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Created July 16, 2011 16:24
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How to install Wordpress on OS X

How to install Wordpress on OS X

There are simpler installers (and most probably guides) that will give you wordpress functionality on os x but if you want to get your hands dirty and do it yourself then read on.

Note: Whenever there is a line that starts with a $ you have to type the command into your Terminal (Found in your Applications folder) omitting the $.


A standard OS X install contains versions of Apache and PHP but not MySQL.

Apache and PHP

Apache (your webserver) needs to understand how to handle php code /private/etc/apache2/httpd.conf you can do this using the terminal like so:

$ sudo nano /private/etc/apache2/httpd.conf 

Find the line: (ctrl+wphp5_moduleenter)

#LoadModule php5_module        libexec/apache2/

Remove the # symbol to uncomment it.

Press ctrl + o to save.

Apache needs to then be restarted to reflect these changes, open system preferences go to sharing and untick and retick web sharing.


To install visit and download either the 32 or 64bit dmg and follow the instructions choosing the defaults (leave the root password as blank).

After it's installed you will have to create a database for wordpress to use.

Log in to the mysql console:

$ mysql -u root

Create the database:

> create database wordpress;
> exit

You are now ready to install wordpress in your home directory.

Download wordpress from and unzip into Sites/wordpress

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