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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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// :: String -> String
function concat(a){ return function(b){
return a + b
// :: (a -> b -> c) -> (b -> a -> c)
function flip(f){ return function(a){ return function(b) {
return f(b)(a)
// :: [[a]] -> [a]
function flatten(xss) {
return xss.reduce(function(ys, xs) {
return ys.concat(xs)
}, [])
// :: [a] -> (a -> [b]) -> [b]
function chain(xs){ return function(f) {
return flatten(
// :: [(a -> b)] -> [a] -> [b]
function ap(fs){ return function(b) {
return chain(b)(function(x) {
return {
return f(x)
var xs = [['hello', 'hi'], ['there', 'stranger']]
var greetings = xs[0].map(flip(concat(' ')) // adds a whitespace after every greeting
var what = xs[1]
ap( // transforms each greeting in a function String -> String
(what) // distributes those functions over the list of things
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