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Created September 18, 2010 19:34
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from django.shortcuts import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect, render_to_response, get_object_or_404
from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login, logout
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
import urllib
import operator
from datetime import datetime
from django.utils import simplejson
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.db.models import Count
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
from Traps.traps.models import Venue, Item, TrapsUser, VenueItem, Event
#from lib.trapsdecorators import IsLoggedInDecorator
import config
import urbanairship
### IPhone views
def set_device_token(request):
In order to do push notifications for the iphone we need to store the phone's device id.
This takes the deviceToken and associates it with the user.
ret = {"rc":0}
user_profile = _get_or_create_profile(request.user)
user_profile.iphoneDeviceToken = request.POST['deviceToken']
ret = {"rc":1}
return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(ret), mimetype='application/json')
def iphone_login(request):
Called from the iPhone when the home view is loaded.
-This checks to see if the user is currently logged in
-May actually be a bit redundant
jsonprofile = {}
profile = None
#TODO error case and feed it back to the iphone
#1. user name already exists does not work
#just in case
uname = request.POST['uname']
password = request.POST['password']
first_name = request.POST.get('first_name', '')
last_name = request.POST.get('last_name', '')
tutorial = request.POST.get('tutorial', None)
user = authenticate(username=uname, password=password)
if user is not None:
if user.is_active:
login(request, user)
user.user_profile = _get_or_create_profile(user)
profile = user.user_profile
#TODO check and set???
profile.user.first_name = first_name
profile.user.last_name = last_name
#return a disabled account error message
profile = _do_login(request, uname, password)
if tutorial and profile.tutorial < 2:
profile.tutorial = tutorial
jsonprofile = profile.objectify()
jsonprofile['inventory'] = _get_user_inventory(
jsonprofile = _set_tutorial(, jsonprofile)
return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(jsonprofile), mimetype='application/json')
def app_logout(request):
Log the user out. May need to verify that this happens appropriately so the client knows
return HttpResponse({'status':'success'}, mimetype='application/json')
#return HttpResponseRedirect('/loggedOut/')
def Login(request):
View for a web based login. This was a pre pre pre alpha view and may need to be deprecated
uname = request.GET['uname']
password = request.GET['email']
profile = _do_login(request, uname, password)
return HttpResponseRedirect('/startup/')
def trapWasHere(user, venue, itemsThatAreTraps):
The user has searched here and there was in fact a trap. Cause damage and most likely
remove the trap that was at this venue
totalDamage = 0
trapData = []
for trap in itemsThatAreTraps:
#TODO v2 see if they have a shield
#TODO v2 see if there was a multiplier on the trap
totalDamage += trap.item.value
trapData.append({'trapname','trapvalue':trap.item.value, 'trapperid':trap.user_id, 'trappername':trap.user.user.username})
trap.dateTimeUsed =
#user = TrapsUser.objects.get(id=uid)
user.hitPoints = max(user.hitPoints - totalDamage, 0)
return {'traps':trapData, 'hitpointslost':totalDamage , 'hitpointsleft': user.hitPoints}
def _get_user_inventory(uid):
Retrieve all of the items in the users inventory in an annotated list format with all the relevant data:
example of a user with 863 banana peels
count = 863;
id = 1;
name = "Banana Peel";
note = "This is a banana peel. it will knock you over.";
path = "site_media/images/banana.png";
type = TP;
This is called at least 2x in the iphone client
#>>> roditems = user.useritem_set.all()
traps = TrapsUser.objects.get(id=uid).useritem_set.all()
annotated_inv = traps.values('item').annotate(Count('item')).order_by()
inventory = []
for i in annotated_inv:
item = Item.objects.get(id = i['item'])
name =
id =
count = i['item__count']
path = 'site_media/'+item.assetPath.split(config.MEDIA_DIRECTORY)[1]
type = item.type
note = item.note
inventory.append({'name':name, 'id':id, 'count':count, 'path':path, 'type':type, 'note':note})
return inventory
def getUserProfile(uid):
user = TrapsUser.objects.get(id=uid)
inventory = _get_user_inventory(uid)
#inventory = user.useritem_set.all()
userInfo = {'twitterid':user.twitterid, 'photo', 'gender':user.gender, 'coinCount':user.coinCount, 'hitPoints':user.hitPoints, 'level':user.level, 'killCount':user.killCount, 'trapsSetCount':user.trapsSetCount, 'username':user.user.username, 'inventory':inventory}
return userInfo
def set_trap(request):
The action for the user setting the trap.
