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Created October 11, 2022 18:38
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A downloader for albums. YMMV.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
* Sebastiano Poggi wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you
* can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
* this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return.
* Inspired by (which is now broken)
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import requests, os, json
from pyquery import PyQuery as pq
from datetime import datetime
from exif import Image, DATETIME_STR_FORMAT
from datetime import datetime
from dateutil.parser import parse
print("🌍 Enter MyAlbum URL: ")
url = input()
print(" ⏳ Downloading page...")
page = requests.get(url, headers={'referer': url})
print(" ⏳ Parsing page...")
rootTag = pq(page.content)
rootJsonString = rootTag('#__NEXT_DATA__').html()
rootJson = json.loads(rootJsonString)
albumTitle = rootJson["props"]["pageProps"]["album"]["data"] ["title"]
print(f" ℹ️ Album title: {albumTitle}")
contents = rootJson["props"]["pageProps"]["album"]["data"]["contents"]
print(f" ℹ️ {len(contents)} content item(s) found")
spreads = list(filter(lambda item: item["type"] == "spread", contents))
spreads = list(map(lambda spread: spread["url"], spreads))
print(f" ℹ️ {len(spreads)} spread URL(s) found")
class ImageData(object):
def __init__(self, id, url, key): = id
self.url = url
self.key = key
print(" ⏳ Parsing spreads...")
flat_map = lambda f, xs: [y for ys in xs for y in f(ys)]
images = list()
for spreadUrl in spreads:
spreadIdStart = spreadUrl.index("/spreads/") + len("/spreads/")
spreadId = spreadUrl[spreadIdStart:]
print(f" ⏳ Downloading and parsing spread {spreadId}...")
spreadResponse = requests.get(spreadUrl, headers={'referer': url})
spreadJson = json.loads(spreadResponse.content)
pages = spreadJson["pages"]
layerDatas = list(map(lambda page: page["data"]["layerData"], pages))
photos = list()
for data in layerDatas:
for key in data:
if key.lower().find("grid") >= 0:
photos = list(filter(lambda photo: photo["type"] == "photo", photos))
print(f" ℹ️ {len(photos)} photo(s) found in spread")
for photo in photos:
imageUrl = photo["sizes"][-1]["url"]
imageId = photo["id"]
imageKey = photo["key"]
images.append(ImageData(imageId, imageUrl, imageKey))
imagesCount = len(images)
print(f" ℹ️ {imagesCount} image(s) found\n")
print(f"📂 Enter album directory name (default: {albumTitle}): ")
dirName = input()
if (len(dirName.strip()) == 0):
dirName = albumTitle.strip()
dirName = dirName.strip()
if not os.path.isdir(dirName):
print(" ⚠️ Folder already exists")
print(" ⏳ Downloading images...")
for image in images:
print(f" ⏳ Downloading image {}...")
exifResponse = requests.get(f"{image.key}/exif")
exifJson = json.loads(exifResponse.content)
fileName = exifJson["fileName"]
imageResponse = requests.get(image.url)
file = open(f"{dirName}/{fileName}", "wb")
exif = Image(f"{dirName}/{fileName}")
exif.model = exifJson['cameraModel']
exif.maker = exifJson['cameraBrand'] = exifJson['software']
exif.exposure_time = exifJson['shutterSpeed']
exif.focal_length = exifJson['focalLength']
exif.aperture_value = exifJson['aperture']
exif.iso_speed = exifJson['iso']
# exif.image_height = exifJson['height']
# exif.image_width = exifJson['width']
exif.image_unique_id =
exif.image_description = albumTitle
exif.datetime_original = parse(exifJson['dateTaken']).strftime(DATETIME_STR_FORMAT)
with open(f"{dirName}/{fileName}", 'wb') as new_image_file:
os.utime(f"{dirName}/{fileName}", (datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(exifJson['dateTaken'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ')), datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(exifJson['dateTaken'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ'))))
print("✅ All done!")
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