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Created March 9, 2015 16:11
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Publico 25 Anos - Load YouTube Videos
// Set some vars
var onYouTubeIframeAPIReady;
var videoList = ['r_FgH-8i-Oo', 'Z7RrDbjeLso', 'qhWINlncAzg', 'G53J4BSaiYI', '84D3zS4ZPFo', 'Dg9NkjBtk8Y', 'ANEO4JGul6E', 'HPaj4-PW4ks', 'ao-KFMD-kZg', 'QbORd1LhQvw', 'kRGWITsjrdg', '9NsAhKp4dh4', 'jieTu3ISZlE', 'pTZ4Vw0MY8o', 'D1FaHRPxwH8', '0RvSl5meXD4', '1EyH8SXKbGQ', 'UsHRmr_QkOw', 'McHsqE8-Kz4', 'Rt76h45keJU', 'UEz53zlIxns', 'pNmcZmequ1c', 'zWBUSTsMtlk', 'N6OXG9335_I'];
var $ytcontainer;
var player;
var idle_time2 = 0, idle_limit2 = 5, idle_interval2;
// Define some functions
var isMobile = {
Android: function() {
return navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i) ? true : false;
BlackBerry: function() {
return navigator.userAgent.match(/BlackBerry/i) ? true : false;
iOS: function() {
return navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone|iPad|iPod/i) ? true : false;
Windows: function() {
return navigator.userAgent.match(/IEMobile/i) ? true : false;
any: function() {
return (isMobile.Android() || isMobile.BlackBerry() || isMobile.iOS() || isMobile.Windows());
function resizeVideo() {
var windowWidth = $(window).width(),
windowHeight = $(window).height(),
videoWidth = (16 * windowHeight) / 9,
videoHeight = (9 * windowWidth) / 16;
if( ((windowHeight) / windowWidth) <= 0.5625 ) {
.width( windowWidth )
.height( videoHeight )
.css({'top': (((windowHeight - videoHeight) / 2)) + 'px', 'bottom': 'auto', 'left': 0, 'right': 0 })
// .css({'left': (((windowWidth - videoWidth) / 2)) + 'px', 'right': 'auto', 'top': 0, 'bottom': 0 });
} else {
.width( videoWidth )
.height( windowHeight )
.css({'left': (((windowWidth - videoWidth) / 2)) + 'px', 'right': 'auto', 'top': 0, 'bottom': 0 });
function isInt(n){
return Number(n)===n && n%1===0;
function pad(n) {
return (n < 10) ? ("0" + n) : n;
$.fn.removeClassPrefix = function(prefix) {
this.each(function(i, el) {
var classes = el.className.split(" ").filter(function(c) {
return c.lastIndexOf(prefix, 0) !== 0;
el.className = $.trim(classes.join(" "));
return this;
// Fade in elements with CSS3
$.fn.fadeIn = function(speed, callback) {
var transitionSpeed = typeof (speed) == "undefined" ? 1000 : speed;
$(this).show().transition({opacity: 1 }, transitionSpeed, callback);
// On document ready...
