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Created October 27, 2023 16:48
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code improvement to be incldued in class-wp-members-user-profile.php version 3.5.0
* The WP_Members User Profile Class.
* @package WP-Members
* @subpackage WP_Members Admin User Profile Object Class
* @since 3.1.8
// Exit if accessed directly.
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
class WP_Members_User_Profile {
* Remove "admin only" fields if dashboard user profile.
* @since 3.3.6
* @param string $tag
* @return array $fields
static function get_fields( $tag ) {
$fields = wpmem_fields( $tag );
if ( 'profile_dashboard' == $tag && false == current_user_can( 'edit_users' ) ) {
foreach( $fields as $key => $field ) {
if ( false == $field['profile'] ) {
unset( $fields[ $key ] );
return $fields;
* Static function to display WP-Members fields on the admin/dashboard user profile.
* Function was created in 3.1.9 as a merge of wpmem_admin_fields()
* and wpmem_user_profile().
* @since 3.1.9
* @global object $current_screen
* @global string $user_ID
* @global object $wpmem
* @param object $user_obj
static function profile( $user_obj ) {
global $current_screen, $user_ID, $wpmem;
$user_id = ( 'profile' == $current_screen->id ) ? $user_ID : filter_var( $_REQUEST['user_id'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT );
$display = ( 'profile' == $current_screen->base ) ? 'user' : 'admin';
$display = ( current_user_can( 'edit_users' ) ) ? 'admin' : $display; ?>
$heading = ( 'admin' == $display ) ? __( 'WP-Members Additional Fields', 'wp-members' ) : __( 'Additional Information', 'wp-members' );
* Filter the heading for additional profile fields.
* Filter is applied for the admin user edit ("wpmem_admin_profile_heading")
* and the user profile edit ("wpmem_user_profile_heading").
* @since 2.8.2 Admin Profile
* @since 2.9.1 Dashboard Profile
* @since 3.1.9 Merged admin/dashboard profile
* @param string The default additional fields heading.
echo apply_filters( 'wpmem_' . $display . '_profile_heading', $heading ); ?></h3>
<table class="form-table">
// Get fields.
$wpmem_fields = ( 'admin' == $display ) ? self::get_fields( 'profile_admin' ) : self::get_fields( 'profile_dashboard' );
// Get excluded meta.
$exclude = wpmem_get_excluded_meta( $display . '-profile' );
// If tos is an active field.
if ( isset( $wpmem_fields['tos'] ) ) {
if ( 1 != $wpmem_fields['tos']['register'] ) {
unset( $wpmem_fields['tos'] );
// This is the dashboard profile, and user has current field value.
if ( 'user' == $display
&& isset( $wpmem_fields['tos'] )
&& ( get_user_meta( $user_ID, 'tos', true ) == $wpmem_fields['tos']['checked_value'] ) ) {
unset( $wpmem_fields['tos'] );
* Fires at the beginning of generating the WP-Members fields in the user profile.
* Action fires for the admin user edit ("wpmem_admin_before_profile")
* and the user profile edit ("wpmem_user_before_profile").
* @since 2.9.3 Created for admin profile.
* @since 3.1.9 Added to dashboard profile.
* @param int $user_id The user's ID.
* @param array $wpmem_fields The WP-Members fields.
do_action( 'wpmem_' . $display . '_before_profile', $user_id, $wpmem_fields );
// Assemble form rows array.
$rows = array();
foreach ( $wpmem_fields as $meta => $field ) {
$valtochk = ''; $values = '';
// Determine which fields to show in the additional fields area.
