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Created April 1, 2020 00:02
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open import Data.Bool
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.List renaming (_∷_ to _::_)
open import Data.List.Membership.Propositional
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.All renaming (lookup to Alookup)
open import Data.Maybe
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Unit
open import Function
open import Relation.Unary hiding (_∈_)
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
module GTLC where
data Ty : Set where
?? : Ty
bool : Ty
_=>_ : Ty -> Ty -> Ty
data _~_ : Ty -> Ty -> Set where
CRefl : forall {t} -> t ~ t
CFun : forall {t1 t2 t1' t2'} ->
t1 ~ t1' ->
t2 ~ t2' ->
(t1 => t2) ~ (t1' => t2')
CUnL : forall {t} -> ?? ~ t
CUnR : forall {t} -> t ~ ??
≡-inv : forall {t1 t2 t1' t2'} -> (t1 => t2) ≡ (t1' => t2') -> t1 ≡ t1' × t2 ≡ t2'
≡-inv refl = refl , refl
≡-Ty : forall (t t' : Ty) -> Dec (t ≡ t')
≡-Ty ?? ?? = yes refl
≡-Ty ?? bool = no (λ ())
≡-Ty ?? (t' => t'') = no (λ ())
≡-Ty bool ?? = no (λ ())
≡-Ty bool bool = yes refl
≡-Ty bool (t' => t'') = no (λ ())
≡-Ty (t => t₁) ?? = no (λ ())
≡-Ty (t => t₁) bool = no (λ ())
≡-Ty (t => t₁) (t' => t'') with ≡-Ty t t' | ≡-Ty t₁ t''
≡-Ty (t => t₁) (t' => t'') | yes p | yes p₁ rewrite p | p₁ = yes refl
≡-Ty (t => t₁) (t' => t'') | yes p | no ¬p = no (λ eq → ¬p (proj₂ (≡-inv eq)))
≡-Ty (t => t₁) (t' => t'') | no ¬p | q = no (λ eq → ¬p (proj₁ (≡-inv eq)))
-- proposition 1
~-refl : forall {t} -> t ~ t
~-refl = CRefl
~-sym : forall {t t'} -> t ~ t' -> t' ~ t
~-sym CRefl = CRefl
~-sym (CFun p p') = CFun (~-sym p) (~-sym p')
~-sym CUnL = CUnR
~-sym CUnR = CUnL
~-inv : forall {t1 t2 t1' t2'} -> (t1 => t2) ~ (t1' => t2') -> t1 ~ t1' × t2 ~ t2'
~-inv CRefl = CRefl , CRefl
~-inv (CFun p p₁) = p , p₁
~-Dec : forall (t t' : Ty) -> Dec (t ~ t')
~-Dec ?? ?? = yes CRefl
~-Dec ?? bool = yes CUnL
~-Dec ?? (t' => t'') = yes CUnL
~-Dec bool ?? = yes CUnR
~-Dec bool bool = yes CRefl
~-Dec bool (t' => t'') = no (λ ())
~-Dec (t1 => t2) ?? = yes CUnR
~-Dec (t1 => t2) bool = no (λ ())
~-Dec (t1 => t2) (t' => t'') with ~-Dec t1 t' | ~-Dec t2 t''
~-Dec (t1 => t2) (t' => t'') | yes p | yes p₁ = yes (CFun p p₁)
~-Dec (t1 => t2) (t' => t'') | yes p | no ¬p = no (λ np → ¬p (proj₂ (~-inv np)))
~-Dec (t1 => t2) (t' => t'') | no ¬p | yes p = no (λ np → ¬p (proj₁ (~-inv np)))
~-Dec (t1 => t2) (t' => t'') | no ¬p | no ¬p₁ = no (λ np → ¬p (proj₁ (~-inv np)))
-- typed syntax
Ctx : Set
Ctx = List Ty
data Term : Ctx -> Ty -> Set where
var : forall {t G} -> t ∈ G -> Term G t
tt : forall {G} -> Term G bool
ff : forall {G} -> Term G bool
lam : forall {G t t'} -> Term (t :: G) t' -> Term G (t => t')
app1 : forall {G t2} -> Term G ?? -> Term G t2 -> Term G ??
app2 : forall {G t t' t2} -> Term G (t => t') -> Term G t2 -> t2 ~ t -> Term G t'
data Cast : Ctx -> Ty -> Set where
var : forall {t G} -> t ∈ G -> Cast G t
tt : forall {G} -> Cast G bool
ff : forall {G} -> Cast G bool
lam : forall {G t t'} -> Cast (t :: G) t' -> Cast G (t => t')
app : forall {G t1 t2} -> Cast G (t1 => t2) -> Cast G t1 -> Cast G t2
cast : forall {G t t'} -> Cast G t -> t ~ t' -> Cast G t'
mkApp : forall {G t1 t2 t3} -> Cast G (t1 => t2) -> Cast G t3 -> t3 ~ t1 -> Cast G t2
mkApp {t1 = t1}{t3 = t3} l r eq with ≡-Ty t3 t1
mkApp {t1 = t1} {t3 = t3} l r eq | yes p rewrite p = app l r
mkApp {t1 = t1} {t3 = t3} l r eq | no ¬p = app l (cast r eq)
-- cast insertion algorithm
cast-insert : forall {G t} -> Term G t -> Cast G t
cast-insert (var x) = var x
cast-insert tt = tt
cast-insert ff = tt
cast-insert (lam t) = lam (cast-insert t)
cast-insert (app1 l r) with cast-insert l | cast-insert r
...| l1 | r1 = app (cast l1 CUnL) r1
cast-insert (app2 l r eq) with cast-insert l | cast-insert r
...| l1 | r1 = mkApp l1 r1 eq
res : Ty -> Set
res ?? = Σ Bool (const (⊤ × Ty))
res bool = Σ Bool (const Bool)
res (t => t₁) = Σ Bool (const (res t -> res t₁))
Env : Ctx -> Set
Env G = All res G
res-cast : ∀ {t t'} → t ~ t' -> res t -> res t'
res-cast CRefl p = p
res-cast (CFun {t2' = t2'} eq eq') p = false , (λ x → res-cast CUnL (false , tt , t2'))
res-cast {t' = ??} CUnL p = p
res-cast {t' = bool} CUnL p = false , proj₁ p
res-cast {t' = t' => t''} CUnL p = false , (λ x → res-cast CUnL p)
res-cast {t = ??} CUnR p = p
res-cast {t = bool} CUnR p = false , tt , ??
res-cast {t = t => t₁} CUnR p = false , tt , t₁
eval-cast : ∀ {G t} → Cast G t -> Env G → res t
eval-cast (var x) E = Alookup E x
eval-cast tt E = true , true
eval-cast ff E = true , false
eval-cast (lam e) E = true , λ v → eval-cast e (v ∷ E)
eval-cast (app e e') E with eval-cast e E | eval-cast e' E
...| b , p | p' = p p'
eval-cast (cast e eq) E with eval-cast e E
...| p = res-cast eq p
eval : ∀ {G t} → Term G t → Env G → res t
eval e E = eval-cast (cast-insert e) E
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