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Last active September 10, 2016 12:15
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Resizes and renames image files in the current directory using sips (osx). Can be rewritten to imagemagick easily to make it work on Linux too.
# Given a collection of image files, this function will resize
# the images in the current folder and saves them in the subfolder resized
# Usage: resize-images
# Note: the read command is specific for ZSH shells, for Bash, use -p param. Same for the setopt, it's shopt for bash.
## Resize and rename images in the current directory and writes them to a resized subfolder
function resize-images() {
read "filename?What would you like the filename to be started with? []: "
read "width?What max width in pixels would you like your images? [1024]: "
read "height?What max height in pixels would you like your images? [768]: "
echo "All images will be renamed to $filename-xx.jpg with a maximum resolution of $width x $height pixels."
mkdir -p resized
# start renaming and resizing the images
total=$(find . -type f \( -name "*.jpg" -or -name "*.jpeg" -or -name "*.JPG" -or -name "*.JPEG" \) -maxdepth 1 | wc -l | sed 's/ //g')
# shopt in bash
setopt nullglob nocaseglob
for file in *.jpg *.jpeg
# rename
new=$(printf "${filename}_%03d.jpg" $count)
echo "($count/$total) Processing $file and renaming to $new..."
cp $file $new
# resize and move
sips --resampleHeightWidth $height $width --setProperty formatOptions 80 $new --out resized/
# remove temp file
rm $new
let count=count+1
# open the directory in Finder
open resized/
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