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Created September 26, 2012 20:21
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Problem with rewrite.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import Recdef List.
Require Import LibTactics.
Require Import TyOrder Subst Ty Monad Arith_base.
Include SUBST.
Include TYORDER.
Fixpoint lgen_aux (t t' : ty) : M ty :=
match t,t' with
| tvar n, tvar n' =>
_ <- freshVar ;
_ <- freshVar ;
lookup_gen (tvar n) (tvar n')
| tvar n, tcon n' =>
_ <- freshVar ;
lookup_gen (tvar n) (tcon n')
| tvar n, tapp l r =>
_ <- freshVar ;
lookup_gen (tvar n) (tapp l r)
| tcon n, tvar n' =>
_ <- freshVar ;
lookup_gen (tcon n) (tvar n')
| tcon n, tcon n' =>
if eq_nat_dec n n' then
ret (tcon n)
lookup_gen (tcon n) (tcon n')
| tcon n, tapp l r =>
lookup_gen (tcon n) (tapp l r)
| tapp l r, tvar n =>
_ <- freshVar ;
lookup_gen (tapp l r) (tvar n)
| tapp l r, tcon n =>
lookup_gen (tapp l r) (tcon n)
| tapp l r, tapp l' r' =>
lg <- lgen_aux l l' ;
rg <- lgen_aux r r' ;
ret (tapp lg rg)
Definition lgen (t t' : ty) : ty :=
snd (lgen_aux t t' (empty_state t t')).
Section LGEN_Properties.
Ltac my_simpl :=
repeat (
match goal with
| [H : (tcon _) <=: (tvar _) |- _] => destruct H as [x Hx] ; inverts Hx
| [H : (tapp _ _) <=: (tvar _) |- _] => destruct H as [x Hx] ; inverts Hx
| [H : (tapp _ _) <=: (tcon _) |- _] => destruct H as [x Hx] ; inverts Hx
| [H : (tcon _) <=: (tapp _ _) |- _] => destruct H as [x Hx] ; inverts Hx
| [|- exists _, TyOrder.apply_subst_on_ty _ (tvar ?n) = ?s] =>
exists (M.add n s (@M.empty ty)) ; simpl ; rewrite add_o ; case_if*
| [s : state |- _] => destruct s ; simpl in *
end) ; simpl ; auto.
(** first property: generalization **)
Theorem lgen_is_gen : forall t t' s, exists s' t1, lgen_aux t t' s = (s',t1) /\ t1 <=: t /\ t1 <=: t'.
intros t ; induction t ; intros t' ; destruct t' ; my_simpl.
Focus 9.
intros s.
destruct (IHt1 t'1 s) as [s1 [t11 [H1 [H2 H3]]]] ; clear IHt1.
destruct (IHt2 t'2 s1) as [s2 [t22 [H4 [H5 H6]]]] ; clear IHt2.
exists s2 (tapp t11 t22) ; splits. unfolds.
rewrite H1. rewrite H2.
cases* (lgen_aux t1 t'1 s) as H7. cases* (lgen_aux t2 t'2 s0) as H8.
rewrite H1 ; clear H1. rewrite H2.
Theorem lgen_is_unique : forall t t' s, exists s' t1, lgen_aux t t' = (s',t1) /\
forall u, u <=: t /\ u <=: t' -> u <=: t1.
End LGEN_Properties.
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