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Created March 18, 2020 00:17
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from requests import get
from lxml import html, etree
import camelot
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
url = ''
response = get(url)
file = response.content
#with open(r'/Users/robsalasco/Downloads/covid.html', "r") as f:
# file =
source_code = html.fromstring(file)
tree = source_code.xpath('//*[@id="main"]/div[2]/div[5]/div/table[1]')[0]
info = [[row.xpath(".//td/text()")[0], row.xpath(".//td/a/@href")[0]] for row in tree.xpath(".//tr")[1:]]
tables = camelot.read_pdf(info[0][1])
#tables = camelot.read_pdf("/Users/robsalasco/Downloads/2020-03-17-Casos-confirmados.pdf")
tablespd = tables[0].df
for x in [0,1,4]:
tablespd[x][tablespd[x]==""] = None
tablespd[x] = tablespd[x].fillna(method='ffill')
tablespd[x] = tablespd[x].str.replace(r'\n', ' ').str.replace(r' ', ' ')
#for x in [2,3,4]:
# tablespd[x][tablespd[x]=="—"] = None
tablespd.columns = tablespd.iloc[1]
tablespd.drop(tablespd.index[:2 ], inplace=True)
tablespd = tablespd.reset_index()
tablespd['Región'].replace("Metropolitan a", "Metropolitana", inplace=True)
#fix1 = tablespd[tablespd['Edad'].str.contains('\n', na=False)]['Centro de salud'].to_list()
#fix2 = tablespd[tablespd['Edad'].str.contains('\n', na=False)]['Región'].to_list()
#fix3 = tablespd[tablespd['Edad'].str.contains('\n', na=False)]['Casos confirmados'].to_list()
#var1 = tablespd[tablespd['Sexo'].str.contains('\n', na=False)].Sexo.str.split('\n').to_list()[0]
#var2 = tablespd[tablespd['Edad'].str.contains('\n', na=False)].Edad.str.split('\n').to_list()[0]
#fixedRows = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(fix2 * len(var2),fix3 * len(var2),var1,var2,fix1 * len(var1))),
# columns=['Región','Casos confirmados','Sexo','Edad','Centro de salud'])
#tablespd.drop(tablespd[tablespd['Edad'].str.contains('\n', na=False)].index, inplace=True)
#tablespd = pd.concat([tablespd,fixedRows]).reset_index().drop(['index','level_0'], axis=1)
#tablespd.columns = tablespd.iloc[1]
#tablespd.drop(tablespd.index[:2 ], inplace=True)
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
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