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Last active July 12, 2023 10:04
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  • Save rockerBOO/be0770242db9b7215b8e83e135516a65 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rockerBOO/be0770242db9b7215b8e83e135516a65 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Temporary migration for colorschemes
-- Run treesitter_migrate() in your init.lua or in a Colorscheme autocmd.
-- See
-- the @punctuation.delimiter links to Delimiter (which is new)
-- Also other new upstream highlight values, so the better solution is to go through the following
-- and properly update/add the highlight for these
-- so like leave @punctuation.delimiter linking to Delimiter and style the new Delimiter
local treesitter_migrate = function()
local map = {
["annotation"] = "TSAnnotation",
["attribute"] = "TSAttribute",
["boolean"] = "TSBoolean",
["character"] = "TSCharacter",
["character.special"] = "TSCharacterSpecial",
["comment"] = "TSComment",
["conditional"] = "TSConditional",
["constant"] = "TSConstant",
["constant.builtin"] = "TSConstBuiltin",
["constant.macro"] = "TSConstMacro",
["constructor"] = "TSConstructor",
["debug"] = "TSDebug",
["define"] = "TSDefine",
["error"] = "TSError",
["exception"] = "TSException",
["field"] = "TSField",
["float"] = "TSFloat",
["function"] = "TSFunction",
[""] = "TSFunctionCall",
["function.builtin"] = "TSFuncBuiltin",
["function.macro"] = "TSFuncMacro",
["include"] = "TSInclude",
["keyword"] = "TSKeyword",
["keyword.function"] = "TSKeywordFunction",
["keyword.operator"] = "TSKeywordOperator",
["keyword.return"] = "TSKeywordReturn",
["label"] = "TSLabel",
["method"] = "TSMethod",
[""] = "TSMethodCall",
["namespace"] = "TSNamespace",
["none"] = "TSNone",
["number"] = "TSNumber",
["operator"] = "TSOperator",
["parameter"] = "TSParameter",
["parameter.reference"] = "TSParameterReference",
["preproc"] = "TSPreProc",
["property"] = "TSProperty",
["punctuation.delimiter"] = "TSPunctDelimiter",
["punctuation.bracket"] = "TSPunctBracket",
["punctuation.special"] = "TSPunctSpecial",
["repeat"] = "TSRepeat",
["storageclass"] = "TSStorageClass",
["string"] = "TSString",
["string.regex"] = "TSStringRegex",
["string.escape"] = "TSStringEscape",
["string.special"] = "TSStringSpecial",
["symbol"] = "TSSymbol",
["tag"] = "TSTag",
["tag.attribute"] = "TSTagAttribute",
["tag.delimiter"] = "TSTagDelimiter",
["text"] = "TSText",
["text.strong"] = "TSStrong",
["text.emphasis"] = "TSEmphasis",
["text.underline"] = "TSUnderline",
["text.strike"] = "TSStrike",
["text.title"] = "TSTitle",
["text.literal"] = "TSLiteral",
["text.uri"] = "TSURI",
["text.math"] = "TSMath",
["text.reference"] = "TSTextReference",
["text.environment"] = "TSEnvironment",
[""] = "TSEnvironmentName",
["text.note"] = "TSNote",
["text.warning"] = "TSWarning",
["text.danger"] = "TSDanger",
["todo"] = "TSTodo",
["type"] = "TSType",
["type.builtin"] = "TSTypeBuiltin",
["type.qualifier"] = "TSTypeQualifier",
["type.definition"] = "TSTypeDefinition",
["variable"] = "TSVariable",
["variable.builtin"] = "TSVariableBuiltin",
for capture, hlgroup in pairs(map) do
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "@" .. capture, { link = hlgroup, default = true })
local defaults = {
TSNone = { default = true },
TSPunctDelimiter = { link = "Delimiter", default = true },
TSPunctBracket = { link = "Delimiter", default = true },
TSPunctSpecial = { link = "Delimiter", default = true },
TSConstant = { link = "Constant", default = true },
TSConstBuiltin = { link = "Special", default = true },
TSConstMacro = { link = "Define", default = true },
TSString = { link = "String", default = true },
TSStringRegex = { link = "String", default = true },
TSStringEscape = { link = "SpecialChar", default = true },
TSStringSpecial = { link = "SpecialChar", default = true },
TSCharacter = { link = "Character", default = true },
TSCharacterSpecial = { link = "SpecialChar", default = true },
TSNumber = { link = "Number", default = true },
TSBoolean = { link = "Boolean", default = true },
TSFloat = { link = "Float", default = true },
TSFunction = { link = "Function", default = true },
TSFunctionCall = { link = "TSFunction", default = true },
TSFuncBuiltin = { link = "Special", default = true },
TSFuncMacro = { link = "Macro", default = true },
TSParameter = { link = "Identifier", default = true },
TSParameterReference = { link = "TSParameter", default = true },
TSMethod = { link = "Function", default = true },
TSMethodCall = { link = "TSMethod", default = true },
TSField = { link = "Identifier", default = true },
TSProperty = { link = "Identifier", default = true },
TSConstructor = { link = "Special", default = true },
TSAnnotation = { link = "PreProc", default = true },
TSAttribute = { link = "PreProc", default = true },
TSNamespace = { link = "Include", default = true },
TSSymbol = { link = "Identifier", default = true },
TSConditional = { link = "Conditional", default = true },
TSRepeat = { link = "Repeat", default = true },
TSLabel = { link = "Label", default = true },
TSOperator = { link = "Operator", default = true },
TSKeyword = { link = "Keyword", default = true },
TSKeywordFunction = { link = "Keyword", default = true },
TSKeywordOperator = { link = "TSOperator", default = true },
TSKeywordReturn = { link = "TSKeyword", default = true },
TSException = { link = "Exception", default = true },
TSDebug = { link = "Debug", default = true },
TSDefine = { link = "Define", default = true },
TSPreProc = { link = "PreProc", default = true },
TSStorageClass = { link = "StorageClass", default = true },
TSTodo = { link = "Todo", default = true },
TSType = { link = "Type", default = true },
TSTypeBuiltin = { link = "Type", default = true },
TSTypeQualifier = { link = "Type", default = true },
TSTypeDefinition = { link = "Typedef", default = true },
TSInclude = { link = "Include", default = true },
TSVariableBuiltin = { link = "Special", default = true },
TSText = { link = "TSNone", default = true },
TSStrong = { bold = true, default = true },
TSEmphasis = { italic = true, default = true },
TSUnderline = { underline = true },
TSStrike = { strikethrough = true },
TSMath = { link = "Special", default = true },
TSTextReference = { link = "Constant", default = true },
TSEnvironment = { link = "Macro", default = true },
TSEnvironmentName = { link = "Type", default = true },
TSTitle = { link = "Title", default = true },
TSLiteral = { link = "String", default = true },
TSURI = { link = "Underlined", default = true },
TSComment = { link = "Comment", default = true },
TSNote = { link = "SpecialComment", default = true },
TSWarning = { link = "Todo", default = true },
TSDanger = { link = "WarningMsg", default = true },
TSTag = { link = "Label", default = true },
TSTagDelimiter = { link = "Delimiter", default = true },
TSTagAttribute = { link = "TSProperty", default = true },
for group, val in pairs(defaults) do
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, group, val)
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Thanks for this! Great temporary solution until we can fix our themes ❤️

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Thank you!!!

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