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Created December 3, 2011 10:36
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Encode, decode and also serialize when nessesery
* An open source application development framework for PHP
* @category RoboTaMeR
* @author Dennis T Kaplan
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 - 2011, Dennis T Kaplan
* @license
* @link
/*echo '<pre>';
$array = array(1,2,3,4,5=>55,'rrrrrrrr'=>1,2,3,4,5=>55,777777=>1,2,3,4,5=>55,'rrrrrrrr');
echo '<br>';
$ss = new Strsafe();
$array = $ss->run($array);
echo '<br>';
$array = $ss->run($array);
* encode, decode and also serialize when nessesery.
* Works with anything that php can serialize.
* string, array, etc.
* @category RoboTaMeR
* @package Strsafe
* @author Dennis T Kaplan
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 - 2011, Dennis T Kaplan
* @license
* @link
class Strsafe {
const startstr = '|~';
const endstr = '~>';
const strsafe = '|~StrSafe~>';
const serialize = '|~unserialize~>';
const base64 = '|~unbase64~>';
const bz2 = '|~unbz2~>';
const doBase64 = FALSE;
const dobz2 = FALSE;
private $_data;
private $_ckSum;
public function __construct() {}
public function run($data) {
if($this->check($data) === TRUE) {
return $this->_data;
private function encode($data) {
$this->status[self::strsafe] = self::strsafe;
foreach ($this->status as $value) {
$this->_data = $this->_data.$value;
private function decode($data){
$job = NULL;
foreach($this->jobs as $job) $this->$job();
private function getJobs(){
$this->jobs = strstr($this->_data, self::strsafe);
$this->jobs = explode(self::startstr, $this->jobs);
foreach ($this->jobs as $v) $this->jobs = str_replace(self::endstr, '', $this->jobs);
$this->jobs = array_reverse($this->jobs); // Start in the right order
private function removeConst(){
$this->_data = $this->rstrstr($this->_data, self::strsafe);
private function serialize(){
if( ! is_string($this->_data)){
$this->status[] = self::serialize;
$this->_data = serialize($this->_data);
private function unserialize(){
$this->_data = unserialize($this->_data);
private function isSerialized() {
if (!is_string($this->_data)) return FALSE;
if (trim($this->_data) == '') return FALSE;
if (preg_match("/^(i|s|a|o|d):(.*);/si",$this->_data) !== FALSE) return TRUE;
return FALSE;
} // Check if string is serialzied outside of strsafe
private function base64(){
$this->status[self::base64] = self::base64;
$this->_data = base64_encode($this->_data);
} // Make the variable ASCII save
private function unbase64(){
$this->_data = base64_decode($this->_data);
private function bz2(){
$this->status[self::bz2] = self::bz2;
return bzcompress($this->_data, 9);
} // @todo compress the variable
private function unbz2(){
return bzdecompress($this->_data);
} // @todo compress the variable
private function setData($data = NULL){
if($this->_data === NULL && $data !== NULL){
$this->_data = $data;
} // Set the variable to be prossesed
public function getData() {
return $this->_data;
public function check($data){
if( is_string($data) && strpos( $data, self::strsafe) > 1 ){
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
} // Check if provided data is a strsafe string
public function clear(){
$this->_data = NULL;
} // clear reset the class data
public function setCkSum($string = 'TaMeR'){
$this->_ckSum = $string;
}// @todo
public function rstrstr($haystack,$needle) {
* This functions can be now replaced with strstr by adding 'TRUE' as 3rd argument
* reverse strstr()
* Returns part of haystack string from start to the first occurrence of needle
* $haystack = 'this/that/theother';
* $result = rstrstr($haystack, '/')
* $result == this
* @access public
* @param string $haystack, string $needle
* @return string
return substr($haystack,0,strpos($haystack,$needle));
} // reverse strstr()
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