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Created February 28, 2011 00:52
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.global initSystem
.global main
@ 4bytes *8
.word 0x4430
.word 0x4430
.word 0x4430
.word 0x0800
.word .mdata
bx lr
mov r0,#0x04000000 @ I/O space offset
mov r1,#0x3 @ Both screens on
mov r2,#0x00020000 @ Framebuffer mode
mov r3,#0x80 @ VRAM bank A enabled, LCD - bit 8 on
str r1,[r0, #0x304] @ Set POWERCNT # couldn't find reference to this in gbatek
str r2,[r0] @ DISPCNT #
str r3,[r0, #0x240] @ VRAMCNT_A #
ldr r10,=0x04000410 @channel 1 sound
mov r11,#0x00000032 @vol 50
str r11,[r10]
ldr r11, .music @ address of .mdata
ldr r12,=0x04000414 @channel 1 data source register
str r11,[r12]
ldr r12,=0x04000418 @channel 1 timer register
mov r11,#0x00000200 @ dunno - data for timer value???
str r11,[r12]
ldr r12,=0x0400041A @channel 1 loopstart register
mov r11,#0x00000001 @ loop start position
str r11,[r12]
ldr r12,=0x0400041C @channel 1 length register
mov r11,#0x00000008 @ mdata length N * 4 bytes
str r11,[r12]
@Bit0-6 Master Volume (0..127=silent..loud)
@Bit7 Not used (always zero)
@Bit8-9 Left Output from (0=Left Mixer, 1=Ch1, 2=Ch3, 3=Ch1+Ch3)
@Bit10-11 Right Output from (0=Right Mixer, 1=Ch1, 2=Ch3, 3=Ch1+Ch3)
@Bit12 Output Ch1 to Mixer (0=Yes, 1=No) (both Left/Right)
@Bit13 Output Ch3 to Mixer (0=Yes, 1=No) (both Left/Right)
@Bit14 Not used (always zero)
@Bit15 Master Enable (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
@Bit16-31 Not used (always zero)
ldr r12,=0x04000500 @ sound control register
ldr r11,=0x0000B032 @ master vol at 50 - master enable
str r11,[r12]
mov r11,#0x00000032 @ master vol at 50
str r11,[r12]
@Bit0-6 Volume Mul (0..127=silent..loud)
@Bit7 Not used (always zero)
@Bit8-9 Volume Div (0=Normal, 1=Div2, 2=Div4, 3=Div16)
@Bit10-14 Not used (always zero)
@Bit15 Hold (0=Normal, 1=Hold last sample after one-shot sound)
@Bit16-22 Panning (0..127=left..right) (64=half volume on both speakers)
@Bit23 Not used (always zero)
@Bit24-26 Wave Duty (0..7) ;HIGH=(N+1)*12.5%, LOW=(7-N)*12.5% (PSG only)
@Bit27-28 Repeat Mode (0=Manual, 1=Loop Infinite, 2=One-Shot, 3=Prohibited)
@Bit29-30 Format (0=PCM8, 1=PCM16, 2=IMA-ADPCM, 3=PSG/Noise)
@Bit31 Start/Status (0=Stop, 1=Start/Busy)
@ vol 50 => 0x32
@ desmune lcd seems to be 512 pixels across (contrary to wiki specifying 256)
@#262144 @ color to use 18bit max
mov r6, #32 @ Color change delay
mov r7, #262144 @ color to start with
mov r8, #0x16000 @ number of pixels of the screen occupied by animation
mov r9, #0x08 @ color delta
mov r1, r7 @ Writing pixel
event: mov r4, #512 @ number of frames 512=0x200
mov r2, r8 @ number of pxels for lp loop
mov r3, r6 @ r3 is how often to change color
mov r0, #0x06800000 @ VRAM offset #reset each loop
strh r1, [r0], #1 @ Write r1 into in and increment r0 by 1
subs r2, r2, #1 @ decrement number of pixels to write
bne lp @ branch if not equal (is it checking the flags??)
mov r2, r8 @ resest number of pixel counter
@@ Delay r6 / r3
@@ Between color change
subs r3, r3, #4 @ if color change delay reaches zero then change color
bne after
mov r3, r6 @ reset the color change amount
sub r1, r1, r9 @ modify color by color change amount
subs r4, r4, #1 @ number of loops
bne nf @ branch on zero back to r4
b event
inf: b inf
@ blue gradient
@ mov r0, #0x06800000 @ VRAM offset
@ mov r1, #0x00 @ Writing pixel value
@ mov r2, #0x18000 @ number of pxels
@ mov r3, #0x800
@lp: strh r1, [r0], #1 @ Write a pixel in - increment r0 by #128
@ subs r3,r3, #1
@ bne next_px
@next_color: adds r1, r1, #
@ mov r3, #0x800
@next_px : subs r2, r2, #1 @ decrement r2 - update flags
@ bne lp @ branch if not equal (is it checking the flags??)
@white lemon blue
@ mov r0, #0x06800000 @ VRAM offset
@ mov r1, #0x00 @ Writing pixel value
@ mov r2, #0x18000 @ number of pxels
@ mov r3, #0x1600
@lp: strh r1, [r0], #1 @ Write a pixel in - increment r0 by #128
@ subs r3,r3, #1
@ bne next_px
@next_color: adds r1, r1, #0xffffffff
@ mov r3, #0x1600
@next_px : subs r2, r2, #1 @ decrement r2 - update flags
@ bne lp @ branch if not equal (is it checking the flags??)
@nf: b nf @ Sit in an infinite loop to finish
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