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Created July 4, 2014 15:38
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WIP structerred data
(ns structured-data)
(defn do-a-thing
(let [xplus (+ x x)]
(Math/pow xplus xplus)))
(defn spiff
(+ (get v 0 0) (get v 2 0)))
(defn cutify [v]
(conj v "<3"))
(defn spiff-destructuring
(let [[x b c] v]
(+ x c)))
(defn point [x y]
[x y])
(defn rectangle [bottom-left top-right]
[bottom-left top-right])
(defn width
(let [[[x1 y1] [x2 y2]] rectangle]
(- x2 x1)))
(defn height
(let [[[x1 y1] [x2 y2]] rectangle]
(- y2 y1)))
(defn square?
(= (width rectangle) (height rectangle)))
(defn area
(* (width rectangle) (height rectangle)))
(defn contains-point?
[rectangle point]
(let [[[x1 y1] [x2 y2]] rectangle
[xp yp] point]
(<= xp x2)
(>= xp x1)
(<= yp y2)
(>= yp y1))))
(defn contains-rectangle?
[outer inner]
(let [[p1 p2] inner]
(and (contains-point? outer p1) (contains-point? outer p2))));returns true if inner is inside outer.
(defn title-length
(count (get book :title)))
(defn author-count
(count (get book :authors)))
(defn multiple-authors?
(> (author-count book) 1))
(defn add-author
[book new-author]
(assoc book :authors (conj (book :authors) new-author)))
(defn alive? [author]
(not (number? (get author :death-year))))
(defn element-lengths
(map count collection))
(defn second-elements
(let [getsec (fn [coll] (get coll 1))]
(map getsec collection)))
(defn titles
(map :title books))
(defn monotonic?
(or (apply <= a-seq) (apply >= a-seq)))
(defn stars
(apply str (repeat n "*")))
(defn toggle
[a-set elem]
(if (contains? a-set elem) (disj a-set elem) (conj a-set elem)))
(defn contains-duplicates? [a-seq]
(not (=
(count a-seq)
(count (set a-seq)))))
(defn old-book->new-book [book]
(defn has-author? [book author]
(defn authors [books]
(defn all-author-names [books]
(defn author->string [author]
(defn authors->string [authors]
(defn book->string [book]
(defn books->string [books]
(defn books-by-author [author books]
(defn author-by-name [name authors]
(defn living-authors [authors]
(defn has-a-living-author? [book]
(defn books-by-living-authors [books]
; %________%
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