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Created January 12, 2014 04:05
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module.exports = function destroy (req, res) {
// Locate and validate id parameter
var id = req.param('id');
if (!id) {
return res.badRequest('No id provided.');
// Get access to sails (globals might be disabled)
var sails = req._sails;
// The name of the parameter to use for JSONP callbacks
var JSONP_CALLBACK_PARAM = 'callback';
// if req.transport is falsy or doesn't contain the phrase "socket"
// and JSONP is enabled for this action, we'll say we're "isJSONPCompatible"
var isJSONPCompatible = req.options.jsonp && ! ( req.transport && req.transport.match(/socket/i) );
// Look up the model....
var Model = sails.models[req.options.model];
// Otherwise, find and destroy the model in question
Model.findOne(id).exec(function found(err, result) {
// TODO: differentiate between waterline-originated validation errors
// and serious underlying issues
// TODO: Respond with badRequest if an error is encountered, w/ validation info
if (err) return res.serverError(err);
if (!result) return res.notFound();
Model.destroy(id).exec(function destroyed(err) {
// TODO: differentiate between waterline-originated validation errors
// and serious underlying issues
// TODO: Respond with badRequest if an error is encountered, w/ validation info
if (err) return res.serverError(err);
// If 'silent' is set, don't use the built-in pubsub
// if (!req.options.silent) {
// TODO: enable pubsub in blueprints again when new syntax if fully fleshed out
// sails.publish(newInstance, { method: 'destroy', data: newInstance.toJSON });
// }
// Respond with JSON or JSONP
if ( isJSONPCompatible ) {
return res.jsonp(result);
else {
return res.json(result);
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