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Created April 12, 2020 19:55
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open import Data.Nat hiding (_⊔_ ; _⊓_)
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.List renaming (_∷_ to _::_) hiding (drop)
open import Data.List.Membership.Propositional
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any hiding (map)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.All renaming (lookup to Alookup) hiding (map)
open import Data.Maybe hiding (map)
open import Data.Product hiding (map)
open import Data.Sum hiding (map)
open import Data.Unit
open import Function
open import Level
open import Level.Literals
open import Relation.Unary hiding (_∈_)
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
module GTLC1 where
-- type and term syntax for gradually typed lambda calculus
data Ty : Set where
?? : Ty
bool : Ty
_=>_ : Ty -> Ty -> Ty
-- type compatibility relation
data _~_ : Ty -> Ty -> Set where
CRefl : forall {t} -> t ~ t
CFun : forall {t1 t2 t1' t2'} ->
t1 ~ t1' ->
t2 ~ t2' ->
(t1 => t2) ~ (t1' => t2')
CUnL : forall {t} -> ?? ~ t
CUnR : forall {t} -> t ~ ??
-- decidable equality for types
≡-inv : forall {t1 t2 t1' t2'} -> (t1 => t2) ≡ (t1' => t2') -> t1 ≡ t1' × t2 ≡ t2'
≡-inv refl = refl , refl
≡-Ty : forall (t t' : Ty) -> Dec (t ≡ t')
≡-Ty ?? ?? = yes refl
≡-Ty ?? bool = no (λ ())
≡-Ty ?? (t' => t'') = no (λ ())
≡-Ty bool ?? = no (λ ())
≡-Ty bool bool = yes refl
≡-Ty bool (t' => t'') = no (λ ())
≡-Ty (t => t₁) ?? = no (λ ())
≡-Ty (t => t₁) bool = no (λ ())
≡-Ty (t => t₁) (t' => t'') with ≡-Ty t t' | ≡-Ty t₁ t''
≡-Ty (t => t₁) (t' => t'') | yes p | yes p₁ rewrite p | p₁ = yes refl
≡-Ty (t => t₁) (t' => t'') | yes p | no ¬p = no (λ eq → ¬p (proj₂ (≡-inv eq)))
≡-Ty (t => t₁) (t' => t'') | no ¬p | q = no (λ eq → ¬p (proj₁ (≡-inv eq)))
-- properties of type compatibility relation
~-refl : forall {t} -> t ~ t
~-refl = CRefl
~-sym : forall {t t'} -> t ~ t' -> t' ~ t
~-sym CRefl = CRefl
~-sym (CFun p p') = CFun (~-sym p) (~-sym p')
~-sym CUnL = CUnR
~-sym CUnR = CUnL
~-inv : forall {t1 t2 t1' t2'} -> (t1 => t2) ~ (t1' => t2') -> t1 ~ t1' × t2 ~ t2'
~-inv CRefl = CRefl , CRefl
~-inv (CFun p p₁) = p , p₁
-- type compatibility is decidable
~-Dec : forall (t t' : Ty) -> Dec (t ~ t')
~-Dec ?? ?? = yes CRefl
~-Dec ?? bool = yes CUnL
~-Dec ?? (t' => t'') = yes CUnL
~-Dec bool ?? = yes CUnR
~-Dec bool bool = yes CRefl
~-Dec bool (t' => t'') = no (λ ())
~-Dec (t1 => t2) ?? = yes CUnR
~-Dec (t1 => t2) bool = no (λ ())
~-Dec (t1 => t2) (t' => t'') with ~-Dec t1 t' | ~-Dec t2 t''
~-Dec (t1 => t2) (t' => t'') | yes p | yes p₁ = yes (CFun p p₁)
~-Dec (t1 => t2) (t' => t'') | yes p | no ¬p = no (λ np → ¬p (proj₂ (~-inv np)))
~-Dec (t1 => t2) (t' => t'') | no ¬p | yes p = no (λ np → ¬p (proj₁ (~-inv np)))
~-Dec (t1 => t2) (t' => t'') | no ¬p | no ¬p₁ = no (λ np → ¬p (proj₁ (~-inv np)))
-- term syntax
Ctx : Set
Ctx = List Ty
data Term : Ctx -> Ty -> Set where
var : forall {t G} -> t ∈ G -> Term G t
tt : forall {G} -> Term G bool
ff : forall {G} -> Term G bool
lam : forall {G t t'} -> Term (t :: G) t' -> Term G (t => t')
app1 : forall {G t2} -> Term G ?? -> Term G t2 -> Term G ??
