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Last active January 29, 2019 02:39
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import os
import cupy as cp
import numpy as np
class chambollepock(object):
def __init__(self):
self.proxops = proxops()
self.variables = cpk_variables()
self.applyK = cpk_applyK()
self.optimizer = cpk_optimizer(self)
self.define = cpk_define(self)
class cpk_variables(object):
def __init__(self, gpudevice=None):
self.K = []
self.Kc = []
self.pprox = None
self.dprox = []
self.shapex = None
self.shapez = []
self.tau = None = None
self.sig = []
self.isig = []
self.costfunc = None
self.maxiter = 500
self.x = None
self.z = []
self.dtype = cp.float32
self.theta = cp.array([1],dtype=self.dtype)
self.gpudevice = 14 if gpudevice is None else gpudevice
# cp.cuda.Device(self.gpudevice).use()
def reset_variables(self, first_time=True):
self.K = []
self.Kc = []
self.pprox = None
self.dprox = []
self.shapex = None
self.shapez = []
self.tau = None = None
self.sig = []
self.isig = []
self.costfunc = None
self.maxiter = 500
self.x = None
self.z = []
self.theta = cp.array([1],dtype=self.dtype)
# must call reset at optimization start
device = int(os.environ.get("CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"))
# if first_time:
def set_gpu(self,gpudevice=0):
self.gpudevice = gpudevice
print('gpudevice: ', self.gpudevice)
def check_variables(self):
if not self.K:
print('K : NOT Defined')
print('K : Defined')
if not self.Kc:
print('Kc : NOT Defined')
print('Kc : Defined')
if self.pprox is None:
print('pprox : NOT Defined')
print('pprox : Defined')
if not self.dprox:
print('dprox : NOT Defined')
print('dprox : Defined')
if self.shapex is None:
print('shapex : NOT Defined')
print('shapex : Defined')
if not self.shapez:
print('shapez : NOT Defined')
print('shapez : Defined')
if self.tau is None:
print('tau : NOT Defined')
print('tau : Defined')
if is None:
print('itau : NOT Defined')
print('itau : Defined')
if not self.sig:
print('sig : NOT Defined')
print('sig : Defined')
if not self.isig:
print('isig : NOT Defined')
print('isig : Defined')
if self.costfunc is None:
print('costfunc : NOT Defined')
print('costfunc : Defined')
print('gpu dev :', self.gpudevice)
print('maxiter :', self.maxiter)
def init_opt_variables(self):
self.z=[cp.zeros(self.shapez[ii],dtype=self.dtype) for ii in range(len(self.shapez))]
class cpk_applyK(object):
def matrix_multiply(self, A):
def buff(x):
# print('A: {}, x: {}'.format(A.dtype, x.dtype))
return buff
class cpk_define(object):
def __init__(self,parentself):
self.parent = parentself
def K_datamatrix(self,Kmat,sparsemat=False,sparsetype='csr'):
if not isinstance(Kmat,list):
Kmat = [Kmat]
#this extra loop is added so that tau and sigma are calculaed with the cpu K
#this is done because of certain instability issues on CuPy Sparse
self.parent.variables.shapex = Kmat[0].shape[1]
for ii in range(len(Kmat)):
itau += np.array(np.sum(np.abs(Kmat[ii]),axis=0)).reshape(-1)
sig.append(np.divide(1, isig[ii], where=(np.array(isig[ii]) != 0)).reshape(-1))
self.parent.variables.tau = cp.array(np.divide(1,itau,where=(np.array(itau) != 0)).reshape(-1))
for ii in range(len(Kmat)):
# if self.parent.variables.shapex is None:
# self.parent.variables.shapex = Kmat[ii].shape[1]
# if is None:
# = cp.zeros(Kmat[ii].shape[1],dtype=self.parent.variables.dtype)
# self.parent.variables.shapez.append(Kmat[ii].shape[0])
if sparsemat:
if sparsetype is 'coo':
K_gpu = cp.sparse.coo_matrix(Kmat[ii],dtype=self.parent.variables.dtype)
elif sparsetype is 'csc':
K_gpu = cp.sparse.csc_matrix(Kmat[ii],dtype=self.parent.variables.dtype)
elif sparsetype is 'csr':
K_gpu = cp.sparse.csr_matrix(Kmat[ii],dtype=self.parent.variables.dtype)
print('invalid sparse type designation. defaulting to csr.')
