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Created October 25, 2022 19:35
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A Native JVM transport for elasticsearch using the builtin JDK HttpClient instead of apache
private class NativeJvmTransport(private val config: SearchClient.Config) : ElasticsearchTransport {
private val options = Options(
headers = ImmutableMultimap.builder<String, String>().apply {
val mimeType = Version.VERSION?.let { version -> "application/vnd.elasticsearch+json; compatible-with=${version.major()}" } ?: "application/json"
put("Content-Type", mimeType)
put("Accept", mimeType)
config.apiKey?.let { put("Authorization", "ApiKey $it") }
private val mapper = JacksonJsonpMapper()
private val client = HttpClient.newBuilder().apply {
override fun <RequestT : Any?, ResponseT : Any?, ErrorT : Any?> performRequest(
request: RequestT,
endpoint: Endpoint<RequestT, ResponseT, ErrorT>,
options: TransportOptions?
): ResponseT? {
return this.performRequestAsync(request, endpoint, options).get()
override fun <RequestT : Any?, ResponseT : Any?, ErrorT : Any?> performRequestAsync(
request: RequestT,
endpoint: Endpoint<RequestT, ResponseT, ErrorT>,
options: TransportOptions?
): CompletableFuture<ResponseT?> {
val opts = options ?: this.options
val req = HttpRequest.newBuilder().apply {
URIBuilder().apply {
charset = Charsets.UTF_8
scheme = if ( == "localhost") "http" else "https"
host =
port = config.port
path = endpoint.requestUrl(request)
for ((name, value) in opts.queryParameters()) {
addParameter(name, value)
for ((name, value) in endpoint.queryParameters(request)) {
addParameter(name, value)
for ((name, value) in opts.headers()) {
header(name, value)
val body = if (endpoint.hasRequestBody()) {
} else {
method(endpoint.method(request), body)
// Give a long timeout for slow delete requests.
// TODO: Can we set this from the request?
println("URI: ${req.uri()}")
return this.client.sendAsync(req, BodyHandlers.ofInputStream())
.thenApply { resp -> processResponse(resp, endpoint) }
override fun jsonpMapper(): JsonpMapper = mapper
override fun options(): TransportOptions = options
override fun close() {
// Nothing to do
private fun <ResponseT : Any?> processResponse(
resp: HttpResponse<InputStream>,
endpoint: Endpoint<*, ResponseT, *>
) = try {
val statusCode = resp.statusCode()
if (endpoint.isError(statusCode)) {
val errorDeserializer = endpoint.errorDeserializer(statusCode)
?: throw TransportException("Request failed with status code '$statusCode'",
// We may need to replay the body stream
val buffer = BufferedInputStream(resp.body())
try {
mapper.jsonProvider().createParser(buffer).use { parser ->
val error = errorDeserializer.deserialize(parser, mapper)
throw ElasticsearchException(, error as ErrorResponse)
} catch (errorEx: MissingRequiredPropertyException) {
// Could not decode exception, try the response type
try {
decodeResponse(statusCode, buffer, endpoint)
} catch (respEx: Exception) {
// No better luck: throw the original error decoding exception
throw TransportException(
"Failed to decode error response with status code: '$statusCode'",,
} else {
decodeResponse(statusCode, resp.body(), endpoint)
} finally {
private fun <ResponseT : Any?> decodeResponse(statusCode: Int, body: InputStream, endpoint: Endpoint<*, ResponseT, *>): ResponseT? {
return when (endpoint) {
is BooleanEndpoint -> {
return BooleanResponse(endpoint.getResult(statusCode)) as ResponseT?
is JsonEndpoint -> {
endpoint.responseDeserializer()?.let { deserializer ->
mapper.jsonProvider().createParser(body).use { parser ->
deserializer.deserialize(parser, mapper)
else -> throw TransportException("Unhandled endpoint type: ${}",
// Request has a body and must implement JsonpSerializable or NdJsonpSerializable
private fun <RequestT : Any?> asBodyPublisher(request: RequestT): HttpRequest.BodyPublisher {
val baos = ByteArrayOutputStream()
if (request is NdJsonpSerializable) {
writeNdJson(request, baos)
} else {
val generator = mapper.jsonProvider().createGenerator(baos)
mapper.serialize(request, generator)
return BodyPublishers.ofByteArray(baos.toByteArray())
private fun writeNdJson(value: NdJsonpSerializable, baos: ByteArrayOutputStream) {
val values = value._serializables()
while (values.hasNext()) {
val item =
if (item is NdJsonpSerializable && item !== value) { // do not recurse on the item itself
writeNdJson(item, baos)
} else {
val generator = mapper.jsonProvider().createGenerator(baos)
mapper.serialize(item, generator)
private class Options(
val headers: ImmutableMultimap<String, String>,
val queryParams: Map<String, String> = emptyMap(),
val onWarnings: Function<List<String>, Boolean> = Function { false },
) : TransportOptions {
override fun headers(): Collection<Map.Entry<String, String>> = headers.entries()
override fun queryParameters(): Map<String, String> = queryParams
override fun onWarnings(): Function<List<String>, Boolean> = onWarnings
override fun toBuilder(): TransportOptions.Builder {
val b = Builder()
b.onWarnings = onWarnings
return b
private class Builder : TransportOptions.Builder {
val headers: Multimap<String, String> = HashMultimap.create()
val queryParams: MutableMap<String, String> = mutableMapOf()
var onWarnings: Function<List<String>, Boolean> = Function { false }
override fun addHeader(name: String, value: String): TransportOptions.Builder {
headers.put(name, value)
return this
override fun setParameter(name: String, value: String): TransportOptions.Builder {
queryParams[name] = value
return this
override fun onWarnings(listener: Function<List<String>, Boolean>): TransportOptions.Builder {
onWarnings = listener
return this
override fun build(): TransportOptions {
return Options(ImmutableMultimap.copyOf(headers), queryParams.toMap(), onWarnings)
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