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Created September 5, 2014 15:32
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puppet defined type + hiera hash data
define samba::config($includeconf = '', $log_level = '2') {
include samba
if $::operatingsystemrelease =~ /^6/ {
elsif $::operatingsystemrelease =~ /^5/ {
file { '/etc/samba/smb.conf':
content => template("samba/${smb_config}"),
owner => root,
group => root,
mode => '0664',
require => Class['samba::install'],
define samba::share (
) {
# Defines a samba server, with one share, bound to RC AD.
# include samba::config
file { "/etc/samba/smb_${name}.conf":
ensure => $ensure,
content => template($template),
owner => root,
group => root,
mode => '0664',
notify => Class['samba::service'],
require => Class['samba::install'],
- one
- two
- three
name: one
name: two
name: three
class profile::storage {
# more details are omitted above. this is the relevant bit.
# add smb_shares hash to hiera for given host
# this bit will create the shares
$smb_shares = hiera('smb_shares')
if ($smb_shares) {
$share_names = $smb_shares['name']
unless (is_hash($smb_shares)) { fail("${smb_shares} is not a valid hash")}
$smb_config = hiera_array('smb_config')
if ($smb_config) {
include ::samba
unless (is_array($smb_config)) { fail("${smb_config} is not a valid array")}
ensure_resource('samba::config',[ ::hostname ], { includeconf => $smb_config})
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