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Created March 21, 2012 02:00
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Example of using Duplicity in Ubuntu
#1 Install it (example of linking to RackSpace Cloud), ubuntu example
apt-get install duplicity
apt-get install python-setuptools
git clone git://
python install
#2 Create a simple shell script (put this in a shell script)
# no encryption, 100mb file, retry volume sync 5 times just in case of timeouts (it's the cloud after all)
duplicity --no-encryption --volsize 100 --num-retries=5 /var/www/dir cf+http://bucket_name
# cron it up (example runs at 10:02 am and 11:02 pm
root@domU-12-51-39-10-2C-91:~/backup/scripts/production# crontab -l
# m h dom mon dow command
2 10,23 * * * cd /root/backup/scripts/production && zsh
#3 Make sure it's working damn it!
duplicity collection-status cf+http://bucket_name
# or list files...
duplicity list-current-file cf+http://bucket_name
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