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Forked from michih57/pygmentize
Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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add global flag to regex
# This script caches the pygmentize output.
# Original script by michih57
# Modifications by robotanarchy:
# - remove real_pygmentize variable
# - store hash in 'out' folder
# - replace '\$' with '$' to fix syntax highlighting in editors
# - also cache style information
# - add .cache extension (useful for gitignore)
# Example usage (add this to your preamble):
# \usepackage[outputdir=out]{minted}
# \renewcommand{\MintedPygmentize}{scripts/}
# \usemintedstyle{manni}
# get the output file, if any
for arg in $@; do
[ $take_outfile -eq 1 ] && outfile=$arg && break
[ $arg == -o ] && take_outfile=1
# when called without an output file, minted expects
# the output on stdout (this gets used for style information).
# We'll use a hash of the commandline in that case.
if [ "$outfile" == "" ]; then
hash="$outputdir/$( echo "$*" | md5sum | cut -d' ' -f1 ).cache"
[ -f "$hash" ] || pygmentize $* > $hash
cat $hash
exit 0
# Otherwise: the last parameter is the input file
infile=${@: -1}
# compute the hash value of the input
hash="$outputdir/$( md5sum $infile | cut -d' ' -f1 ).cache"
if [ -f "$hash" ]; then
# we have cached output from pygmentize
cp "$hash" "$outfile"
# fix syntax highlighting issues with '$'
sed --in-place -e's~\\\$~\$~g' "$infile"
pygmentize $*
cp "$outfile" "$hash"
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Note: minted 2.0 has cache support built-in. It's still useful for me to replace \$ with $.

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