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Last active July 1, 2022 19:42
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Command Line Backups Solution
"""Backup utility
Performs a backup of files and directories given in a YAML configuration file. This is done by first putting them all in a tar archive
and then using the smbclient package to copy the file to the destination.
Run with: python3 -c /path/to/config.yaml
requires jinja2 and pyyaml """
import argparse
import os
import os.path
import subprocess
import sys
from datetime import datetime
# try the 3rd party imports
import jinja2
import yaml
except ImportError:
print("Install dependencies with 'pip3 install jinja2 pyyaml'")
# paths
DIR_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
TMP_DIR = '/tmp'
# global vars
jinja = jinja2.Environment()
class Command:
"""A system command as defined in the YAML config"""
_command = None
def __init__(self, args):
"""stores the full system command as an array of strings"""
self._command = args
def __render_template(self, t_string, jinja_vars):
template = jinja.from_string(t_string)
return template.render(jinja_vars)
def generate_command(self, jinja_vars):
"""generate the system command by rendering variables with jinja"""
result = []
# render each string in the command
for s in self._command:
result.append(self.__render_template(s, jinja_vars))
return result
def run_process(command):
Kicks off a subprocess to run the defined program
with the given arguments. Returns subprocess output.
# print(command)
# run process, pipe all output
output =, encoding="utf-8", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
return output
def run_command_hook(commands, global_config, steps):
"""go through the steps and run each successive command"""
for step in steps:
# get the command
if(step['command'] in commands):
command_obj = commands[step['command']]
o = run_process(command_obj.generate_command({"config": global_config,
"args": step['args']}))
if(o.returncode != 0):
print(f"Error executing command {step['command']}")
print(f"Exiting with error {o.stderr}")
print(f"Command {step['command']} is not defined, aborting")
def custom_yaml_loader(loader, node):
"""loads another yaml file in the same directory as this one using !include syntax"""
yaml_file = loader.construct_scalar(node)
return read_yaml(os.path.join(DIR_PATH, yaml_file))
def check_exists(p, is_dir=False):
"""check that this path exists and either is or isn't a directory"""
if(os.path.exists(p) and os.path.isdir(p) == is_dir):
return p
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f"Path '{p}' does not exist")
def check_file_exists(f):
return check_exists(f)
def check_dir_exists(d):
return check_exists(d, True)
def read_yaml(file):
result = {}
with open(file, 'r') as f:
result = yaml.safe_load(f)
except Exception:
print(f"Error parsing YAML file {file}")
return result
def write_file(file, pos):
with open(file, 'w') as f:
except Exception:
logging.error('error writing file')
def main():
# parse the command line arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Config File Backup')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', required=True, type=check_file_exists, help='path to config file')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verify', action='store_true', help='if a verification file should be left in the calling directory')
args = parser.parse_args()
print(f"Config file: {args.config}")
# add custom processor for external loading
yaml.add_constructor('!include', custom_yaml_loader, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
config_file = read_yaml(args.config)
# create some variables
archive_name = f"{config_file['archive_name']}.tar.gz"
commands = {}
global_config = {}
# load any global config variables
if('config' in config_file):
global_config = config_file['config']
# create the commands
if('commands' in config_file):
for c in config_file['commands']:
print(f"Loaded command {c}")
commands[c] = Command(config_file['commands'][c])
# check if there is a pre-backup process to run
if('pre_backup' in config_file):
print("Running pre-backup")
run_command_hook(commands, global_config, config_file['pre_backup'])
# create a tar archive of all the files
print("Running backup")
run_process(['tar', 'czf', os.path.join(TMP_DIR, archive_name)] + config_file['files'])
# check if there is a post-backup process to run
if('post_backup' in config_file):
print("Running post-backup")
run_command_hook(commands, global_config, config_file['post_backup'])
# move the file to it's destination
if(config_file['destination'] in commands):
print("Copying archive")
copy_command = commands[config_file['destination']]
# run the file copy command
o = run_process(copy_command.generate_command({"config": global_config,
"args": {"source": os.path.join(TMP_DIR, archive_name),
"destination": archive_name}}))
if(o.returncode != 0):
print("Error copying archive file")
print("Command to copy backup archive does not exist")
# remove the tmp file
os.remove(os.path.join(TMP_DIR, archive_name))
write_file(f"{os.path.join(DIR_PATH, config_file['archive_name'])}.complete", f"Complete: { }")
if __name__ == '__main__':
- "mysqldump"
- "-u"
- "{{ config.mysql_username }}"
- "-p{{ config.mysql_password }}"
- "{{ args.database }}"
- "--result-file={{ args.path }}/{{ args.database }}.sql"
- "smbclient"
- "{{ config.smb_share }}"
- "{{ config.smb_password }}"
- "-U"
- "{{ config.smb_username }}"
- "-c"
- "put {{ args.source }} {{config.smb_path}}/{{ args.destination }}"
archive_name: servername
smb_share: //path/to/share
smb_username: username
smb_password: pass
smb_path: /path/to/archive
mysql_username: username
mysql_password: pass
commands: !include backup_commands.yaml
destination: smb_copy
# do a database dump to a local directory
- command: mysql_dump
database: db_name
path: /home/user/DB_Backups/
# backup the database files
- /home/user/DB_Backups/
- /path/to/other/files
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