K_gpu = cp.sparse.csr_matrix(Kmat[ii],dtype=self.parent.variables.dtype)
K_gpu = cp.array(Kmat[ii],dtype=self.parent.variables.dtype)
# if sparsemat:
# if sparsetype is 'coo':
# self.parent.variables.Kc.append(self.parent.applyK.matrix_multiply(K_gpu.transpose()))
# elif sparsetype is 'csc':
# self.parent.variables.Kc.append(self.parent.applyK.matrix_multiply(K_gpu.transpose().tocsc()))
# else:
# self.parent.variables.Kc.append(self.parent.applyK.matrix_multiply(K_gpu.transpose().tocsr()))
# else:
# self.parent.variables.Kc.append(self.parent.applyK.matrix_multiply(K_gpu.transpose()))
#Rewritten this way because of instability issues in CuPy Sparse. Doubles RAM.
if sparsemat:
if sparsetype is 'coo':
K_gpu_t = cp.sparse.coo_matrix(Kmat[ii].transpose(), dtype=self.parent.variables.dtype)
elif sparsetype is 'csc':
K_gpu_t = cp.sparse.csc_matrix(Kmat[ii].transpose(), dtype=self.parent.variables.dtype)
print('len KMat: {} Kmat[ii]: {} len(Kmat[ii]: {})'
.format(len(Kmat), Kmat[ii].shape, Kmat[ii].shape))
K_gpu_t = cp.sparse.csr_matrix(Kmat[ii].transpose(), dtype=self.parent.variables.dtype)
# += abs(K_gpu).sum(axis=0).reshape(-1)
# self.parent.variables.isig.append(abs(K_gpu).sum(axis=1).reshape(-1))
# self.parent.variables.sig.append(cp.divide(1, self.parent.variables.isig[-1]).reshape(-1))
# self.parent.variables.sig[-1][cp.nonzero(cp.isinf(self.parent.variables.sig[-1]))] = 0
# self.parent.variables.tau = cp.divide(1,
# self.parent.variables.tau[cp.nonzero(cp.isinf(self.parent.variables.tau))] = 0
def K(self):
def dualprox(self,operation=None,b=None,w=None,mode='append'):
if (mode != 'append') and (mode != 'overwrite'):
print('invalid argument! mode can either be set as "append" or "overwrite')
elif mode == 'overwrite':
self.parent.variables.dprox = []
if not isinstance(operation,list):
operation = [operation]
if b is None:
b = [None] * len(operation)
if w is None:
w = [None] * len(operation)
for ii in range(len(operation)):
if isinstance(operation[ii], str):
if operation[ii] in self.parent.proxops.avail_ops:
print('Built-in operation does not exist. Existing built-in operations are:')
elif callable(operation[ii]):
print('Input operation not a string or function. Skipping ' + ii + 'th item.')
def primalprox(self,operation=None,b=None,w=None):
if not isinstance(operation,list):
operation = [operation]
if self.parent.variables.pprox is not None:
print('Warning! Primal prox operator was already defined. Overwriting with new prox operator.')
if b is None:
b = [None] * len(operation)
if w is None:
w = [None] * len(operation)
if not isinstance(b,list):
b = [b]
if not isinstance(w,list):
w = [w]
for ii in range(len(operation)):
if isinstance(operation[ii], str):
if operation[ii] in self.parent.proxops.avail_ops:
print('Built-in operation dose not exist. Existing built-in operations are:')
elif callable(operation[ii]):
print('Input operation not a string or function. Setting primal prox operator to None.')
