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The Black Magic of Engineering Management
- Adam Christansen (Sauce Labs)
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Thursdays is no-meetings day
Manager's function is to make opportunities for people to work, not make them work.
- Seek out mentors
- Read books
- Solicit Feedback
- Count on senior team members
- Get a coach
- You will fail. Accept and move on.
Be an agent of change
Value Systems
- Provide order, cohesion
- Decision system
- let's you figure whether something/situation is okay or not
- revisit and adopt/honour it
- moment you stop honouring it, it's worse than not having one
- exist from inside out
- make sure everyone feels as though they're moving in the same direction
- allow freedom to innovate
- fun and challenging workspace
- celebrate wins!
- announce things you're deploying that you're proud of to whole company
- Breaks after big pushes
- Allow people to recover deliberately
- Tech crunch all nighters
- gets old after a while
- doesn't scale
- Priorities
- make sure everyone is clear
- Saying 'no'
- You have to have conversations about big things that come up
- Real vacations
- actually disconnect, for a significant amount of time
- real boundaries
- Cultural first, technical second
- Be creative and open minded
- quality over quantity
- slow and steady wins
- trust your gut
Org structure
- do your homework
- cross functional
- Dis-org chart
- Evolving graph, not a tree
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