$(function() {
// Set some local vars
var clock;
var hashed = false;
var videoPaused = 0;
var clockCounting = 0;
var videoFirstPlay = 0;
var videoHourChange = false;
var firstRun = true;
var videoQualityRequest = 0;
var timeMachineMode = 0;
var lockedMode = false;
var lockedDate = new Date('2015', '2', '4');
var currentDate = new Date();
var currentHour = currentDate.getUTCHours();
var currentTime;
var elapsedMinutes = ( currentDate.getUTCHours() * 60 ) + currentDate.getUTCMinutes();
var elapsdeHourlySeconds = currentDate.getUTCMinutes() * 60;
var elapsedDailySeconds = ( currentDate.getUTCHours() * 3600 ) + elapsdeHourlySeconds;
var playerControls = 0;
// currentHour = 23;
// elapsedMinutes = 59;
// elapsdeHourlySeconds = 3596;
// elapsedDailySeconds = 68340;
var i = null;
var $videoTimeline = $('#video-timeline'),
$videoTimelineMinutes = $videoTimeline.find(''),
$videoTimelineControls = $videoTimeline.find('.video-timeline-controls'),
$videoControls = $('#video-controls'),
$videoZoomControls = $('#video-timeline-zoom-controls'),
$videoProgress = $videoTimeline.find('.video-timeline-progress'),
$videoReset = $('#video-reset'),
$videoTitle = $('#video-info').find('.video-info-title'),
$videoTitleLoc = $('#video-info').find('.video-info-subtitle .text');
$ytcontainer = $('#video-yt-container');
// Mobile options
if( isMobile.any() ) {
playerControls = 0;
// Count pageviews
idle_interval2 = setInterval(function () {
idle_time2 = idle_time2 + 1;
if (idle_time2 >= idle_limit2) {
if (typeof doPageCount == 'function') {
idle_time2 = 0;
}, 60000);
// Check if lock mode
if(lockedDate.setHours(0,0,0,0) == currentDate.setHours(0,0,0,0)) {
lockedMode = true;
// Disable arrow right
// Prepapre tooltips
function timelineTooltips() {
container: $videoTimeline,
delay: 0,
title: function(){
return $(this).data('hour') + 'h'
// Update video info every minute
function minuteUpdate() {
if( currentTime != 1440 ) {
var currentIndex = currentTime;
videoTitle = videoListMeta[currentIndex].t
videoLocation = videoListMeta[currentIndex].l,
progressLocation = ((currentTime+1)*100) / 1440;
// Set title & location
$videoTitle.html( videoTitle );
$videoTitleLoc.html( videoLocation );
// Update progress bar
$videoProgress.css({'left': progressLocation + '%'});
// Active video
.find('[data-minute=' + (currentIndex + 1) + ']')
// Disble locked hours
if( lockedMode ) {
var currentDateCheck = new Date(),
elapsedMinutesCheck = ( currentDateCheck.getUTCHours() * 60 ) + currentDateCheck.getUTCMinutes();
.filter(function() {
return $(this).data("minute") - 1 > elapsedMinutesCheck;
.filter(function() {
return $(this).data("minute") - 1 <= elapsedMinutesCheck;
} else {
// Update hash
document.location.hash = '!' + currentHour + 'h' + pad( Math.floor(currentTime - (currentHour * 60)) );
// Update video info every hour
function hourUpdate() {
currentHour = Math.floor( currentTime / 60 );
// Fire video form current time
function startVideo() {
var startDate = new Date(),
startElapsedMinutes = ( startDate.getUTCHours() * 60 ) + startDate.getUTCMinutes();
changeVideo( startElapsedMinutes );
// Restar video
function restartVideo() {
// Reset timeline
// Close hour
if( !isMobile.any() ) {
// Reset tooltips
// Loop video
if( lockedMode ) {
lockedMode = false;
changeVideo( 0, true );
// Reset video to actual minute
function resetVideo() {
// Chnange to "live" mode
timeMachineMode = 0;
// Just in case...
// Get new time
var resetDate = new Date();
var resetHour = resetDate.getUTCHours();
var resetElapsedMinutes = ( resetDate.getUTCHours() * 60 ) + resetDate.getUTCMinutes();
var resetElapsdeHourlySeconds = resetDate.getUTCMinutes() * 60;
var resetElapsedDailySeconds = ( resetDate.getUTCHours() * 3600 ) + resetElapsdeHourlySeconds;
// Set "new" current time
currentTime = resetElapsedMinutes;
// Reset clock
clock.setTime( resetElapsedDailySeconds );
// Check if wanted video is already playgin
if( currentHour == resetHour ) {
// Start player
player.seekTo( resetElapsdeHourlySeconds + 2 );
// Otherwise switch video
else {
currentHour = resetHour;
// Start player
player.playVideoAt(currentHour).seekTo( (currentTime - (currentHour * 60)) * 60 );
// Change video
function changeVideo(minute, loop) {
var currentDateCheck = new Date(),
elapsedMinutesCheck = ( currentDateCheck.getUTCHours() * 60 ) + currentDateCheck.getUTCMinutes();
if( minute >= 0 ){
// Don't let go forward if in lock mode
if( lockedMode && minute > elapsedMinutesCheck ) {
// Show message if hash
if( hashed ) {
} else {
// Chnange to "time machine" mode
if( !loop ) {
timeMachineMode = 1;
// Just in case...
