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Last active March 11, 2018 03:37
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Deriving a nonrecursive base functor from a recursive datatype using GHC.Generics
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes, DataKinds, DefaultSignatures, DeriveAnyClass, DeriveFunctor, DeriveGeneric, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeApplications, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators #-}
module Rollable where
import Data.Functor.Foldable
import GHC.Generics
data Tree = Empty | Node Tree Int Tree
deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Rollable, Show)
depth :: Tree -> Int
depth = cata (\ node -> case node of
L1 _ -> 0
R1 (Par1 l :*: (_ :*: Par1 r)) -> 1 + (l `max` r))
type instance Base Tree = Unrolled Tree
instance Recursive Tree where project = unroll
instance Corecursive Tree where embed = roll
-- | Given some datatype @t@ isomorphic to @µF@, derive the functor @F@.
class Rollable t where
type Unrolled t :: * -> *
type Unrolled t = GUnrolled (EqK t (Rep t)) t (Rep t)
unroll :: t -> Unrolled t t
roll :: Unrolled t t -> t
default unroll :: forall eq . (Generic t, eq ~ EqK t (Rep t), GRollable eq t (Rep t), Unrolled t ~ GUnrolled eq t (Rep t))
=> t -> Unrolled t t
default roll :: forall eq . (Generic t, eq ~ EqK t (Rep t), GRollable eq t (Rep t), Unrolled t ~ GUnrolled eq t (Rep t))
=> Unrolled t t -> t
unroll = gunroll @eq @t @(Rep t) . from
roll = to . groll @eq @t @(Rep t)
class GRollable (eq :: Bool) t (rep :: * -> *) where
type GUnrolled eq t  rep :: * -> *
gunroll :: rep t -> GUnrolled eq t rep t
groll :: GUnrolled eq t rep t -> rep t
instance ( eqF ~ EqK t f
, GRollable eqF t f
=> GRollable 'False t (M1 i c f) where
type GUnrolled 'False t (M1 i c f) = GUnrolled (EqK t f) t f
gunroll = gunroll @eqF @t @f . unM1
groll = M1 . groll @eqF @t @f
instance ( eqL ~ EqK t l
, eqR ~ EqK t r
, GRollable eqL t l
, GRollable eqR t r
=> GRollable 'False t (l :*: r) where
type GUnrolled 'False t (l :*: r)
= ( GUnrolled (EqK t l) t l
:*: GUnrolled (EqK t r) t r )
gunroll = gunroll @eqL @t @l **** gunroll @eqR @t @r
groll = groll @eqL @t @l **** groll @eqR @t @r
instance ( eqL ~ EqK t l
, eqR ~ EqK t r
, GRollable eqL t l
, GRollable eqR t r
=> GRollable 'False t (l :+: r) where
type GUnrolled 'False t (l :+: r)
= ( GUnrolled (EqK t l) t l
:+: GUnrolled (EqK t r) t r)
gunroll = gunroll @eqL @t @l ++++ gunroll @eqR @t @r
groll = groll @eqL @t @l ++++ groll @eqR @t @r
instance GRollable 'True t (K1 i t) where
type GUnrolled 'True t (K1 i t) = Par1
gunroll = coerce
groll = coerce
instance GRollable 'False t (K1 i k) where
type GUnrolled 'False t (K1 i k) = K1 i k
gunroll = coerce
groll = coerce
instance GRollable 'False t U1 where
type GUnrolled 'False t U1 = U1
gunroll = coerce
groll = coerce
type family EqK a (b :: * -> *) :: Bool where
EqK t (K1 i t) = 'True
EqK t _ = 'False
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