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Created April 24, 2022 03:30
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The Smart Contract for the BikeChain app built in my YouTube tutorial - here.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
contract BikeChain {
address owner;
constructor() {
owner = msg.sender;
// Add yourself as a Renter
struct Renter {
address payable walletAddress;
string firstName;
string lastName;
bool canRent;
bool active;
uint balance;
uint due;
uint start;
uint end;
mapping (address => Renter) public renters;
function addRenter(address payable walletAddress, string memory firstName, string memory lastName, bool canRent, bool active, uint balance, uint due, uint start, uint end) public {
renters[walletAddress] = Renter(walletAddress, firstName, lastName, canRent, active, balance, due, start, end);
// Checkout bike
function checkOut(address walletAddress) public {
require(renters[walletAddress].due == 0, "You have a pending balance.");
require(renters[walletAddress].canRent == true, "You cannot rent at this time.");
renters[walletAddress].active = true;
renters[walletAddress].start = block.timestamp;
renters[walletAddress].canRent = false;
// Check in a bike
function checkIn(address walletAddress) public {
require(renters[walletAddress].active == true, "Please check out a bike first.");
renters[walletAddress].active = false;
renters[walletAddress].end = block.timestamp;
// Get total duration of bike use
function renterTimespan(uint start, uint end) internal pure returns(uint) {
return end - start;
function getTotalDuration(address walletAddress) public view returns(uint) {
require(renters[walletAddress].active == false, "Bike is currently checked out.");
uint timespan = renterTimespan(renters[walletAddress].start, renters[walletAddress].end);
uint timespanInMinutes = timespan / 60;
return timespanInMinutes;
// Get Contract balance
function balanceOf() view public returns(uint) {
return address(this).balance;
// Get Renter's balance
function balanceOfRenter(address walletAddress) public view returns(uint) {
return renters[walletAddress].balance;
// Set Due amount
function setDue(address walletAddress) internal {
uint timespanMinutes = getTotalDuration(walletAddress);
uint fiveMinuteIncrements = timespanMinutes / 5;
renters[walletAddress].due = fiveMinuteIncrements * 5000000000000000;
function canRentBike(address walletAddress) public view returns(bool) {
return renters[walletAddress].canRent;
// Deposit
function deposit(address walletAddress) payable public {
renters[walletAddress].balance += msg.value;
// Make Payment
function makePayment(address walletAddress) payable public {
require(renters[walletAddress].due > 0, "You do not have anything due at this time.");
require(renters[walletAddress].balance > msg.value, "You do not have enough funds to cover payment. Please make a deposit.");
renters[walletAddress].balance -= msg.value;
renters[walletAddress].canRent = true;
renters[walletAddress].due = 0;
renters[walletAddress].start = 0;
renters[walletAddress].end = 0;
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