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Last active December 11, 2015 13:39
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Clee --- A functional compile-to-JS language for writing CLI programs


A functional compile-to-JS language for writing beautiful command-line interfaces.


  • Functional (closures, first-class functions, purity)
  • Compile-to-JS, run-on-Node
  • Your code as the interface
  • Types and Type Inference (maybe?)
  • Seamless bash integration
  • Out-of-the-box promised asynchronous code
  • Destructuring
  • Prefix notation
  • NO operators
  • Infix anything
  • String interpolation


  • Haskell / Shake
  • Python
  • Bash
  • Markdown
  • Lisp / Dylan



@program cat version 1.0a
: cat --- Concatenate `files`, or `standard input`, to `standard output`

  Read a series of `files` (and/or the `standard input`), in order,
  concatenates them and write the result to the `standard output`.
  If no `files` are given, or if the standard input flag (`-`) is given,
  we read from the `standard input`.
  # Examples
  Output `f`'s contents, then `standard input`, then `g`'s contents:
      cat f - g
  Copy standard input to standard output:


  (n) number    - Number all output lines.
  (e) show-ends - Display `$` at the end of each line.
  (a) show-all  = et
  (t) show-tabs - Display TAB characters as `^I`

: Reads files or standard input, returns a list of text.
read-files files... ->
  | empty? files => [ standard-input]
  | otherwise    => map, files
  where io = require 'io'

: Higher-order for processing text.
process f, text -> (lines . map f . unlines) text

: Number all output lines.
number = process (line, n) -> "{:n}. {:line}"

: Display `$` at the end of each line.
show-ends = process (line, n) -> "{:line} $"

: Display tab characters as `^I`
show-tabs text -> replace /\t/, '^I', text

main options, files... ->
  contents = read-files options, file
  print processing (reduce + contents)

  where number'    = if options.number    then number    else id
      , show-ends' = if then show-ends else id
      , show-tabs' = if then show-tabs else id
      , processing = number' . show-ends' . show-tabs'

Naval Fate

See decopt

@program naval-fate version 1.0a
: naval-fate --- Simple example of interfaces

  speed    - speed in knots.
  moored   - Moored (anchored) mine.
  drifting - Drifting mine.

@module ship
  @simple-command new name... ->
    print "Created a new ship {:name}."
  @command move {speed:10}, name, x, y ->
    print "Moved ship to {:x}, {:y}{:s}"
    where s = | speed     => " at a speed of {:speed}kn."
              | otherwise => "."
  @simple-command shoot x, y ->
    print "Shot at {:x}, {:y}"

@module mine  
  @command set {moored | drifting}, x, y ->
    print "Set {:kind} mine at {:x}, {:y}."
    where kind = | moored    => 'moored'
                 | drifting  => 'drifting'
                 | otherwise => ''
  @command remove {moored | drifting}, x, y ->
    print "Removed {:kind} mine from {:x}, {:y}."
    where kind = | moored    => 'moored'
                 | drifting  => 'drifting'
                 | otherwise => ''
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