self.parent.variables.pprox = None
class cpk_optimizer(object):
def __init__(self,parentself):
self.parent = parentself
def lazy_cpk(self,continue_opt=False):
# initialize primal and dual variables
if (not continue_opt) or (self.parent.variables.x is None) or (not self.parent.variables.z):
self.parent.variables.x = cp.zeros(self.parent.variables.shapex,dtype=self.parent.variables.dtype)
self.parent.variables.z = [cp.zeros(self.parent.variables.shapez[ii],dtype=self.parent.variables.dtype) for ii in range(len(self.parent.variables.shapez))]
xp = cp.zeros_like(self.parent.variables.x,dtype=self.parent.variables.dtype)
xhat = cp.zeros_like(self.parent.variables.x,dtype=self.parent.variables.dtype)
buffx = cp.zeros_like(self.parent.variables.x,dtype=self.parent.variables.dtype)
# initalize cost vector (just keeping track)
if self.parent.variables.costfunc is not None:
cost = cp.zeros(self.parent.variables.maxiter,dtype=self.parent.variables.dtype)
cost = None
# run algorithm
for ii in range(self.parent.variables.maxiter):
# update x
for jj in range(len(self.parent.variables.z)):
buffx += self.parent.variables.Kc[jj](self.parent.variables.z[jj])
xp[:] = self.parent.variables.pprox(self.parent.variables.x - cp.multiply(self.parent.variables.tau, buffx), self.parent.variables.tau)
# overshoot x
xhat[:] = xp + self.parent.variables.theta * (xp - self.parent.variables.x)
# update z
for jj in range(len(self.parent.variables.z)):
self.parent.variables.z[jj][:] = self.parent.variables.dprox[jj](self.parent.variables.z[jj] + cp.multiply(self.parent.variables.sig[jj], self.parent.variables.K[jj](xhat)), self.parent.variables.sig[jj])
# overwrite last iteration x
self.parent.variables.x[:] = xp
if self.parent.variables.costfunc is not None:
cost[ii] = self.parent.variables.costfunc(self.parent.variables.K,self.parent.variables.x)
cost = cp.asnumpy(cost)
return (self.parent.variables.x,cost)
class proxops(object):
def __init__(self):
self.avail_ops = ['l2s','l2sp','l2sm',
def get_operation(self,str_op,b=None,w=None):
if (str_op=='l2s'):
return self.prox_l2s(b=b,w=w)
if (str_op=='l2sp'):
return self.prox_l2sp(b=b,w=w)
if (str_op=='l2sm'):
return self.prox_l2sm(b=b,w=w)
if (str_op=='cc_l2s'):
return self.prox_cc_l2s(b=b,w=w)
if (str_op=='cc_l2sp'):
return self.prox_cc_l2sp(b=b,w=w)
if (str_op=='cc_l2sm'):
return self.prox_cc_l2sm(b=b,w=w)
if (str_op=='l1'):
return self.prox_l1(b=b,w=w)
if (str_op=='l1p'):
return self.prox_l1p(b=b,w=w)
if (str_op=='l1m'):
return self.prox_l1m(b=b,w=w)
if (str_op=='cc_l1'):
return self.prox_cc_l1(b=b,w=w)
if (str_op=='cc_l1p'):
return self.prox_cc_l1p(b=b,w=w)
if (str_op=='cc_l1m'):
return self.prox_cc_l1m(b=b,w=w)
def moreau_decomposition(self,prox_operation=None):
def buff(x,t):
return x - cp.multiply(t,prox_operation(cp.divide(x,t),cp.divide(1,t)))
return buff
def prox_l2s(self,b=None,w=None):
if (b is not None) and (w is not None):
# print('Using assigned b and w')
def buff(x,t):
return cp.divide(x + w*cp.multiply(t,b),1+w*t)
return buff
elif (b is not None) and (w is None):
# print('Using assigned b. Defaulting w = 1')
def buff(x,t):
return cp.divide(x + cp.multiply(t,b),1+t)
return buff
elif (b is None) and (w is not None):
# print('Using assigned w. Defaulting b = 0')
def buff(x,t):
return cp.divide(x,1+w*t)
return buff
# print('Defaulting b = 0 and w = 1')
def buff(x, t):
return cp.divide(x,1+t)
return buff
def prox_l2sp(self,b=None,w=None):
if (b is not None) and (w is not None):
# print('Using assigned b and w')
def buff(x,t):
