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Created May 5, 2016 10:02
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# For advice on how to change settings please see
sql_mode= ''
# The directory where error messages are located. The value is used
# together with the value of lc_messages to produce the location for the
# error message file.
# lc-messages-dir = /usr/share/mysql
# Do not use external locking (system locking). This affects only MyISAM table access.
# skip-external-locking
# Security #
# No community software @Vekseid is am aware of actually needs LOAD DATA LOCAL,
# so I just disable it. See:
local-infile = 0
# safe-user-create prevents autocreating users with the GRANT statement
# unless the user has the insert privilege on mysql.user
safe-user-create = 1
# secure-auth is probably not relevant if your server was built in the
# past several years. I just like it on.
secure-auth = 1
# Remove skip-show-database if you use phpMyAdmin or a similar tool to
# manage your databases, it will just frustrate you or your users.
# skip-show-database
# MyISAM #
# Index blocks for MyISAM tables are buffered and are shared by all threads.
# key_buffer_size is the size of the buffer used for index blocks. The key buffer is also
# known as the key cache.
# The maximum permissible setting for key_buffer_size is 4GB on 32-bit platforms.
# Drupal 7 shouldn't be using MyISAM.
# @Sudeepg suggests 128M. Percona suggests 32M.
# @Simon suggests 16k for low RAM. Original 64M.
key_buffer_size = 32M
# By default, MyISAM tables will INSERT into deleted row space before
# appending to the end of the disk. In exchange for saving this trivial
# amount of space, once a row gets deleted, only one insert operation
# may occur at a time until holes are filled. Setting concurrent_insert
# to 2 stops this silly behavior, at the cost of wasting a bit of disk
# space, for a significant performance improvement in MyISAM tables.
# Drupal 7 shouldn't be using MyISAM.
concurrent_insert = 2
# This value by default is small, to catch large (possibly incorrect) packets.
# You must increase this value if you are using large BLOB columns or long strings. It
# should be as big as the largest BLOB you want to use. The protocol limit for
# max_allowed_packet is 1GB. The value should be a multiple of 1024; non-multiples are
# rounded down to the nearest multiple.
# @trainingcity & Percona suggests 16. @abramo & @Ethanol suggests 64M.
# @Sudeepg suggests 128M. Original 1M.
# max_allowed_packet = 16M
max_allowed_packet = 256M
# If more than this many successive connection requests from a host are interrupted
# without a successful connection, the server blocks that host from further connections.
# You can unblock blocked hosts by flushing the host cache. To do so, issue a FLUSH HOSTS
# statement or execute a mysqladmin flush-hosts command. If a connection is established
# successfully within fewer than max_connect_errors attempts after a previous connection
# was interrupted, the error count for the host is cleared to zero. However, once a host is
# blocked, flushing the host cache is the only way to unblock it.
# Prevent password brute force attack. Can cause “Host Blocked” error messages.
# @xamount suggests 10. @trainingcity suggests 8. @Sudeepg suggests 10000. Original 4.
# Percona suggests should probably be set as large as your platform allows 1000000.
max_connect_errors = 1000000
