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Created January 16, 2017 15:59
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import numpy as np
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk import pos_tag
def pick_syl(target):
si = 0
choices = list()
while si != target:
if target-si != 1:
cr = np.random.randint(1, target-si)
if cr > 3: cr = 1
si += cr
return choices
return choices
def syl_of_size(sdict, size):
return [w for w in sdict.keys() if sdict[w] == size]
def choose_words(sdict, nr_syl, line):
words = list()
ix = 0
for sw in pick_syl(nr_syl):
if ix == 0 and line == 0:
sdict1 = dict([(sk, sv) for sk, sv in sdict.items() if pos_tag(word_tokenize(sk), tagset='universal')[0][1]=='NOUN'])
gsyls = syl_of_size(sdict1, sw)
elif ix == 1 and line == 0:
sdict2 = dict([(sk, sv) for sk, sv in sdict.items() if pos_tag(word_tokenize(sk), tagset='universal')[0][1]=='VERB'])
gsyls = syl_of_size(sdict2, sw)
elif ix == 2 and line == 0:
sdict3 = dict([(sk, sv) for sk, sv in sdict.items() if pos_tag(word_tokenize(sk), tagset='universal')[0][1] not in ['NOUN', 'VERB']])
gsyls = syl_of_size(sdict3, sw)
gsyls = syl_of_size(sdict, sw)
cwr = np.random.randint(len(gsyls))
chosen = gsyls[cwr]
ix += 1
return words
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