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Last active September 18, 2021 17:18
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Quart + Strawberry-GraphQL Tutorial

The following tutorial explains how to setup Quart and Strawberry-GraphQL with a simple application.

Requirements: Python 3.9 or higher


Section 1: Getting Started

  1. Install Poetry via

  2. Create new Ketchup project

    poetry new Ketchup
  3. Add Quart to Poetry's requirements files.

    poetry add Quart

    At the time of writing this doc, the versions installed were:

    • Quart 0.15.1
  4. Setup skeleton web app:

    Create new file Ketchup/ketchup/ with the following content:

    from quart import Quart
    app = Quart(__name__)
    async def index():
        return 'Hello World'
    if __name__ == "__main__":
  5. Test new application by running the following from inside the Ketchup project directory.

    poetry run python ketchup/

    And open up the following in your browser: http://localhost:5000

Section 2: Adding Strawberry

  1. Add Strawberry-GraphQL to Poetry's requirements files.

    poetry add Strawberry-graphql[asgi]  # asgi deps are required since no native Quart support

    At the time of writing this doc, the versions installed were:

    • Strawberry-graphql 0.77.10
  2. Create a new module at Ketchup/ketchup/

    import strawberry
    class Query:
        def upper(self, val: str) -> str:
            return val.upper()
  3. Create new module for embedding the strawberry graphql endpoint as a standard Quart view as Ketchup/ketchup/

    import json
    import logging
    import pathlib
    import traceback
    from typing import Any, Union
    import strawberry
    from quart import Response, abort, render_template_string, request
    from quart.typing import ResponseReturnValue
    from quart.views import View
    from strawberry.exceptions import MissingQueryError
    from strawberry.file_uploads.utils import replace_placeholders_with_files
    from strawberry.http import (GraphQLHTTPResponse, parse_request_data,
    from strawberry.schema import BaseSchema
    from strawberry.types import ExecutionResult
    logger = logging.getLogger("ketchup")
    def render_graphiql_page() -> str:
        dir_path = pathlib.Path(strawberry.__file__).absolute().parent
        graphiql_html_file = f"{dir_path}/static/graphiql.html"
        html_string = None
        with open(graphiql_html_file, "r") as f:
            html_string =
        return html_string.replace("{{ SUBSCRIPTION_ENABLED }}", "false")
    class GraphQLView(View):
        methods = ["GET", "POST"]
        def __init__(self, schema: BaseSchema, graphiql: bool = True):
            self.schema = schema
            self.graphiql = graphiql
        async def process_result(self, result: ExecutionResult) -> GraphQLHTTPResponse:
            if result.errors:
                for error in result.errors:
                    err = getattr(error, "original_error", None) or error
                    formatted = "".join(traceback.format_exception(err.__class__, err, err.__traceback__))
            return process_result(result)
        async def dispatch_request(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Union[ResponseReturnValue, str]:
            if "text/html" in request.headers.get("Accept", ""):
                if not self.graphiql:
                template = render_graphiql_page()
                return await render_template_string(template)
            content_type = str(request.headers.get("content-type", ""))
            if content_type.startswith("multipart/form-data"):
                form = await request.form
                operations = json.loads(form.get("operations", "{}"))
                files_map = json.loads(form.get("map", "{}"))
                data = replace_placeholders_with_files(operations, files_map, await request.files)
                data = await request.get_json()
                request_data = parse_request_data(data)
            except MissingQueryError:
                return Response("No valid query was provided for the request", 400)
            context = {"request": request}
            result = await self.schema.execute(
            response_data = await self.process_result(result)
            return Response(
  4. Modify file Ketchup/ketchup/ to have the following content:

    import asyncio
    from hypercorn.asyncio import serve
    from hypercorn.config import Config
    from quart import Quart
    from strawberry import Schema
    from ketchup.gqlschema import Query
    from ketchup.strawview import GraphQLView
    app = Quart("ketchup")
    schema = Schema(Query)
    app.add_url_rule("/graphql", view_func=GraphQLView.as_view("graphql_view", schema=schema))
    async def index():
        return 'Welcome to Ketchup!  Please see <a href="/graphql">Graph<em>i</em>QL</a> to interact with the GraphQL endpoint.'
    def hypercorn_serve():
        config = Config()
        config.bind = [""]
        config.use_reloader = True, config, shutdown_trigger=lambda: asyncio.Future()))
    if __name__ == "__main__":
  5. Test new application by running the following from inside the Ketchup project directory.

    a. Run the updated web app

    poetry run python -m ketchup.webapp

    b. Open up the following in your browser: http://localhost:5000/graphql

    c. Input the following graph query into the left side text area and hit the play button.

    query {
      upper(val: "dude, where's my car?")

    The result should be (on the right side):

    "data": {
        "upper": "DUDE, WHERE'S MY CAR?"

Bonus Points

Running Tests

  1. Add pytest as a dependency.

    poetry add -D pytest pytest-asyncio
  2. Ensure the Ketchup/tests/ file exists with the following content:

    import pytest
    from ketchup import __version__, webapp
    def test_version():
        assert __version__ == "0.1.0"
    class TestViews:
        async def test_index(self):
            assert "Welcome" in (await webapp.index())
  3. Run the tests by issuing the following from inside the Ketchup directory.

    poetry run pytest

    The result should be something like:

    =============================== test session starts ===============================
    platform linux -- Python 3.9.5, pytest-5.4.3, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
    rootdir: /home/ubuntu/dev/Ketchup
    plugins: anyio-3.3.1, asyncio-0.15.1
    collected 2 items
    tests/ ..                                                    [100%]
    ================================ 2 passed in 0.16s ================================

Coding Conventions

It is the author's advice to add the following to help with formatting all code in a standard way.

  • Add some developer dependencies:

    poetry add -D black isort
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