// Check if wanted video is already playgin
if( currentHour == Math.floor( minute / 60 ) ) {
var seekTime = (minute - (currentHour * 60)) * 60;
var newTime = (currentHour * 3600) + seekTime;
// Set "new" current time
currentTime = Math.floor( ( (currentHour * 3600) + seekTime ) / 60 );
// Reset clock
clock.setTime( newTime );
// Start player
player.seekTo( seekTime + 2 );
// Otherwise switch video
else {
// Set "new" current hour
currentHour = Math.floor( minute / 60 );
var seekTime = (minute - (currentHour * 60)) * 60;
var newTime = (currentHour * 3600) + seekTime;
// Set "new" current time
currentTime = Math.floor( ( (currentHour * 3600) + seekTime ) / 60 );
// Reset clock
clock.setTime( newTime );
// Start player
player.playVideoAt(currentHour).seekTo( seekTime + 2 );
// Check to see if we're at the beginning
if( minute == 0 ) {
// Check to see if we're at the end
if( minute == 1440 ) {
// Check to see if we've catch up with live video again
if( minute == elapsedMinutesCheck ) {
timeMachineMode = 0;
// And if in lock mode, disable arrow again
if( lockedMode ) {
// Resize video on loading...
if( !isMobile.any() ) {
// ...and bind to window resize event
$(window).resize( $.throttle( 500, function(){
// Zoom timeline
function zoomHour($el) {
var $this = $el;
// Close previously zoomed hour
// Tell timeline we're zoomed
// Deativate zoom arrows
if( $':last-child') ) {
if( $':first-child') ) {
// Zoom on hour
if( !isMobile.any() ) {
container: $videoTimeline,
delay: 0,
title: function(){
var $this = $(this),
hour = Math.floor( ($'minute')-1) / 60),
minute = ($'minute')-1) - (hour * 60),
warning = '';
if( $this.hasClass('locked') ) {
warning = ' (este minuto ainda não chegou)'
return hour + 'h' + pad( minute ) + warning;
// Init clock
clock = $('#video-clock').FlipClock({
clockFace: 'HourlyCounter',
autoStart: false,
callbacks: {
interval: function(){
// Keep track of tme
var internalTime = clock.getTime().time;
// Keep track of global minutes
currentTime = Math.floor( internalTime / 60 );
// Update every minute
if( internalTime % 60 === 0 ) {
// Update every minute
if( internalTime % 3600 === 0 ) {
// Update every minute
if( internalTime === 68343 ) {
start: function() {
clockCounting = 1;
// Store start time
currentTime = Math.floor( clock.getTime() / 60 );
// Set title on strat
stop: function() {
// Tell everyone video is paused
videoPaused = 1;
// Load the IFrame Player API code asynchronously.