# tmp_table_size & max_heap_table_size are best set to the same size, because the size
# of temporary tables is limited by the lower of the two.
# @Vekseid has not found any benefit in increasing the value past tmp_table_size
# default of default of 32M.
# Maximum size for internal (in-memory) temporary tables. If a table
# grows larger than this value, it is automatically converted to disk
# based table This limitation is for a single table. There can be many
# of them.
# @Ethanol suggests 64M or even 128M. @Sudeepg suggests 256M. Original 16M
tmp_table_size = 64M
max_heap_table_size = 64M
# 1 = default on, 0 = no query_chache, 2 = use SQL_CACHE switch in SQL-statement
query_cache_type = 1
# This is the total available space for query_cache.
# Query cache is used to cache SELECT results and later return them
# without actual executing the same query once again. Having the query
# cache enabled may result in significant speed improvements, if your
# have a lot of identical queries and rarely changing tables. See the
# "Qcache_lowmem_prunes" status variable to check if the current value
# is high enough for your load.
# Note: In case your tables change very often or if your queries are
# textually different every time, the query cache may result in a
# slowdown instead of a performance improvement.
# Enable query cache only if it is tested to provide significant gains
# Often causes stalls and contention
# Do not set over 512MB
# @ RickJames says to view your QC performance, SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE
# 'Qc%'; then compute the read hit rate: Qcache_hits / Qcache_inserts If
# it is over, say, 5, the QC might be worth keeping.
# @quaoar suggested 1GB. @Sudeepg suggests 4M & 32M. @Simon sugests 64M.
# @Vekseid suggests 256K. Percona suggests 0.
query_cache_size = 4M
# Only cache result sets that are smaller than this limit. This is to
# protect the query cache of a very large result set overwriting all
# other query results.
# @Ethanol suggest increasing value if you experience long queries selecting a lot of data.
# @quaoar suggested 256K. @Sudeepg suggests 2M & 6M. @Vekseid suggests 256K.
# @Simon suggests 2M. @trainingcity suggested 8M. Original 1M.
query_cache_limit = 256K
# @abramo suggests 32M but @ethanol suggests playing with this
# "until you get 80% cache filled after mysql server has been running for 24h+.
# If this is a dedicated database server you can go nuts with this up to 70% of RAM,
# but if there is no queries to be cached this will be pretty useless. Better stay
# under 512M and use rest for memcached".
# @Vekseid suggested 4k. Original value 16M.
query_cache_min_res_unit = 1K
# 256K is now the default for 64-bit systems, this line is just for 32-bit systems.
# thread_stack = 256K
# max_connections is how many connections your server will tolerate at
# once, while thread_cache_size is how many of these your server will
# cache. There is no reason not to set these to be an equal number -
# @Vekseid has seen no evidence that the trivial amount of RAM a low
# thread_cache_size is worth the performance hit of opening up a new
# thread under load.
# In realistic terms, you should 'tune to failure' - you don't want
# to support more active connections than your system can feasibly handle.
# 128 is a good number for most low-end servers produced these days.
# @zawodny says "If you have a busy server that's getting a lot of quick
# connections, set your thread cache high enough that the
# Threads_created value in SHOW STATUS stops increasing.
# Increase if you have multiple drive arrays or faster disks.
# @abramo & @quaoar suggests 8. Jumping down to 32 based on @Etanol. @trainingcity suggests 128. Simon suggested 16. Original was 286.
thread_cache_size = 128
# @xamount suggests 90, @Sudeepg 100 & 500. @Simon suggests 100. @Etanol suggests max of 200. @trainingcity suggests 250.
