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Created September 12, 2017 19:05
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from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, unicode_literals
from Queue import Empty
except ImportError:
from queue import Empty
from multiprocessing import Process, cpu_count, Manager
import logging
import traceback
from django import db
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.cache import caches
from elasticsearch_dsl import connections
from duluth.utility import TPTimer
loggly = logging.getLogger('loggly')
def close_service_connections():
""" Close all connections before we spawn our processes
# close db connections, they will be recreated automatically
# close ES connection, needs to be manually recreated
# close redis connections, will be recreated automatcially
for k in settings.CACHES.keys():
def recreate_service_connections():
""" All this happens automatically when django starts up, this function should only be used when writing
multithreaded script where connections need to manually opened and closed so that threads don't
reuse the same connection
# ES is the only one that needs to be recreated explicitly
connections.connections.create_connection(hosts=[settings.ELASTIC_FULL_URL], timeout=20)
def tpthreaded(some_function, catch_exceptions=True):
""" This wrapper should only be used when a function is being called in a multiprocessing context
def wrapper(queue, items):
for i in items:
rv = some_function(i)
except Exception:
rv = None
if catch_exceptions:
loggly.error("tpthreaded caught an error, continuing - %s" % traceback.format_exc())
queue.put(rv, block=False)
return wrapper
class TpProcess(object):
""" Nicely abstracts away some of the challenges when doing multiprocessing with Django
We implement this as a context manager so we dont have to worry about garbage collection calling __del__
queue = None
item_count = 1
workers = []
def __init__(self, num_workers=None, max_workers=None, debug_print=False, status_interval=20):
if num_workers is None:
# always use at least one threads and leave one cpu available for other stuff
# but 1 is the minumum
self.num_workers = cpu_count() - 1
if self.num_workers < 2:
self.num_workers = 1
if max_workers and self.num_workers > max_workers:
self.num_workers = max_workers
self.num_workers = num_workers
self.debug_print = debug_print
self.status_interval = status_interval
if debug_print:
print("Using %s workers" % self.num_workers)
def __enter__(self):
return self
def map(self, func, iterable):
self.queue = Manager().Queue()
self.item_count = len(iterable) or 1
for worker_idx in range(self.num_workers):
items = []
for idx, item in enumerate(iterable):
if idx % self.num_workers == worker_idx:
if self.debug_print:
print("Working on %s uids of %s in worker %s" % (len(items), len(iterable), worker_idx))
p = Process(target=tpthreaded(func), args=[self.queue, items])
def _wait(self):
""" Wait for all workers to finish and wakes up peridocially to print out how much work has happened
total_time = TPTimer()
while [p for p in self.workers if p.is_alive()]:
tpt = TPTimer()
for p in self.workers:
interval_secs = tpt.done() // 1000
# if we've timed out on the status interval, print it out and reset the counter
if self.debug_print and interval_secs >= self.status_interval:
tpt = TPTimer()
total_secs = total_time.done() // 1000
percent = (self.queue.qsize() * 100) // self.item_count
print("--------- {}% done ({}s elapsed) ---------".format(percent, total_secs))
def results(self):
rv = []
while True:
except Empty:
return rv
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
# recreate the connections so we can do more stuff
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