$show = ( ! $field['native'] && ! in_array( $meta, $exclude ) ) ? true : false;
//$show = ( 'tos' == $meta && $field['register'] ) ? null : $show;
if ( $show ) {
$val = get_user_meta( $user_id, $meta, true );
$val = ( $field['type'] == 'multiselect' || $field['type'] == 'multicheckbox' ) ? $val : htmlspecialchars( $val );
if ( $field['type'] == 'checkbox' ) {
$valtochk = $val;
$val = $field['checked_value'];
if ( 'multicheckbox' == $field['type'] || 'select' == $field['type'] || 'multiselect' == $field['type'] || 'radio' == $field['type'] ) {
$values = $field['values'];
$valtochk = $val;
// Is this an image or a file?
if ( 'file' == $field['type'] || 'image' == $field['type'] ) {
$empty_file = '<span class="description">' . __( 'None' ) . '</span>';
if ( 'file' == $field['type'] ) {
$attachment_url = wp_get_attachment_url( $val );
$input = ( $attachment_url ) ? '<a href="' . $attachment_url . '">' . $attachment_url . '</a>' : $empty_file;
} else {
$attachment_url = wp_get_attachment_image( $val, 'medium' );
if ( 'admin' == $display ) {
$edit_url = admin_url( 'upload.php?item=' . $val );
$input = ( $attachment_url ) ? '<a href="' . $edit_url . '">' . $attachment_url . '</a>' : $empty_file;
} else {
$input = ( $attachment_url ) ? $attachment_url : $empty_file;
$input.= '<br />' . wpmem_get_text( 'profile_upload' ) . '<br />';
$input.= wpmem_form_field( array(
'name' => $meta,
'type' => $field['type'],
'value' => $val,
'compare' => $valtochk,
) );
} else {
if ( 'select' == $field['type'] || 'radio' == $field['type'] ) {
$input = wpmem_form_field( $meta, $field['type'], $values, $valtochk );
} elseif( 'multicheckbox' == $field['type'] || 'multiselect' == $field['type'] ) {
$input = wpmem_form_field( array( 'name'=>$meta, 'type'=>$field['type'], 'value'=>$values, 'compare'=>$valtochk, 'delimiter'=>$field['delimiter'] ) );
} else {
$field['type'] = ( 'hidden' == $field['type'] ) ? 'text' : $field['type'];
$formfield_args = array(
'name' => $meta,
'type' => $field['type'],
'value' => $val,
'compare' => $valtochk,
'required' => $field['required'],
'class' => 'regular-text',
'placeholder' => ( isset( $field['placeholder'] ) ) ? $field['placeholder'] : '',
'pattern' => ( isset( $field['pattern'] ) ) ? $field['pattern'] : false,
'title' => ( isset( $field['title'] ) ) ? $field['title'] : false,
'min' => ( isset( $field['min'] ) ) ? $field['min'] : false,
'max' => ( isset( $field['max'] ) ) ? $field['max'] : false,
'rows' => ( isset( $field['rows'] ) ) ? $field['rows'] : false,
'cols' => ( isset( $field['cols'] ) ) ? $field['cols'] : false,
$input = wpmem_form_field( $formfield_args );
// Is the field required?
$req = ( $field['required'] ) ? ' <span class="description">' . __( '(required)' ) . '</span>' : '';
$label = '<label>' . __( $field['label'], 'wp-members' ) . $req . '</label>';
// Build the form rows for filtering.
$rows[ $meta ] = array(
'meta' => $meta,
'type' => $field['type'],
'value' => $val,
'values' => $values,
'label_text' => __( $field['label'], 'wp-members' ),
'row_before' => '<tr>',
'label' => '<th>' . $label . '</th>',
'field_before' => '<td>',
'field' => $input,
'field_after' => '</td>',
'row_after' => '</tr>',
* Filter for rows.
* Filter is applied for the admin user edit ("wpmem_register_form_rows_admin")
* and the user profile edit ("wpmem_register_form_rows_user").
* @since 3.1.0
* @since 3.1.6 Deprecated $order.
* @param array $rows {
* An array of the profile rows.
* @type string $meta The meta key.
* @type string $type The field type.
* @type string $value Value if set.
* @type string $values Possible values (select, multiselect, multicheckbox, radio).
* @type string $label_text Raw label text (no HTML).
* @type string $row_before HTML before the row.
* @type string $label HTML label.
* @type string $field_before HTML before the field input tag.
* @type string $field HTML for field input.
