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Last active October 21, 2015 20:26
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Thingspeak upload with python
#!/usr/bin/env python
# dependency: installed python library python-psutil
# dependency: a library file containing the thingspeak api keys
# '' containing eg:
# ======================================================================
import sys
import subprocess as sp
import psutil
import os
import re
# append the relative location to import local modules from
# import my local modules
import thingspeak_keys
import thingspeak
# thingspeak api key & data dictionary
TS_KEY = thingspeak_keys.RASPBERRY_PI2
thingspeak_data = {}
# ======================================================================
TEMP_CMD = [ '/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd', 'measure_temp' ]
BOOT = '/boot'
ROOT = '/'
MEM_CMD = [ 'free', '-m' ]
# ======================================================================
def get_output(cmd):
Runs a subprocess command to check its output
Returns a byte, therefore needs to be converted to string
and removal of the trailing '\n'
output = sp.check_output(cmd)
output = output.decode(encoding='UTF-8') # convert byte to string
return output.strip()
def clean_temp(temp_string):
Extracts the temperature value from the string "temp=47.1'C"\Atemp%3D%28\d%2B\.\d%2B%29%27C%24&test_string=temp%3D47.1%27C&ignorecase=0&multiline=0&dotall=0&verbose=0
tmpval = re.match(r"\Atemp=(\d+\.\d+)'C$", temp_string)
def get_temp():
This method returns the HD temp
via the command `/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp`
Returns a float
tempval = get_output(TEMP_CMD)
return clean_temp(tempval)
def get_drive_used(path):
Method uses the psutil module to determine the usage stats
psutil.disk_usage('/') returns a psutil object as follows
>>> sdiskusage(total=7762042880, used=2968965120, free=4380626944, percent=38.2)
Specifically return the percentage used value.
Returns a float
return psutil.disk_usage(path).percent
def get_5min_load_avg():
Gets the 5 minute load average from the os module
A tuple is returned with the 3 values
(one, five, fifteen) = os.getloadavg()
return five
def get_mem_percent():
Method uses the psutil module to determine the memory stats
psutil.disk_usage('/') returns a psutil object as follows
>>> svmem(total=2649165824, available=1928642560, percent=27.2, used=2007678976, free=641486848, active=975646720, inactive=912330752, buffers=86536192, cached=1200619520)
Specifically return the percentage used value.
That is, the percentage usage calculated as (total - available) / total * 100.
Returns a float
return psutil.virtual_memory().percent
# ======================================================================
print(":: Raspi stats......")
# ======================================================================
# field1: read the raspi temp
temp = get_temp()
print("Raspi temperature is: {0}'C".format(temp))
# ======================================================================
# field2: read the used % of /boot
boot = get_drive_used(BOOT)
print("Raspi boot drive usage percentage is: {0}%".format(boot))
# ======================================================================
# field3: read the used % of / drive => root
root = get_drive_used(ROOT)
print("Raspi root drive usage percentage is: {0}%".format(root))
# ======================================================================
# field4: read the 5 min load average => load
load = get_5min_load_avg()
print("Raspi 5 min load avg is: {0}%".format(load))
# ======================================================================
# field5: read the memory in use => mem
# mem = get_mem()
mem = get_mem_percent()
print("Raspi percentage memory used is: {0}%".format(mem))
# ======================================================================
# field6:
# ======================================================================
# field7:
# ======================================================================
# field8:
# ======================================================================
# populate the thingspeak content dictionary
thingspeak_data['field1'] = temp
thingspeak_data['field2'] = boot
thingspeak_data['field3'] = root
thingspeak_data['field4'] = load
thingspeak_data['field5'] = mem
# thingspeak_data['field6'] =
# thingspeak_data['field7'] =
# thingspeak_data['field8'] =
# ======================================================================
# POST to thingspeak
print(":: Thinkspeak POST:"), thingspeak_data)
# this is the library file that is imported by another python script
# depends upon the python library 'requests'
# see '' for example invocation
import requests
# method to post to thingspeak
def post(key, content):
# create a dictionary with the api key
key = {'api_key': key}
# add the content to be posted to the dictionary
payload = dict(key, **content)
# post to thingspeak, using the params in the dictionary
r =, params=payload)
# get the response code
print("Thingspeak POST response:", r.status_code)
# get the channel entry number
print("Thingspeak channel entry:", int(r.content))
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