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trigger_app GET /apps/:id/trigger(.:format) apps#trigger
app_hooks GET /apps/:app_id/hooks(.:format) hooks#index
POST /apps/:app_id/hooks(.:format) hooks#create
new_app_hook GET /apps/:app_id/hooks/new(.:format) hooks#new
edit_app_hook GET /apps/:app_id/hooks/:id/edit(.:format) hooks#edit
app_hook GET /apps/:app_id/hooks/:id(.:format) hooks#show
PATCH /apps/:app_id/hooks/:id(.:format) hooks#update
PUT /apps/:app_id/hooks/:id(.:format) hooks#update
DELETE /apps/:app_id/hooks/:id(.:format) hooks#destroy
apps GET /apps(.:format) apps#index
rodreegez /
Created May 28, 2013 18:21
Create a Gemfile with the specified gems.
# Usage:
# $ gemfile sinatra
# $ cat Gemfile
# source ''
# gem 'sinatra'
function gemfile {
.container {
width: 96%;
max-width: 920px;
margin: auto;
padding: 2px;
.site {
color: #383838;
padding-top: 70px;
def alexandra
p "hello alexandra. how old are you?"
age = gets.chomp
age.to_i.times { p "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" ; sleep 1 }

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The Quick Version