* @type string $field_after HTML after the field.
* @type string $row_after HTML after the row.
* }
* @param string $tag adminprofile|userprofile
$rows = apply_filters( 'wpmem_register_form_rows_' . $display, $rows, $display . 'profile' );
// Handle form rows display from array.
foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
$show_field =
$row['row_before'] .
$row['label'] .
$row['field_before'] . $row['field'] . $row['field_after'] .
* Filter the profile field.
* Filter is applied for the admin user edit ("wpmem_admin_profile_field")
* and the user profile edit ("wpmem_user_profile_field").
* @since 2.8.2
* @since 3.1.1 Added $user_id and $row
* @param string $show_field The HTML string for the additional profile field.
* @param string $user_id
* @param array $row
echo apply_filters( 'wpmem_' . $display . '_profile_field', $show_field, $user_id, $row );
* Fires after generating the WP-Members fields in the user profile.
* Action fires for the admin user edit ("wpmem_admin_after_profile")
* and the user profile edit ("wpmem_user_after_profile").
* @since 2.9.3
* @param int $user_id The user's ID.
* @param array $wpmem_fields The WP-Members fields.
do_action( 'wpmem_' . $display . '_after_profile', $user_id, $wpmem_fields ); ?>
* Fires after the user profile table.
* Action fires for the admin user edit ("wpmem_admin_after_profile_table")
* and the user profile edit ("wpmem_user_after_profile_table").
* @since 3.2.6
* @param int $user_id The user's ID.
* @param array $wpmem_fields The WP-Members fields.
do_action( 'wpmem_' . $display . '_after_profile_table', $user_id, $wpmem_fields );
* Static function to update admin/dashboard user profile.
* Function was created in 3.1.9 as a merge of wpmem_admin_update()
* and wpmem_profile_update().
* @since 3.1.9
* @global object $current_screen
* @global string $user_id
* @global object $wpmem
* @param string $user_id
* @return
static function update( $user_id ) {
// Prevent from firing on front end use (i.e. password reset).
if ( ! is_admin() ) {
global $current_screen, $user_id, $wpmem;
// @todo Check this as a possible inclusion for front-end use.
$display = ( ! isset( $current_screen ) || is_null( $current_screen ) || 'profile' == $current_screen->base ) ? 'user' : 'admin';
if ( ! $user_id ) {
$user_id = filter_var( wpmem_get( 'user_id', -1, 'request' ), FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT );
if ( 1 > $user_id ) {
// Still no user id? User cannot be updated.
$wpmem_fields = ( 'admin' == $display ) ? self::get_fields( 'profile_admin' ) : self::get_fields( 'profile_dashboard' );
// Check for password field before exclusions, just in case we are activating a user (otherwise password is removed on user/admin profiles).
$chk_pass = ( array_key_exists( 'password', $wpmem_fields ) && true === $wpmem_fields['password']['register'] ) ? true : false;
$exclude = wpmem_get_excluded_meta( $display . '-profile' );
foreach ( $exclude as $excluded ) {
unset( $wpmem_fields[ $excluded ] );
// If tos is an active field, this is the dashboard profile, and user has current field value.
if ( isset( $wpmem_fields['tos'] )
&& 'user' == $display
&& get_user_meta( $user_id, 'tos', true ) == $wpmem_fields['tos']['checked_value'] ) {
unset( $wpmem_fields['tos'] );
* Fires before the user profile is updated.
* Action fires for the admin user edit ("wpmem_admin_pre_user_update")
* and the user profile edit ("wpmem_user_pre_user_update").
* @since 2.9.2 Added for admin profile update.
* @since 3.1.9 Added for user profile update.
* @param int $user_id The user ID.