var tag = document.createElement('script');
tag.src = "";
var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag);
// Init YT player
onYouTubeIframeAPIReady = function() {
player = new YT.Player('video-yt-player', {
height: '100%',
width: '100%',
videoId: 'N6OXG9335_I',
playerVars: {
controls: playerControls,
showinfo: 0,
autoplay: 0,
disablekb: 1,
fs: 0,
iv_load_policy: 3,
modestbranding: 1,
wmode: 'opaque',
enablejsapi: 1
events: {
'onReady': onPlayerReady,
'onStateChange': onPlayerStateChange,
'onPlaybackQualityChange': onPlayerQualityChange
// Cue playlist
function onPlayerReady(event) {
player.cuePlaylist(videoList, currentHour, 0, 'large');
// Hide infterface
if( !Modernizr.touch ){
.on('mousemove', function() {
$('#video-timeline, #video-controls').css({'opacity': 1});
i = setTimeout(" $('#video-timeline, #video-controls').css({'opacity': 0}); ", 3000);
.on('mouseup', function() {
i = setTimeout(" $('#video-timeline, #video-controls').css({'opacity': 0}); ", 3000);
.on('mouseleave', function() {
$('#video-timeline, #video-controls').css({'opacity': 0});
// Init tooltips
if( !isMobile.any() ) {
// Bind click events
$videoTimeline.on('click', '', function(e){
if( !$videoTimeline.hasClass('zoomed') ) {
zoomHour( $(this) );
$videoTimeline.on('click', '', function(e){
if( $videoTimeline.hasClass('zoomed') ) {
var $this = $(this);
if( !$this.hasClass('locked') && !$this.hasClass('active') ) {
idle_time2 = 0;
if (typeof doPageCount == 'function') {
changeVideo( $'minute') - 1 );
$videoControls.on('click', 'li', function(){
var $this = $(this);
if( $'action') == 'previous' && !$this.hasClass('disabled') ) {
changeVideo(currentTime - 1);
idle_time2 = 0;
if (typeof doPageCount == 'function') {
if ( $'action') == 'next' && !$this.hasClass('disabled') ) {
changeVideo(currentTime + 1);
idle_time2 = 0;
if (typeof doPageCount == 'function') {
$videoReset.on('click', function(){
$videoZoomControls.on('click', 'li', function(){
var $this = $(this);
// Previous hour
if( $this.hasClass('previous') && !$this.hasClass('disabled') ) {
zoomHour( $videoTimeline.find('li.zoomed-hour').prev() );
// Next hour
if( $this.hasClass('next') && !$this.hasClass('disabled') ) {
zoomHour( $videoTimeline.find('li.zoomed-hour').next() );
// Zoom out
if( $this.hasClass('zoomout') ) {
// Reactivate arrows
// Close hour
if( !isMobile.any() ) {
// Reset tooltips
$videoTimelineControls.on('click', 'li', function(){
var $this = $(this);
if( $this.hasClass('video-timeline-controls-play') ) {
if( player.getPlayerState() == 2 ) {
if( player.getPlayerState() == 1 ) {
if( $this.hasClass('video-timeline-controls-mute') ) {
if( player.isMuted() ) {
} else {
if( $this.hasClass('video-timeline-controls-quality') ) {
if( videoQualityRequest == 0 ) {
if( player.getPlaybackQuality() != 'hd1080' ) {
} else {
videoQualityRequest = 1;
// Error button
$('#video-retry').on('click', function(){
// Popups
$('#video-timeline-links').on('click', 'li', function(){
$('body').addClass( 'popup-' + $(this).data('modal') );
$('#video-main').find('.video-popup .close').on('click', function(){
var key = event.which;
switch(key) {
case 37:
changeVideo(currentTime - 1);
idle_time2 = 0;
if (typeof doPageCount == 'function') {
case 27:
case 39:
changeVideo(currentTime + 1);
idle_time2 = 0;
if (typeof doPageCount == 'function') {
// Shares
.on('click', '.share-facebook', function(e){
var tweetTitle = videoListMeta[currentTime].l,
tweetText = tweetTitle,