-Decreases the number of traps the user has
-adds the trap as a VenueItem
-sets up the user for notifications
request.user.user_profile = _get_or_create_profile(request.user)
uid =
vid = request.POST['vid']
iid = request.POST['iid']
iphonetoken = request.POST['deviceToken']
venue = Venue.objects.get(foursquareid=vid)
user = TrapsUser.objects.get(id=uid)
user.iphoneDeviceToken = iphonetoken
user.trapsSetCount += 1;
#get the item from the user and subtract it
alltraps = user.useritem_set.all()
if len(alltraps) > 0:
item = alltraps[0].item
#put this item on the VenueItem table
venue.venueitem_set.create(item=item, user=user)
armedTrap = user.useritem_set.get(id=alltraps[0].id)
ret = {}
request.user.user_profile = _get_or_create_profile(request.user)
#ret = getUserProfile(uid)
user = TrapsUser.objects.get(id=uid)
ret['profile'] = user.objectify()
return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(ret), mimetype='application/json')
def giveItemsAtVenueToUser(user, nonTrapVenueItems):
When a user searches at an item, they pick up the things that were laying there.
This is the mechanism which transfers the VenueItem to a UserItem
#Must do one of each type of rare item
for nonTrap in nonTrapVenueItems:
#nonTrap.count -= 1
item = user.useritem_set.create(item=nonTrap.item)
def search_venue(request, vid=None):
Searching a venue is the critical part of this entire game.
-Determines if there is a trap at this venue
-tells the user what is here
-gives coins, xp, items to the user
if vid == None:
vid = request.POST['vid']
tutorial = request.POST.get('tutorial', 3)
request.user.user_profile = _get_or_create_profile(request.user)
uid =
thisUsersTraps = request.user.user_profile.useritem_set.filter(item__type='TP')
ret = {}
if thisUsersTraps.count() != 0:
optionString = "You have %d traps. Would you like to set one?" %(thisUsersTraps.count())
ret['hasTraps'] = True
ret['hasTraps'] = False
optionString = "You have no traps"
venueSearch = Venue.objects.filter(foursquareid=vid)
if len(venueSearch) == 0:
#this venue isn't in the db, create it
a = urllib.urlopen(""+vid)
json_str =
b = simplejson.loads(json_str)['venue']
v = Venue(foursquareid=vid, name=b['name'],
latitude=b['geolat'], longitude=b['geolong'],
streetName=b['address'], city=b['city'], state=b['state'],
venue = Venue.objects.get(foursquareid=vid)
itemsAtVenue = venue.venueitem_set.filter()
itemsThatAreTraps = [i for i in itemsAtVenue if i.item.type == 'TP' and i.dateTimeUsed == None]
alertStatement = ''
if len(itemsThatAreTraps) > 0:
#There are traps, take action
ret['isTrapSet'] = True
_notify_trap_setter(uid, venue)
ret['damage'] = trapWasHere(request.user.user_profile, venue, itemsThatAreTraps)
ret['alertStatement'] = "There are traps at this venue. You took %s damage. %s" % (str(ret['damage']['hitpointslost']), optionString)
#no traps here, give the go ahead to get coins and whatever
ret['isTrapSet'] = False
if len(itemsThatAreTraps) < len(itemsAtVenue):
nonTraps = [i for i in itemsAtVenue if i.item.type != 'TP']
#The assumption here is that if it is not a trap, I should get it
giveItemsAtVenueToUser(request.user.user_profile, nonTraps)
ret['reward'] = _no_trap_was_here(request.user.user_profile, venue)
ret['alertStatement'] = ""
alertStatement = "There are no traps here. You got %s coins." % ret['reward']['coins']
ret['alertStatement'] = alertStatement + " " +optionString
venue.checkinCount += 1;
ret['venueid'] = vid
ret['userid'] = uid
ret['profile'] = request.user.user_profile.objectify()
ret['profile']['inventory'] = _get_user_inventory(uid)
#if this user is in tutorial mode, we'll have to return a different result
if int(tutorial) == 4:
#If they hit a trap during the tutorial, I wanna make it up to them
damage = ret.get('damage', {'hitpointslost':0})
request.user.user_profile.hitPoints += damage['hitpointslost']
#must give the guy the egg/newbie badge
#golden_egg = Item.objects.get(id=config.golden_egg_iid)
banana_trap = Item.objects.get(id=config.banana_iid)
#fabricate a return statement
ret = {'alertStatement':config.tutorial3,
'hasTraps':thisUsersTraps.count() != 0 and 1 or 2,
ret['profile'] = request.user.user_profile.objectify()
ret['profile']['inventory'] = _get_user_inventory(
request.user.user_profile.tutorial += 1
return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(ret), mimetype='application/json')
return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(ret), mimetype='application/json')
def show_all_traps_set(request):
The admin view for showing all of the traps that are in the system.
