(k_max):
a0[k] = key_agg_coeff(pubkeys, pubkeys[0])
a1[k] = key_agg_coeff(pubkeys, pubkeys[1])
session_contexts = blank_array()
c = [blank_array() for i in range(2)]
b = blank_array()
e = blank_array()
for k in range(k_max):
print('get_session_values', k)
# Keep regenerating the aggnonce until the resulting R value has
# even y coordinate.
while True:
_, aggnonce = nonce_gen(sk=None, aggpk=None, msg=None, extra_in=None)
session_contexts[k] = SessionContext(aggnonce, pubkeys, [], [], msg)
_, _, _, b_k, R_k, e_k = get_session_values(session_contexts[k])
if has_even_y(R_k):
# The partial signature s_k for the k-th session will be of the
# following form, depending on whether the adversary requested
# a signature with the tweaked secret key in that session:
# s_k = r_k + e_k * a0[k] * x
# s_k = r_k + e_k * a1[k] * (x + t)
# Where:
# - r_k is the secret nonce (r_1_1_k + r_1_2_k * b_k)
# - e_k is the challenge hash
# - ai[k] is the key agg coefficient
# - x is the honest signer's secret key
# - t is the tweak
c[0][k] = e_k * a0[k]
c[1][k] = e_k * a1[k]
b[k] = b_k
e[k] = e_k
# The forgery will be a linear combination of k_max different
# (possibly modified, see below) partial signatures obtained
# from the honest signer.
# alpha[k] is the coefficient of the k-th partial signature.
alpha = blank_array()
for k in range(k_max):
alpha[k] = pow(2, k, n) * pow(c[1][k] - c[0][k], n - 2, n) % n
# Keep regenerating R_star (the public nonce for the forgery)
# until it has even y coordinate.
# Note that regenerating R_star requires starting k_max new
# concurrent signing sessions and asking the honest signer
# to generate a new set of nonces.
while True:
# Start concurrent signing sessions.
pubnonces = blank_array()
for k in range(k_max):
print('nonce_gen', k)
pubnonces[k] = honest_signer.round1(k)
# Calculate R_star for the given set of nonces.
R_star = infinity
for k in range(k_max):
print('R_star', k)
R_1 = cpoint_ext(pubnonces[k][0:33])
R_2 = cpoint_ext(pubnonces[k][33:66])
R = point_add(R_1, point_mul(R_2, b[k]))
assert not is_infinite(R)
R_star = point_add(R_star, point_mul(R, alpha[k]))
if has_even_y(R_star):
print('R_star has odd y, trying again')
print('successfully generated R_star with even y')
# e_star is the challenge hash for the forgery.
e_star = int_from_bytes(tagged_hash('BIP0340/challenge', xbytes(R_star) + pubkeys[0][1:] + msg_star)) % n
# The k-th bit of target determines whether or not the adversary
# should request (from the honest signer) a signature using the
# tweaked secret key in the k-th session.
target = e_star
for k in range(k_max):
target -= c[0][k] * pow(2, k, n) * pow(c[1][k] - c[0][k], n - 2, n) % n
target %= n
i_choice = blank_array()
for k in range(k_max):
if (target & (1 << k)) == 0:
i_choice[k] = 0
i_choice[k] = 1
# Verify that alpha linear combination of challenge hashes for honest messages
# equals the challenge hash for the forgery.
e_check = 0
for k in range(k_max):
e_check += alpha[k] * c[i_choice[k]][k] % n
e_check %= n
assert e_check == e_star
# Request partial signatures for each concurrent session
# from the honest signer.
s_hat = blank_array()
for k in range(k_max):
print('sign', k)
s_k = honest_signer.round2(k, session_contexts[k], i_choice[k])
# Recall that a partial signature might have the following form if
# the adversary asked for a signature using the tweaked secret key:
# s_k = r_k + e_k * a1[k] * (x + t)
# In this case, we need to modify the partial signature by
# subtracting off the part involving t.
if i_choice[k] == 1:
s_k -= e[k] * a1[k] * tweak % n
s_k %= n
s_hat[k] = s_k
# Calculate the final forged signature as the alpha linear combination
# of the (modified) partial signatures.
s_star = 0
for k in range(k_max):
s_star += alpha[k] * s_hat[k] % n
s_star %= n
sig = xbytes(R_star) + bytes_from_int(s_star)
# The forged signature should verify as a regular (non multisig)
# Schnorr signature for the honest signer's public key and the
# (arbitrary) message chosen by the adversary.
assert schnorr_verify(msg_star, pubkeys[0][1:], sig)
print('successful forgery!')
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