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Created March 28, 2019 10:48
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code abbr list
abbr full name
addr Address
adm Administrator
app Application
arg Argument
asm assemble
asyn asynchronization
avg average
DB Database
bk back
bmp Bitmap
btn Button
buf Buffer
calc Calculate
char Character
chg Change
clk Click
clr color
cmd Command
cmp Compare
col Column
coord coordinates
cpy copy
ctl / ctrl Control
cur Current
cyl Cylinder
dbg Debug
dbl Double
dec Decrease
def default
del Delete
dest / dst Destination
dev Device
dict dictionary
diff different
dir directory
disp Display
div Divide
dlg Dialog
doc Document
drv Driver
dyna Dynamic
env Environment
err error
ex/ext Extend
exec execute
flg flag
frm Frame
func / fn Function
grp group
horz Horizontal
idx / ndx Index
img Image
impl Implement
inc Increase
info Information
init Initial/Initialize/Initialization
ins Insert
inst Instance
INT / intr Interrupt
len Length
lib Library
lnk Link
log logical
lst List
max maximum
mem Memory
mgr / man Manage / Manager
mid middle
min minimum
msg Message
mul Multiply
num Number
obj Object
ofs Offset
org Origin / Original
param Parameter
pic picture
pkg package
pnt / pt Point
pos Position
pre / prev previous
prg program
prn Print
proc Process / Procedure
prop Properties
psw Password
ptr Pointer
pub Public
rc rect
ref Reference
reg Register
req request
res Resource
ret return
rgn region
scr screen
sec Second
seg Segment
sel Select
src Source
std Standard
stg Storage
stm Stream
str String
sub Subtract
sum summation
svr Server
sync Synchronization
sys System
tbl Table
temp / tmp Temporary
tran / trans translate/transation/transparent
tst Test
txt text
unk Unknown
upd Update
upg Upgrade
util Utility
var Variable
ver Version
vert Vertical
vir Virus
wnd Window
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