tweetHour = Math.floor( currentTime / 60 ),
tweetMinute = currentTime - (tweetHour * 60),
tweetHash = Math.floor( currentTime / 60 ) + 'h' + pad( tweetMinute );
publish = {
method: 'stream.publish',
message: '',
display: 'popup',
attachment: {
name: "Um dia normal",
caption: "Veja os 1440 vídeos",
description: tweetText,
href: "!" + tweetHash,
media: [{
'type': 'image',
'src': '' + currentTime + '.jpg',
'href': "!" + tweetHash
action_links: [
{ text: 'PÚBLICO', href: '' }
user_prompt_message: ''
FB.ui(publish, function (data) {
if (data) {
if (data.post_id) {
trackEvent("25ANOS_DIANORMAL", "FACEBOOK", data.post_id);
} else {
trackEvent("25ANOS_DIANORMAL", "FACEBOOK_ERROR", data.error_msg);
.on('click', '.share-twitter', function(){
var tweetTitle = videoListMeta[currentTime].l + ': um dia normal, via @publico',
tweetText = tweetTitle,
tweetHour = Math.floor( currentTime / 60 ),
tweetMinute = currentTime - (tweetHour * 60),
tweetHash = Math.floor( currentTime / 60 ) + 'h' + pad( tweetMinute );
if (tweetText.length > 112) {
tweetText = tweetText.substring(0,112) + '...';
var tweet = encodeURI(tweetText);
$(this).attr('target', '_blank').attr('href', ''+tweet+'&amp;!'+ tweetHash);
// YT quality changes
function onPlayerQualityChange(event) {
if( == 'hd1080' ) {
} else {
videoQualityRequest = 0;
// YT error
function onPlayerError(event) {
// $('body').addClass('error');
function onPlayerStateChange(event) {
if ( == YT.PlayerState.CUED) {
$('#video-intro').find('.loader span').show();
// Set volume;
if (window.location.hash.length > 0 && window.location.hash.indexOf('!') == 1 && (window.location.hash.length === 6 || window.location.hash.length === 7) ) {
var hashId = window.location.hash,
hashHour = hashId.substring(hashId.lastIndexOf("!")+1,hashId.lastIndexOf("h")),
hashMinutes = hashId.substring(hashId.lastIndexOf("h")+1,hashId.lastIndexOf("h")+3),
hashTime = ( parseInt( hashHour ) * 60 ) + parseInt( hashMinutes );
hashed = true;
changeVideo( hashTime );
if( isMobile.any() ) {
} else {
// Check for errors...
if( !isMobile.any() ) { elapsdeHourlySeconds + 2 );
} else {
// Stop clock if players stops...
if ( == YT.PlayerState.PAUSED || == YT.PlayerState.BUFFERING || == -1) {
// Only stop clock if video is already playing, to avoid recursion
if( clockCounting == 1 ) {
// Toggle play pause icon
if ( == YT.PlayerState.PAUSED) {
// ... and start clock when player starts
if ( == YT.PlayerState.PLAYING) {
// If initial setup, strat clock and hide stuff
if( videoFirstPlay == 0 ) {
if( videoFirstPlay == 0 && hashed == false) {
clock.setTime( elapsedDailySeconds );
// Hide overlay and pause button
// Hide overlay and pause button
}, 200);
// Start clock if not chaning hour manually
// Seek video if on mobile
if( videoFirstPlay == 0 && isMobile.any() ) {
player.seekTo( elapsdeHourlySeconds + 2 );
// Tell everyone we're no longer paused
videoPaused = 0;
// Tell everyeon we're playing
videoFirstPlay = 1;
// Append thumbs
var thumbs1 = document.createElement("link");
thumbs1.href = "";
thumbs1.type = "text/css";
thumbs1.rel = "stylesheet";
var thumbs2 = document.createElement("link");
thumbs2.href = "";
thumbs2.type = "text/css";
thumbs2.rel = "stylesheet";
var thumbs3 = document.createElement("link");
thumbs3.href = "";
thumbs3.type = "text/css";
thumbs3.rel = "stylesheet";
var thumbs4 = document.createElement("link");
thumbs4.href = "";
thumbs4.type = "text/css";
thumbs4.rel = "stylesheet";
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