return cp.minimum(x, cp.divide(x + w*cp.multiply(t,b),1+w*t))
return buff
elif (b is not None) and (w is None):
# print('Using assigned b. Defaulting w = 1')
def buff(x,t):
return cp.minimum(x, cp.divide(x + cp.multiply(t,b),1+t))
return buff
elif (b is None) and (w is not None):
# print('Using assigned w. Defaulting b = 0')
def buff(x,t):
return cp.minimum(x, cp.divide(x,1+w*t))
return buff
# print('Defaulting b = 0 and w = 1')
def buff(x, t):
return cp.minimum(x, cp.divide(x,1+t))
return buff
def prox_l2sm(self,b=None,w=None):
if (b is not None) and (w is not None):
# print('Using assigned b and w')
def buff(x,t):
return cp.maximum(x, cp.divide(x + w*cp.multiply(t,b),1+w*t))
return buff
elif (b is not None) and (w is None):
# print('Using assigned b. Defaulting w = 1')
def buff(x,t):
return cp.maximum(x, cp.divide(x + cp.multiply(t,b),1+t))
return buff
elif (b is None) and (w is not None):
# print('Using assigned w. Defaulting b = 0')
def buff(x,t):
return cp.maximum(x, cp.divide(x,1+w*t))
return buff
# print('Defaulting b = 0 and w = 1')
def buff(x, t):
return cp.maximum(x, cp.divide(x,1+t))
return buff
def prox_cc_l2s(self,b=None,w=None):
if (b is not None) and (w is not None):
# print('Using assigned b and w')
def buff(x,t):
return w*cp.divide(x - cp.multiply(t,b),w+t)
return buff
elif (b is not None) and (w is None):
# print('Using assigned b. Defaulting w = 1')
def buff(x,t):
return cp.divide(x - cp.multiply(t, b),1+t)
return buff
elif (b is None) and (w is not None):
# print('Using assigned w. Defaulting b = 0')
def buff(x,t):
return w * cp.divide(x, w + t)
return buff
# print('Defaulting b = 0 and w = 1')
def buff(x, t):
return cp.divide(x, 1 + t)
return buff
def prox_cc_l2sp(self,b=None,w=None):
if (b is not None) and (w is not None):
# print('Using assigned b and w')
def buff(x,t):
return cp.maximum(0, w*cp.divide(x - cp.multiply(t,b),w+t))
return buff
elif (b is not None) and (w is None):
# print('Using assigned b. Defaulting w = 1')
def buff(x,t):
return cp.maximum(0, cp.divide(x - cp.multiply(t, b),1+t))
return buff
elif (b is None) and (w is not None):
# print('Using assigned w. Defaulting b = 0')
def buff(x,t):
return cp.maximum(0, w*cp.divide(x,w+t))
return buff
# print('Defaulting b = 0 and w = 1')
def buff(x, t):
return cp.maximum(0, cp.divide(x,1+t))
return buff
def prox_cc_l2sm(self,b=None,w=None):
if (b is not None) and (w is not None):
# print('Using assigned b and w')
def buff(x,t):
return cp.minimum(0, w*cp.divide(x - cp.multiply(t,b),w+t))
return buff
elif (b is not None) and (w is None):
# print('Using assigned b. Defaulting w = 1')
def buff(x,t):
return cp.minimum(0, cp.divide(x - cp.multiply(t, b),1+t))
return buff
elif (b is None) and (w is not None):
# print('Using assigned w. Defaulting b = 0')
def buff(x,t):
return cp.minimum(0, w*cp.divide(x,w+t))
return buff
# print('Defaulting b = 0 and w = 1')
def buff(x, t):
return cp.minimum(0, cp.divide(x,1+t))
return buff
def prox_l1(self,b=None,w=None):
if (b is not None) and (w is not None):
# print('Using assigned b and w')
def buff(x,t):
return x - cp.minimum(w*t,cp.maximum(-w*t,x-b))
return buff
elif (b is not None) and (w is None):
print('Using assigned b. Defaulting w = 1')
def buff(x,t):
return x - cp.minimum(t,cp.maximum(-t,x-b))
return buff
elif (b is None) and (w is not None):
print('Using assigned w. Defaulting b = 0')
def buff(x,t):
return x - cp.minimum(w*t,cp.maximum(-w*t,x))
return buff
print('Defaulting b = 0 and w = 1')
def buff(x, t):