* @param array $wpmem_fields Array of the custom fields.
do_action( 'wpmem_' . $display . '_pre_user_update', $user_id, $wpmem_fields );
$fields = array();
$chk = false;
foreach ( $wpmem_fields as $meta => $field ) {
if ( ! $field['native']
&& $field['type'] != 'password'
&& $field['type'] != 'checkbox'
&& $field['type'] != 'multiselect'
&& $field['type'] != 'multicheckbox'
&& $field['type'] != 'file'
&& $field['type'] != 'image'
&& $field['type'] != 'textarea' ) {
( isset( $_POST[ $meta ] ) && 'password' != $field['type'] ) ? $fields[ $meta ] = sanitize_text_field( $_POST[ $meta ] ) : false;
// For user profile (not admin).
if ( 'admin' != $display ) {
// Check for required fields.
if ( ! $field['required'] ) {
$chk = true;
if ( $field['required'] && $_POST[ $meta ] != '' ) {
$chk = true;
} elseif ( $field['type'] == 'checkbox' ) {
$fields[ $meta ] = ( isset( $_POST[ $meta ] ) ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST[ $meta ] ) : '';
} elseif ( $field['type'] == 'multiselect' || $field['type'] == 'multicheckbox' ) {
$fields[ $meta ] = ( isset( $_POST[ $meta ] ) ) ? implode( $field['delimiter'], wp_unslash( $_POST[ $meta ] ) ) : '';
} elseif ( $field['type'] == 'textarea' ) {
$fields[ $meta ] = ( isset( $_POST[ $meta ] ) ) ? sanitize_textarea_field( $_POST[ $meta ] ) : '';
* Filter the submitted field values for backend profile update.
* Filters is applied for the admin user edit ("wpmem_admin_profile_update")
* and the user profile edit ("wpmem_user_profile_update").
* @since 2.8.2 Added for Admin profile update.
* @since 3.1.9 Added for User profile update.
* @param array $fields An array of the posted form values.
* @param int $user_id The ID of the user being updated.
$fields = apply_filters( 'wpmem_' . $display . '_profile_update', $fields, $user_id );
// Handle meta update, skip excluded fields.
foreach ( $fields as $key => $val ) {
if ( ! in_array( $key, $exclude ) ) {
if ( ( 'admin' != $display && true == $chk ) || 'admin' == $display ) {
update_user_meta( $user_id, $key, $val );
if ( ! empty( $_FILES ) ) {
$wpmem->user->upload_user_files( $user_id, $wpmem->fields );
if ( 'admin' == $display || current_user_can( 'edit_users' ) ) {
if ( $wpmem->mod_reg == 1 ) {
$wpmem_activate_user = ( isset( $_POST['activate_user'] ) == '' ) ? -1 : intval( $_POST['activate_user'] );
if ( $wpmem_activate_user == 1 ) {
wpmem_activate_user( $user_id );
} elseif ( $wpmem_activate_user == 0 ) {
wpmem_deactivate_user( $user_id );
if ( defined( 'WPMEM_EXP_MODULE' ) && $wpmem->use_exp == 1 ) {
if ( function_exists( 'wpmem_a_extenduser' ) ) {
wpmem_a_extenduser( $user_id );
if ( 1 == $wpmem->enable_products ) {
// Update products.
if ( isset( $_POST['_wpmem_membership_product'] ) ) {
foreach ( $_POST['_wpmem_membership_product'] as $product_key => $product_value ) {
// Sanitize.
$product_key = sanitize_text_field( $product_key );
// Enable or Disable?
if ( 'enable' == $product_value ) {
// Does product require a role?
if ( false !== $wpmem->membership->products[ $product_key ]['role'] ) {
wpmem_update_user_role( $user_id, $wpmem->membership->products[ $product_key ]['role'], 'add' );
// Do we need to set a specific date?
if ( isset( $_POST[ '_wpmem_membership_expiration_' . $product_key ] ) ) {
wpmem_set_user_product( $product_key, $user_id, sanitize_text_field( $_POST[ '_wpmem_membership_expiration_' . $product_key ] ) );
} else {
wpmem_set_user_product( $product_key, $user_id );
if ( 'disable' == $product_value ) {
$wpmem->user->remove_user_product( $product_key, $user_id );
* Fires after the user profile is updated.
