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Created November 19, 2014 18:29
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Breaking news at 1000ms
- Patrick Hamann
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Brad Frost 'planting the responsive seed'
- trialed on m. subdomain
- 7-10inches
In Ocotber alone
- 7000 unique devices/combinations accessing the site
12-13s load time on old system
3.2 complete load time on new system
- Surveyed 3000 users from key demographics
- Asked about 17 KPIs
- Speed second most important (behind findable content)
Time vs user perception graph
- 10000ms to task abandonment
- 300-1000ms to perceive machine is working
Get below 14kb - within first congestion window, first RTT
Budgeting on rendering
- Created lines in the sand
- Rules that every feature must adhere to
- Create a common vocabulary to help discuss these rules
1. Core content delivered first
2. Core content within 1000s
3. Every feature must fail gracefully
4. Every request should be measured
- Isolate every part of the content delivery
- Only allow single blocking DB req for every HTTP request
- Article component protected from other loaded items
- resilient to failure
- Can always deliver core content
- Brad slide!
- Progressive enhancement is as much about resilience as it is about inclusiveness
3G connection
- 600ms on taken up by network
- Optimise your critical rendering path
- Make sure javascript is not going to alter the DOM
- CSS is only thing left as critical to rendering path
- Get the CSS down as soon as possible
- It *is* the critical path
- What's the smallest amount you can get down
- Inline it
- Put in the head of the page
loadCssWithAjax() at foot of the document
- then inline the response into the document
- Don't do this if the browser is not modern
- cache the css files in localStorage
- key stored as an md5 hash of the file, if doesn't match, reset key
- maintain different head files for different parts of the site
- Push cached css into a cookie
- gu doesn't do this because they want to maintain a stateless domain
- don't want complexity or cache fragmentation
- server push
Font rendering
- Fonts are the guardian brand
- Guardian Egyptian
- Progressive enhancement is a universal smart default
- Base64 encode the string
- adds 5 fonts into single hop request
- grunt/webfontjson
- Shouldn't be doing this!
- should be in the http cache
Coming up...
- Font load events (font load event API)
Service Worker
Measuring requests
- Audit your inline head files
- See cloudwatch
- sends emails when inline css goes above 14kb budget
RUM (real user metrics)
- Realtime checks
- Ophan
- Started playing with WOFF2 (decrease font size by 40%)
- Use speedcurve
- synthetic analysis
- email changes to primary stakeholders
- the more metrics of your performance you can expose to your business the better this will be
- Resource timing (W3C spec)
- keep track of 3rd party
- Beacon API (W3C spec)
- Allow the browser to choose when to send beacons
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