This will need a bit of work and MUST require you to login as an admin.
items = VenueItem.objects.filter(dateTimeUsed__exact=None)
VenueList = [i.objectify() for i in items]
return render_to_response('ShowAllTrapsSet.html', {'VenueList':items})
def get_friends(request):
Given a list of facebook friends. Show the stats for each of these friends.
Returns a json encoded array of friend dictionaries
u = request.user
#get the string argument
#friendString = request.POST['friends']
friendString = request.GET['friends']
#convert the string to an array of dicts
friendArray = simplejson.loads(str(friendString))
#get a list of the friend ids
friendIds = [int(friend['uid']) for friend in friendArray]
friendsHere = TrapsUser.objects.filter(user__username__in=friendIds)
#make a mapping of fbids to kill count
idKcMap = dict([(str(trapuser.user.username),trapuser.killCount) for trapuser in friendsHere])
for i in friendArray:
i['killCount'] = idKcMap.get(i['uid'], 0)
#sort by kill count
friendArray.sort(lambda x,y:cmp(y['killCount'],x['killCount']))
return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(friendArray), mimetype='application/json')
def GetUserProfileFromProfile(user_profile):
returns a users serialized profile with the inventory attached
profile = user_profile.objectify()
profile['inventory'] = _get_user_inventory(
return profile
def get_my_user_profile(request):
Get's the logged in user's profile
user_profile = _get_or_create_profile(request.user)
response = GetUserProfile(request,
return response
def GetUserProfile(request, uid):
Return the user's profile of the user with passed in uid
user_profile = _get_or_create_profile(request.user)
profile = user_profile.objectify()
profile['inventory'] = _get_user_inventory(uid)
return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(profile), mimetype='application/json')
def GetUserDropHistory(request):
Returns all of the VenueItems that are associated with this user
user_profile = _get_or_create_profile(request.user)
#relevantHistoryItems = ['LI', 'PC', 'SE', 'UI', 'HT', 'ST']
history = VenueItem.objects.filter(
jsonHistory = [h.objectify() for h in history]
return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(jsonHistory), mimetype='application/json')
def GetUserHistory(request):
Returns the list of all of the events that have happened to or by this user
user_profile = _get_or_create_profile(request.user)
relevantHistoryItems = ['LI', 'PC', 'SE', 'UI', 'HT', 'ST']
history = user_profile.event_set.filter(type__in=relevantHistoryItems)
jsonHistory = [h.objectify() for h in history]
return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(jsonHistory), mimetype='application/json')
def GetVenue(request, vid):
Returns the details of the venue described by the vid
-This event is logged. Though may not be needed
request.user.user_profile = _get_or_create_profile(request.user)
venue = Venue.objects.get(id=vid)
return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(venue.objectify()), mimetype='application/json')
def get_user_feed(request):
Retrieving the user's activity feed
userProfile = _get_or_create_profile(request.user)
myActions = ['SE', 'ST', 'HT', 'FI', 'GC']
othersActions = ['HT']
events = Event.objects.filter(type__in=myActions, | Event.objects.filter(type__in=othersActions,[:10]
ret = [e.objectify() for e in events]
ret.sort(lambda x,y:cmp(y['datetime'],x['datetime']))
#ret = [i for i in ret if
#don't update, must do something else
for i in ret:
#TODO v2 Boooooo default to the first venue? Ghetto
if len(i['data1']) > 0:
name = Venue.objects.get(id=i['data1']).name
name = ""
name = "id = "+i['data1']
i['name'] = i['type'] + " " +name
return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(ret), mimetype='application/json')
### Web app views
def holding(request):
The front page for the project. Originally designed for people to go and find out about the product.
