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Last active April 29, 2021 11:08
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Test de verif

for app <- [:hackney, :ibrowse, :httpc], true == Code.ensure_loaded?(app) do

Mettre les defstruct dans un même fichier

defmodule ExVCR.Record do defstruct options: nil, responses: nil end

defmodule ExVCR.Request do defstruct url: nil, headers: [], method: nil, body: nil, options: [], request_body: "" end

Pipeline de test

defp match_response(response, keys, recorder_options) do
    match_by_url(response, keys, recorder_options)
      and match_by_method(response, keys)
      and match_by_request_body(response, keys, recorder_options)
      and match_by_headers(response, keys, recorder_options)
      and match_by_custom_matchers(response, keys, recorder_options)


req_body = URI.encode_query(%{"name" => "who am i", "pass" => "$3cret"})
  %{"Content-Type" => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
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