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Last active April 14, 2021 20:13
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Category Tree Generator + Test (xUnit) in C#9. See method `CreateTree`.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.Json;
using Xunit;
public class CategoryTreeGeneratorTest
record Category(int Id, string Name)
//fake root-category
public static readonly Category Root = new(-1, "Root");
record SubCategory(int ParentId, int Id, string Name) : Category(Id, Name);
record CategoryTree(Category Category, IEnumerable<CategoryTree> Children);
// Hierarchy:
// a:
// aa
// ab
// b:
// ba
// bb
readonly Category[] items =
new(1, "a"),
new SubCategory(1, 10, "aa"),
new SubCategory(1, 11, "ab"),
new(2, "b"),
new SubCategory(2, 12, "ba"),
new SubCategory(2, 13, "bb"),
private IEnumerable<CategoryTree> CreateTree()
var lookup = items.ToLookup(it => (it as SubCategory)?.ParentId ?? Category.Root.Id); //O(n)
var tree = CreateSubTrees(Category.Root); //O(n)
return tree;
IEnumerable<CategoryTree> CreateSubTrees(Category parent)
=> lookup[parent.Id]
.Select(subCat => new CategoryTree(subCat, CreateSubTrees(subCat)));
public void TestTree()
var tree = CreateTree();
var expected = new CategoryTree[]
new(new Category(1, "a"), new[]
new SubCategory(1, 10, "aa"),
new SubCategory(1, 11, "ab"),
}.Select(it => new CategoryTree(it, Enumerable.Empty<CategoryTree>()))),
new(new Category(2, "b"), new[]
new SubCategory(2, 12, "ba"),
new SubCategory(2, 13, "bb")
}.Select(it => new CategoryTree(it, Enumerable.Empty<CategoryTree>())))
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