Ultimately this will be the login page for new and existing users
return render_to_response('holding_page.html')
def home_page(request):
Show us the traps that have been set off
objs = VenueItem.objects.order_by('-dateTimeUsed')[:15]
recent = google_maps_items([(x.venue.latitude, x.venue.longitude) for x in objs])
return render_to_response('homepage.html',{'recent' : recent, 'recent_items' : objs})
def google_maps_items(events):
Something Peter put in. No internet at this place, so I can't see what it is.
Maybe he is up to no good.
out = []
for e in events:
out.append("%s,%s" % e )
return "|".join(out)
def qr_code(request, code):
QR Codes.....You bastard!!!
return render_to_response("qr_code.html")
def venue(request, eid):
v = get_object_or_404(Venue, pk=eid)
return render_to_response('venue.html', {'venue' : v})
### Private methods
def _set_tutorial(user_id, json):
Setting the tutorial text for a user. This usually means they are moving to the next step
u = TrapsUser.objects.get(id=user_id)
if u.tutorial == 1:
json['tutorialText'] = config.tutorial1
json['tutorialValue'] = 1
if u.tutorial == 2:
json['tutorialText'] = config.tutorial2
json['tutorialValue'] = 2
if u.tutorial == 3:
json['tutorialText'] = config.tutorial3
json['tutorialValue'] = 3
if u.tutorial == 4:
json['tutorialText'] = config.tutorial4
json['tutorialValue'] = 4
return json
def _no_trap_was_here(user, venue):
The user has just searched this venue and found that there is no trap here. Perform actions as needed
#potential coin reward - goes up 1 coin per minute to the max of that venue
timeDelta = - venue.lastUpdated
minutesSinceSearch = timeDelta.seconds/60
calculatedRewardValue = min(venue.coinValue, minutesSinceSearch)
reward = {'coins': calculatedRewardValue}
if venue.checkinCount == 0:
reward['coins'] = 3
#user = TrapsUser.objects.get(id=uid)
user.coinCount += calculatedRewardValue
reward['usersCoinTotal'] = user.coinCount
itemsAtVenue = venue.item.values()
return reward
def _notify_trap_setter(uid, venue):
Use whatever methods we have to contact the user who set this trap.
Push notifications, activity feed stuff, email, etc
alertNote = 'Someone just hit the trap you left at %s' % (
theTrapQuery = VenueItem.objects.filter(
trapSetter = theTrapQuery[0].user
token = trapSetter.iphoneDeviceToken
trapSetter.trapsSetCount -= 1
trapSetter.killCount += 1
trapSetter.event_set.create(type='HT', data1=uid)
##TODO: configify this: From This is the App key and the APP MASTER SECRET...not the app secret
#development urban airship values
airship = urbanairship.Airship('EK_BtrOrSOmo95TTsAb_Fw', 'vAixh-KLT5u0Ay8Xv6cf4Q')
#production urbain airship values
#airship = urbanairship.Airship('VsK3ssUxRzCQJ6Rs_Sf7wg', 'c_JO0OFcSNKPFhyM-3Jq2A')
#print "registering %s, %s" %(token, uid)
#TODO This needs to be deferred for sure
airship.push({'aps':{'alert':alertNote}}, device_tokens=[token])
#airship.push({'aps':{'alert':alertNote}, aliases=[uid])
#I'm not going to wait around for airship to not fail
#TODO send the exception so I know it's happening
#print "failed airship"
def _get_or_create_profile(user):
Determines if we actually need to create a user based on what is passed in from the netz
If we do NOT have a user's (trpas) profile associated with this user, then create one
else, return the profile that is attached to this (django) user
profile = user.get_profile()
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
profile = TrapsUser(user=user)
return profile
def _do_login(request, uname, password):
The login function which actually executes the login with the password
if request.user.is_anonymous():
#create user and profile Create New User
user = User.objects.create_user(uname, 'none', password)
user = authenticate(username=uname, password=password)
login(request, user)
user.user_profile = _get_or_create_profile(user)
last_name = request.POST.get('last_name', '')
first_name = request.POST.get('first_name', '')
user.first_name = first_name
user.last_name = last_name
#create a whole bunch of bananas
for i in range(config.numStarterItems):
starterItem = Item.objects.get(id=1)
user = request.user
user.user_profile = _get_or_create_profile(user)
return user.user_profile
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