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Created March 10, 2014 12:49
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Doubt about dependent pattern matching
Inductive Kind : Set :=
| Star : Kind
| KFun : Kind -> Kind -> Kind.
Definition eq_kind_dec : forall (k k' : Kind), {k = k'} + {k <> k'}.
decide equality.
Notation ":*" := Star.
Notation "k '==>' k'" := (KFun k k') (at level 60, right associativity).
Definition VarCtx := list Kind.
Definition ConCtx := list Kind.
(* type definition *)
Inductive Elem {A : Type} : A -> list A -> Type :=
| here : forall x xs, Elem x (x :: xs)
| there : forall x y xs, Elem x xs -> Elem x (y :: xs).
Inductive Ty (C : ConCtx) (V : VarCtx) : Kind -> Set :=
| var : forall k, Elem k V -> Ty C V k
| con : forall k, Elem k C -> Ty C V k
| app : forall k k', Ty C V (k ==> k') -> Ty C V k -> Ty C V k'.
Definition rem : forall {k}(V : VarCtx), Elem k V -> VarCtx.
intro k.
refine (fix rem (V : VarCtx) : Elem k V -> VarCtx :=
match V with
| nil => fun Hx => _
| (x :: xs) => fun Hx =>
match eq_kind_dec x k with
| left _ => xs
| right _ => rem xs _
end) ; clear rem ;
try (match goal with
| [H : Elem _ _ |- _] => inverts* H
Definition weak {k k' : Kind}{V : VarCtx} (x : Elem k V) (v : Elem k' (rem x)) : Elem k' V.
Hint Constructors Elem.
induction x ; simpl in v ;
try repeat (match goal with
| [H : context[eq_kind_dec ?x ?y] |- _] => destruct (eq_kind_dec x y) ; substs ; auto
| [H : ?x <> ?x |- _] => elim H ; auto
Inductive EqVar {V} : forall {k k' : Kind}, Elem k V -> Elem k' V -> Prop :=
| same : forall {k}{x : Elem k V}, EqVar x x
| diff : forall {k k'}(x : Elem k V)(v : Elem k' (rem x)), EqVar x (weak x v).
Definition eqVarDec {k k' V}(x : Elem k V)(v : Elem k' V) : EqVar x v.
generalize dependent v ; generalize dependent x.
refine (fix eqVarDec (x : Elem k V) (v : Elem k' V) : EqVar x v :=
(match x as x' return forall (v : Elem k' V), EqVar x' v with
| here _ _ =>
match v as v' return EqVar x v' with --- here x' is not visible...
| here _ _ => here _ _
| there _ _ _ _ => there _ _ _ _
| there _ _ _ a =>
match v as v' return EqVar x v' with
| here _ _ => there _ _ _ _
| there _ _ _ b => there _ _ _ (eqVarDec a b)
end) v ).
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