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Possible password reset update to check get_password_reset_key() for WP_Error object
* An object class for WP-Members Password Reset.
* @since 3.3.5
* @since 3.3.8 Rebuild processing to utilize WP native functions and user_activation_key.
class WP_Members_Pwd_Reset {
* Message containers.
* @since 3.3.5
public $invalid_key;
public $invalid_user;
public $key_is_expired;
public $request_new_key;
private $reset_key;
public $content = false;
* Meta containers
* @since 3.3.5
public $action = 'set_password_from_key';
* Initialize the class.
* @since 3.3.5
function __construct() {
$defaults = array(
'invalid_key' => __( "Invalid key." ),
'invalid_user' => __( "Invalid user.", 'wp-members' ),
'key_is_expired' => __( "Sorry, the password reset key is expired.", 'wp-members' ),
'request_new_key' => __( "Request a new reset key.", 'wp-members' ),
* Filter default dialogs.
* @since 3.3.8
* @param array $defaults {
* }
$defaults = apply_filters( 'wpmem_pwd_reset_default_dialogs', $defaults );
foreach ( $defaults as $key => $value ) {
$this->{$key} = $value;
add_filter( 'wpmem_email_filter', array( $this, 'add_reset_key_to_email' ), 10, 3 );
add_action( 'template_redirect', array( $this, 'handle_reset' ), 20 );
//add_filter( 'the_content', array( $this, 'display_content' ), 100 );
function handle_reset() {
// User has to be not logged in and action needs to be 'set_password_from_key'
if ( ! is_user_logged_in() && $this->action == wpmem_get( 'a', false, 'request' ) && ! is_admin() ) {
$key = sanitize_text_field( wpmem_get( 'key', false, 'request' ) );
$login = sanitize_text_field( wpmem_get( 'login', false, 'request' ) );
$pass1 = wpmem_get( 'pass1', false );
$form_submitted = ( 1 == wpmem_get( 'formsubmit' ) && $this->action == wpmem_get( 'a', false ) ) ? true : false;
// Set an error container.
$errors = new WP_Error();
// Check the user. get_user_by() will return false if user_login does not exist.
$is_user = get_user_by( 'login', $login );
if ( false == $is_user ) {
$errors->add( 'invalid_user', $this->error_msg( 'invalid_user', $this->invalid_user ) );
* Validate the key.
* WP_Error will be invalid_key or expired_key. Process triggers password_reset_expiration filter
* filtering DAY_IN_SECONDS default. Filter password_reset_key_expired is also triggered filtering
* the return value (which can be used to override the expired/invalid check based on user_id).
* WP filter/actions triggered:
* - password_reset_expiration
* - password_reset_key_expired
* @see
* @param string Hash to validate sending user's password.
* @param string The user login.
* @return WP_User|WP_Error WP_User object on success, WP_Error object for invalid or expired keys (invalid_key|expired_key).
$user = check_password_reset_key( $key, $login );
if ( $user->has_errors() ) {
$errors->add( 'invalid_key', $this->error_msg( 'invalid_key', $this->invalid_key ) );
// If the password change form was submitted, validate the result.
if ( $form_submitted ) {
// Verify nonce.
if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $_REQUEST['_wpmem_pwdchange_nonce'], 'wpmem_shortform_nonce' ) ) {
$errors->add( 'reg_generic', $this->error_msg( 'reg_generic', wpmem_get_text( 'reg_generic' ) ) );
// Can't have an empty pass1.
if ( '' == $pass1 || false == $pass1 ) {
$errors->add( 'password_empty', $this->error_msg( 'password_empty', wpmem_get_text( 'pwdchangempty' ) ) );
// Make sure submitted passwords match.
if ( $pass1 != wpmem_get( 'pass2', false ) ) {
$errors->add( 'password_reset_mismatch', $this->error_msg( 'password_reset_mismatch', wpmem_get_text( 'pwdchangerr' ) ) );
/** This action is documented in wp-login.php */
// do_action( 'validate_password_reset', $errors, $user );
* Filter validation result.
* @since 3.4.7
* @param stdClass $errors
* @param stdClass $user
* @param boolean $form_submitted
$errors = apply_filters( 'wpmem_validate_password_reset', $errors, $user, $form_submitted );
// If form was submitted.
if ( $form_submitted ) {
if ( ! $errors->has_errors() ) {
reset_password( $user, $pass1 );
$this->content = wpmem_get_display_message( 'pwdchangesuccess', $this->error_msg( 'pwdchangesuccess' ) ) . wpmem_login_form( 'pwdreset' );
} else {
$this->content = $errors->get_error_message() . wpmem_change_password_form();
} else {
// Password change form has not been submitted yet.
if ( ! $errors->has_errors() ) {
$this->content = wpmem_change_password_form();
} else {
$this->content = $errors->get_error_message();
* Add reset key to the email.
* @since 3.3.5
* @param array $arr
* @param array $wpmem_fields
* @param array $field_data
* @return array $arr
function add_reset_key_to_email( $arr, $wpmem_fields, $field_data ) {
if ( $arr['toggle'] == 'repass' ) {
$user = get_user_by( 'ID', $arr['user_id'] );
// Get the stored key.
$key = get_password_reset_key( $user );
if ( is_wp_error( $key ) ) {
$error_string = $key->get_error_message();
$link = "The following error occured generating the password reset key:
" . $error_string;
} else {
$query_args = array(
'a' => $this->action,
'key' => $key,
'login' => $user->user_login,
// urlencode, primarily for user_login with a space.
$query_args = array_map( 'rawurlencode', $query_args );
// Generate reset link.
$link = add_query_arg( $query_args, trailingslashit( wpmem_profile_url() ) );
* Filter the password reset URL in the email.
* @since 3.4.5
* @param string $link
* @param array $query_args
* @param object $user
$link = apply_filters( 'wpmem_pwd_reset_email_link', $link, $query_args, $user );
// Does email body have the [reset_link] shortcode?
if ( strpos( $arr['body'], '[reset_link]' ) ) {
$arr['body'] = str_replace( '[reset_link]', $link, $arr['body'] );
} else {
// Add text and link to the email body.
$arr['body'] = $arr['body'] . "\r\n"
. $link;
return $arr;
* Display page content to user.
* @since 3.3.5
* @param string $content
* @return string $content
function display_content( $content ) {
return ( false != $this->content ) ? $this->content : $content;
function error_msg( $code, $message = false ) {
if ( $message ) {
$error = wpmem_get_display_message( $code, $message . '<br /><a href="' . wpmem_profile_url( 'pwdreset' ) . '">' . $this->request_new_key . '</a>' );
} else {
$error = wpmem_get_display_message( $code );
* Filters the password reset error message.
* @since 3.4.4
* @param string $error The generated HTML error message.
* @param string $code The error code generated.
* @param string $message The plain text error message.
return apply_filters( 'wpmem_pwd_reset_error_msg', $error, $code, $message );
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