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Created May 17, 2020 05:52
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WebXR Typescript types
// XR types
type EventHandler = (event: Event) => any;
export type XRSessionMode = 'immersive-vr' | 'inline' | 'immersive-ar';
export interface XRSystem {
isSessionSupported: (sessionMode: XRSessionMode) => Promise<boolean>,
requestSession: (sessionMode: XRSessionMode, sessionInit?: any) => Promise<XRSession>,
export interface XRViewport {
readonly height: number;
readonly width: number;
readonly x: number;
readonly y: number;
export interface XRWebGLLayer {
readonly antialias: boolean;
readonly framebuffer: WebGLFramebuffer;
readonly frameBufferWidth: number;
readonly frameBufferHeight: number;
readonly ignoreDepthValues: boolean;
getViewport: (view: XRView) => XRViewport;
export interface XRSpace extends EventTarget { }
export interface XRRenderState {
readonly baseLayer: XRWebGLLayer;
readonly depthFar: number;
readonly depthNear: number;
readonly inlineVerticalFieldOfView: number;
export interface XRReferenceSpace extends XRSpace {
onreset: EventHandler;
// [NewObject] XRReferenceSpace
getOffsetReferenceSpace: (originOffset: XRRigidTransform) => XRReferenceSpace
export interface XRBoundedReferenceSpace extends XRSpace { }
export interface XRInputSource {
// A DOMString indicating the methodology used to
// produce the target ray: gaze, tracked-pointer, or screen.
readonly targetRayMode: "gaze" | "tracked-pointer" | "screen";
// tracks the pose which is used to render objects which should
// appear as if they're held in the hand indicated by handedness.
// The orientation of this space indicates the angle at which the hand
// is gripping the object.
readonly gripSpace: XRSpace;
readonly targetRaySpace: XRSpace;
readonly handedness: "left" | "right" | "none";
readonly profiles: string;
export interface XRPose {
readonly transform: XRRigidTransform;
readonly emulatedPosition: boolean;
export interface XRFrame {
readonly session: XRSession;
getPose: (space: XRSpace, baseSpace: XRSpace) => XRPose,
getViewerPose: (referenceSpace: XRReferenceSpace) => XRViewerPose,
export interface XRInputSourceEvent extends Event {
readonly frame: XRFrame;
readonly inputSource: XRInputSource;
export type XRInputSourceArray = Array<XRInputSource>;
export interface XRSession extends EventTarget {
// Returns this session's blend mode which denotes how much of the real-world
// environment is visible through the XR device
readonly environmentBlendMode: "opaque" | "additive" | "alpha-blend";
// Returns a list of this session's XRInputSources, each representing an input device
// used to control the camera and/or scene.
readonly inputSources: XRInputSourceArray;
// object which contains options affecting how the imagery is rendered.
// This includes things such as the near and far clipping planes
readonly renderState: XRRenderState;
readonly visibilityState: "hidden" | "visible" | "visible-blurred"
// Removes a callback from the animation frame painting callback from
// XRSession's set of animation frame rendering callbacks, given the
// identifying handle returned by a previous call to requestAnimationFrame().
cancelAnimationFrame: Function;
// Ends the WebXR session. Returns a promise which resolves when the
// session has been shut down.
end: Function;
// Schedules the specified method to be called the next time the user agent
// is working on rendering an animation frame for the WebXR device. Returns an
// integer value which can be used to identify the request for the purposes of
// canceling the callback using cancelAnimationFrame(). This method is comparable
// to the Window.requestAnimationFrame() method.
requestAnimationFrame: Function;
// Requests that a new XRReferenceSpace of the specified type be created.
// Returns a promise which resolves with the XRReferenceSpace or
// XRBoundedReferenceSpace which was requested, or throws a NotSupportedError if
// the requested space type isn't supported by the device.
requestReferenceSpace: (
s: 'bounded-floor' | 'local' | 'local-floor' | 'unbounded' | 'viewer'
) => Promise<XRReferenceSpace | XRBoundedReferenceSpace>;
updateRenderState: Function;
export interface XRViewerPose {
readonly views: XRView[];
export interface XRDomPoint {
readonly x: number;
readonly y: number;
readonly z: number;
readonly w: number;
export interface XRRigidTransform {
// constructor(position?: DOMPointInit, orientation?: DOMPointInit);
readonly matrix: Float32Array;
readonly orientation: XRDomPoint;
readonly position: XRDomPoint;
readonly inverse: XRRigidTransform;
export interface XRViewPort {
readonly height: number;
readonly width: number;
readonly x: number;
readonly y: number;
export interface XRView {
device: any;
readonly eye: "right" | "left";
sessionId: number;
readonly transform: XRRigidTransform;
readonly projectionMatrix: Float32Array;
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robrohan commented Apr 30, 2021

Not sure what you're facing, but maybe this post will help: I'd use the types in DefinitelyTyped as they are more up to date.

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