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Last active March 2, 2017 17:57
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SES (shortest edit script) implemented as a dynamorphism
dyna :: Functor f => (f (Cofree f a) -> a) -> (c -> f c) -> c -> a
dyna a c = extract . h
where h = cofree . uncurry (:<) . (a &&& identity) . fmap h . c
ses :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [These a a]
ses as bs = dyna (selectBest . edges (length as)) (editGraph as) (as, bs)
-- | A vertex in the edit graph.
data Vertex a x = Vertex { xs :: [a], ys :: [a], next :: Maybe x }
deriving (Eq, Functor, Show)
data Edges a x
= XY a a x x x
| X a x
| Y a x
deriving (Eq, Functor, Show)
-- | Populate the edit graph in row-major order.
editGraph :: [a] -> ([a], [a]) -> Vertex a ([a], [a])
editGraph cs (xs, ys) = case (xs, ys) of
([], []) -> Vertex [] [] Nothing
([], b:bs) -> Vertex [] (b:bs) (Just (cs, bs))
(a:as, bs) -> Vertex (a:as) bs (Just (as, bs))
-- | Compute the available edges for a given vertex.
edges :: Int -> Vertex a (Cofree (Vertex a) x) -> Maybe (Edges a x)
edges n vertex = case vertex of
Vertex _ _ Nothing -> Nothing
Vertex xs ys (Just v)
| a:_ <- xs
, b:_ <- ys -> Just (XY a b (x v) (y v) (xy v))
| a:_ <- xs -> Just (X a (x v))
| b:_ <- ys -> Just (Y b (y v))
| otherwise -> Nothing
where x = extract
y = extract . at n
xy = extract . at (n + 1)
-- | Construct the edit script from the available edges.
selectBest :: Eq a => Maybe (Edges a [These a a]) -> [These a a]
selectBest Nothing = []
selectBest (Just edges) = case edges of
XY a b x1 x2 x3
| a == b -> These a b : x3
| editDistance x1 < editDistance x2 -> This a  : x1
| otherwise -> That b : x2
X a x1 -> This a : x1
Y b x2 -> That b : x2
where editDistance = sum . fmap (these (const 1) (const 1) (const (const (0 :: Int))))
at :: Int -> Cofree (Vertex a) x -> Cofree (Vertex a) x
at n x = iterate at' x !! n
where at' x = case unwrap x of
Vertex _ _ (Just x') -> x'
_ -> x -- wtf
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