max_connections = 128
# The following three line are only necessary in MySQL 5.1, for loading
# the plugin which supports the new InnoDB file format.
# If you have 5.5 or later, skip these lines.
# ignore_builtin_innodb
# plugin-load =;;;;;;;
innodb_log_file_size = 1GB
# Set this to the size of a filesystem block - e.g. 4k
key_cache_block_size = 4K
# Sort buffer is used to perform sorts for some ORDER BY and GROUP BY
# queries. If sorted data does not fit into the sort buffer, a disk
# based merge sort is used instead - See the "Sort_merge_passes"
# status variable. Allocated per thread if sort is needed.
# These two should both be the default values. If you are bulk-loading
# data from a script, you may want to increase bulk_insert_buffer_size
# to speed up operation.
# @Ethanol suggests 8M for bulk_insert_buffer_size. Original is 64M.
# For myisam_sort_buffer_size @Etanol suggests 32M. @Sudeepg suggests 2M. @Jose suggests 2M
# and @trainingcity suggests 32M for 1GB, 64M for 2GB, 128 for 4GB. Percona suggests 8MB-256MB.
# Drupal 7 shouldn't be using MyISAM.
#bulk_insert_buffer_size = 256M
myisam_sort_buffer_size = 64M
# Past allocations of 256K, Linux switches from malloc () to the less
# time-efficient mmap (). Making buffers larger than 256k, then, is
# not necessarily a good idea. You will have fewer 'bad' queries,
# individually, but you lose out on the vast majority of other queries.
# This buffer is used for the optimization of full JOINs (JOINs without
# indexes). Such JOINs are very bad for performance in most cases
# anyway, but setting this variable to a large value reduces the
# performance impact. See the "Select_full_join" status variable for a
# count of full JOINs. Allocated per thread if full join is found.
# @trainingcity suggests 1M. @Simon suggests 16M. @Vekseid suggests 256K. Original 2M.
join_buffer_size = 8M
# @Etanol suggests 1M. @Sudeepg suggests 2M (as does original) & 4M.
# @trainingcity suggests 2M # 1M for 1GB, 2M for 2GB, 4M for 4GB. @Vekseid suggests 256K.
read_buffer_size = 2M
# Large values hurt performance of small queries. Percona suggests up to 1M.
# @abramo suggests 2M & @Sudeepg suggests 4M. @Etanol suggests 8M.
# @trainingcity suggests 2M # 1M for 1GB, 2M for 2GB, 4M for 4GB. @Vekseid suggests 256K.
#sort_buffer_size = 3M
# Buffer for reading rows in sorted offer, specifies Maximum Value.
# Percona recommends values around 16MB.
# @Sudeepg suggests 4M & 16M. @Vekseid suggests 2M.
# @trainingcity suggests 1536K # 768K for 1GB, 1536K for 2GB, 3072K for 4GB
# A rule-of-thumb is to allocate 1KB for each 1MB of memory on the server
#read_rnd_buffer_size = 64M
# The number of open tables for all threads. Increasing this value
# increases the number of file descriptors that mysqld requires.
# Therefore you have to make sure to set the amount of open files
# allowed to at least 4096 in the variable "open-files-limit" in
# section [mysqld_safe]
# @Etanol suggests using total number of database tables +20%
# (ALL databases) if you just have a single Drupal database 100-150
# will be enough. @abramo & @Jose suggests 4096.
#table_cache = 4096
# The next two lines replace the basic table_cache value as of MySQL
# 5.1. table_definition_cache should be big enough for every table
# in your database, plus temporary tables, and table_open_cache
# should be a reflection of how many of these will be open in a live
# connection at once - it will likely exceed your definition cache.
# It doesn't hurt to set these to large values. They don't take a lot
# of RAM and it's better than hitting the limit.
# @Simon suggests table_definition_cache could be 2048.
# @Original of table_open_cache is 4096. @Vekseid suggested 16384.
#table_definition_cache = 4096
#table_open_cache = 16384
# The default optimizer_search_depth is 62. This causes MySQL to take
# an obscene amount of time planning a query, though when it finally
# executes, it is pretty close to optimal. Since the vast majority of
# queries my software runs involve four or fewer relations,
# @Vekseid set it to four.
optimizer_search_depth = 4
# Drupal has been UTF8 for a long time, so let's state that explicitly.
character-set-server = utf8
collation-server = utf8_general_ci
# @Vekseid - there's no serious reason to have a long interactive timeout. If you
# are low on connections, you shouldn't set this higher than wait_timeout
# @Sudeepg suggests 400. @trainingcity suggests 100. Original 25
interactive_timeout = 400
# @Vekseid believes that the default value is far too high. If you
# use persistent connections, even a timeout of 300 may be too high.
# @xamount suggests 100 and blamed this on over allocating memory to mysql.
# @Etanol suggests raising this to 3600. @Sudeepg suggests 300 & 600. @trainingcity suggests 100.
wait_timeout = 3600
# @Etanol suggests 4. @trainingcity suggests 10.
connect_timeout = 10
# Need adjustment if many connections/sec
# Percona suggests 2048 is reasonable value. Original 100.
back_log = 2048
query_prealloc_size = 65536
query_alloc_block_size = 131072
max_allowed_packet = 256M
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