return x - cp.minimum(t,cp.maximum(-t,x))
return buff
def prox_l1p(self,b=None,w=None):
if (b is not None) and (w is not None):
print('Using assigned b and w')
def buff(x,t):
return x - cp.minimum(w*t,cp.maximum(0,x-b))
return buff
elif (b is not None) and (w is None):
print('Using assigned b. Defaulting w = 1')
def buff(x,t):
return x - cp.minimum(t,cp.maximum(0,x-b))
return buff
elif (b is None) and (w is not None):
print('Using assigned w. Defaulting b = 0')
def buff(x,t):
return x - cp.minimum(w*t,cp.maximum(0,x))
return buff
print('Defaulting b = 0 and w = 1')
def buff(x, t):
return x - cp.minimum(t,cp.maximum(0,x))
return buff
def prox_l1m(self,b=None,w=None):
if (b is not None) and (w is not None):
print('Using assigned b and w')
def buff(x,t):
return x - cp.minimum(0,cp.maximum(-w*t,x-b))
return buff
elif (b is not None) and (w is None):
print('Using assigned b. Defaulting w = 1')
def buff(x,t):
return x - cp.minimum(0,cp.maximum(-t,x-b))
return buff
elif (b is None) and (w is not None):
print('Using assigned w. Defaulting b = 0')
def buff(x,t):
return x - cp.minimum(0,cp.maximum(-w*t,x))
return buff
print('Defaulting b = 0 and w = 1')
def buff(x, t):
return x - cp.minimum(0,cp.maximum(-t,x))
return buff
def prox_cc_l1(self,b=None,w=None):
if (b is not None) and (w is not None):
print('Using assigned b and w')
def buff(x,t):
return cp.minimum(w,cp.maximum(-w,x-cp.multiply(t,b)))
return buff
elif (b is not None) and (w is None):
print('Using assigned b. Defaulting w = 1')
def buff(x,t):
return cp.minimum(1,cp.maximum(-1,x-cp.multiply(t,b)))
return buff
elif (b is None) and (w is not None):
print('Using assigned w. Defaulting b = 0')
def buff(x,t):
return cp.minimum(w,cp.maximum(-w,x))
return buff
print('Defaulting b = 0 and w = 1')
def buff(x,t):
return cp.minimum(1,cp.maximum(-1,x))
return buff
def prox_cc_l1p(self,b=None,w=None):
if (b is not None) and (w is not None):
print('Using assigned b and w')
def buff(x,t):
return cp.minimum(w,cp.maximum(0,x-cp.multiply(t,b)))
return buff
elif (b is not None) and (w is None):
print('Using assigned b. Defaulting w = 1')
def buff(x,t):
return cp.minimum(1,cp.maximum(0,x-cp.multiply(t,b)))
return buff
elif (b is None) and (w is not None):
print('Using assigned w. Defaulting b = 0')
def buff(x,t):
return cp.minimum(w,cp.maximum(0,x))
return buff
print('Defaulting b = 0 and w = 1')
def buff(x,t):
return cp.minimum(1,cp.maximum(0,x))
return buff
def prox_cc_l1m(self,b=None,w=None):
if (b is not None) and (w is not None):
print('Using assigned b and w')
def buff(x,t):
return cp.minimum(0,cp.maximum(-w,x-cp.multiply(t,b)))
return buff
elif (b is not None) and (w is None):
print('Using assigned b. Defaulting w = 1')
def buff(x,t):
return cp.minimum(0,cp.maximum(-1,x-cp.multiply(t,b)))
return buff
elif (b is None) and (w is not None):
print('Using assigned w. Defaulting b = 0')
def buff(x,t):
return cp.minimum(0,cp.maximum(-w,x))
return buff
print('Defaulting b = 0 and w = 1')
def buff(x,t):
return cp.minimum(0,cp.maximum(-1,x))
return buff
def prox_l0(self):
def prox_lhalf(self):
def prox_I_lb_ub(self,lb=None,ub=None):
if (lb is not None) and (ub is not None):
def buff(x,t):
return cp.minimum(ub,cp.maximum(lb,x))
return buff
elif (lb is not None) and (ub is None):
def buff(x,t):
return cp.maximum(lb,x)
return buff
elif (lb is None) and (ub is not None):
def buff(x,t):
return cp.minimum(ub,x)
return buff
def buff(x,t):
return x
return buff
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