* Action fires for the admin user edit ("wpmem_admin_after_user_update")
* and the user profile edit ("wpmem_user_after_user_update").
* @since 2.9.2
* @param int $user_id The user ID.
do_action( 'wpmem_' . $display . '_after_user_update', $user_id );
* Sets user profile update to multipart form data.
* If the fields array has a file or image field, this will echo the
* necessary "multipart/form-data" enctype for the form tag.
* @since 3.1.8 (as wpmem_profile_multipart()).
* @since 3.1.9 Moved to User Profile object.
public static function add_multipart() {
$has_file = false;
foreach ( wpmem_fields() as $field ) {
if ( $field['type'] == 'file' || $field['type'] == 'image' ) {
$has_file = true;
echo ( $has_file ) ? " enctype=\"multipart/form-data\"" : '';
* Adds user activation to the user profile.
* @since 3.1.1
* @since 3.2.0 Moved to WP_Members_User_Profile object
* @global object $wpmem
* @param int $user_id
public static function _show_activate( $user_id ) {
global $wpmem;
// See if reg is moderated, and if the user has been activated.
if ( $wpmem->mod_reg == 1 ) {
// Make sure this isn't an admin looking at their own profile.
if ( current_user_can( 'edit_users' ) && $user_id != get_current_user_id() ) {
$user_active_flag = get_user_meta( $user_id, 'active', true );
switch( $user_active_flag ) {
case "0":
$label = __( 'Reactivate this user?', 'wp-members' );
$action = 1;
case "1":
$label = __( 'Deactivate this user?', 'wp-members' );
$action = 0;
$label = __( 'Activate this user?', 'wp-members' );
$action = 1;
} ?>
<th><label><?php echo $label; ?></label></th>
<td><input id="activate_user" type="checkbox" class="input" name="activate_user" value="<?php echo $action; ?>" /></td>
<?php }
* Adds user expiration to the user profile.
* @since 3.1.1
* @since 3.2.0 Moved to WP_Members_User_Profile object
* @global object $wpmem
* @param int $user_id
public static function _show_expiration( $user_id ) {
global $wpmem;
* If using subscription model, show expiration.
* If registration is moderated, this doesn't show
* if user is not active yet.
if ( defined( 'WPMEM_EXP_MODULE' ) && $wpmem->use_exp == 1 ) {
if ( ( $wpmem->mod_reg == 1 && get_user_meta( $user_id, 'active', true ) == 1 ) || ( $wpmem->mod_reg != 1 ) ) {
if ( function_exists( 'wpmem_a_extend_user' ) ) {
wpmem_a_extend_user( $user_id );
* Adds user registration IP to the user profile.
* @since 3.1.1
* @since 3.2.0 Moved to WP_Members_User_Profile object
* @param int $user_id
public static function _show_ip( $user_id ) { ?>
<th><label><?php _e( 'IP @ registration', 'wp-members' ); ?></label></th>
<td><?php echo get_user_meta( $user_id, 'wpmem_reg_ip', true ); ?></td>
* Add jquery ui tabs to user profile.
* @since 3.2.5
* @param int $user_id
static function _profile_tabs( $user_id ) {
if ( current_user_can( 'edit_users' ) ) {
* Add tabs to user profile tabs.
* @since 3.2.5
* @param array {
* @type string $tab (required)
* @type string $content (optional)
* }
$tabs = apply_filters( 'wpmem_user_profile_tabs', array() );
if ( ! empty( $tabs ) ) {
echo '<div id="wpmem_user_profile_tabs">';
echo '<ul>';
foreach ( $tabs as $key => $value ) {
echo '<li><a href="#wpmem_user_profile_tabs-' . ( $key ) . '">' . $value['tab'] . '</a></li>';
echo '</ul>';
foreach ( $tabs as $key => $value ) {
echo '<div id="wpmem_user_profile_tabs-' . ( $key ) . '">';
echo ( isset( $value['content'] ) ) ? $value['content'] : '';
do_action( 'wpmem_user_profile_tabs_content', $key );
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
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