app2 : forall {G t t' t2} -> Term G (t => t') -> Term G t2 -> t2 ~ t -> Term G t'
data Blame : Set where
blame : ∀ {t t'} -> t ~ t' -> Blame
data Cast : Bool -> Ctx -> Ty -> Set where
var : forall {t G b} -> t ∈ G -> Cast b G t
tt : forall {G} -> Cast false G bool
ff : forall {G} -> Cast false G bool
lam : forall {G t t' b} -> Cast b (t :: G) t' -> Cast b G (t => t')
app : forall {G t1 t2 b b'} -> Cast b G (t1 => t2) ->
Cast b' G t1 -> Cast (b ∨ b') G t2
cast : forall {G t t' b} -> Cast b G t -> t ~ t' -> Cast b G t'
-- can only appear at run-time
blame : ∀ {G t} → Blame -> Cast true G t
-- cast insertion algorithm
mkApp : forall {G t1 t2 t3} -> Cast false G (t1 => t2) ->
Cast false G t3 -> t3 ~ t1 ->
Cast false G t2
mkApp {t1 = t1}{t3 = t3} l r eq with ≡-Ty t3 t1
mkApp {t1 = t1} {t3 = t3} l r eq | yes p rewrite p = app l r
mkApp {t1 = t1} {t3 = t3} l r eq | no ¬p = app l (cast r eq)
cast-insert : forall {G t} -> Term G t -> Cast false G t
cast-insert (var x) = var x
cast-insert tt = tt
cast-insert ff = tt
cast-insert (lam t) = lam (cast-insert t)
cast-insert (app1 l r) with cast-insert l | cast-insert r
...| l1 | r1 = app (cast l1 CUnL) r1
cast-insert (app2 l r eq) with cast-insert l | cast-insert r
...| l1 | r1 = mkApp l1 r1 eq
-- some boring lemmas about disjunction
true-∨-elim : ∀ {b b' : Bool} -> true ≡ b ∨ b' -> b ≡ true ⊎ b' ≡ true
true-∨-elim {false} {b'} eq = inj₂ (sym eq)
true-∨-elim {true} {b'} eq = inj₁ refl
false-∨-elim : ∀ {b b' : Bool} -> false ≡ b ∨ b' → b ≡ false × b' ≡ false
false-∨-elim {false} {b'} eq rewrite eq = refl , refl
true-∨-elim-l : ∀ b -> true ≡ b ∨ true
true-∨-elim-l false = refl
true-∨-elim-l true = refl
-- normal forms
data Nf (G : Ctx) : Ty → Bool -> Set where
lam : ∀ {t t' b} → Nf (t' :: G) t b -> Nf G (t' => t) b
ne? : ∀ {t b} → Ne G t b → Nf G t b
con : Bool -> Nf G bool false
dyn : ∀ {t b} → Nf G t b -> Nf G ?? b
blame : ∀ {t} -> Blame -> Nf G t true
data Ne (G : Ctx) : Ty -> Bool -> Set where
var : ∀ {t} → t ∈ G → Ne G t false
app : ∀ {t t' b1 b2 b} → Ne G (t' => t) b1 -> Nf G t' b2 ->
b ≡ b1 ∨ b2 -> Ne G t b
causeNf : ∀ {G t} -> Nf G t true -> Blame
causeNf (lam n) = causeNf n
causeNf (ne? x) = causeNe x
causeNf (dyn n) = causeNf n
causeNf (blame x) = x
causeNe : ∀ {G t} -> Ne G t true -> Blame
causeNe (app {b1 = b1}{b2 = b2} n n' eq) with true-∨-elim {b1}{b2} eq
...| inj₁ eql rewrite eql = causeNe n
...| inj₂ eqr rewrite eqr = causeNf n'
-- order preserving embeddings
data OPE : Ctx -> Ctx -> Set where
● : OPE [] []
drop : ∀ {G G' t} -> OPE G G' -> OPE (t :: G) G'
keep : ∀ {G G' t} -> OPE G G' -> OPE (t :: G) (t :: G')
-- composition of embeddings
_●e_ : ∀ {G G' G''} -> OPE G' G'' -> OPE G G' -> OPE G G''
s ●e ● = s
s ●e drop s' = drop (s ●e s')
drop s ●e keep s' = drop (s ●e s')
keep s ●e keep s' = keep (s ●e s')
-- action of embeddings on variables
embedVar : ∀ {G G' t} → OPE G G' → t ∈ G' → t ∈ G
embedVar (drop e) v = there (embedVar e v)
embedVar (keep e) (here refl) = here refl
embedVar (keep e) (there v) = there (embedVar e v)
-- embedding on cast terms
embedCast : ∀ {G G' t b} → OPE G G' → Cast b G' t → Cast b G t
embedCast s (var v) = var (embedVar s v)
embedCast s tt = tt
embedCast s ff = ff
embedCast s (lam e) = lam (embedCast (keep s) e)
embedCast s (app e e') = app (embedCast s e) (embedCast s e')
embedCast s (cast e eq) = cast (embedCast s e) eq
embedCast s (blame eq) = blame eq
-- identity embedding
embedId : ∀ {G} → OPE G G
embedId {[]} = ●
embedId {x :: G} = keep embedId
-- removing the last entry on a context
wk : ∀ {G t} -> OPE (t :: G) G
wk = drop embedId
-- substitutions
data Sub (G : Ctx) : Ctx -> Set where
● : Sub G []
_,_ : ∀ {G' t b} → Sub G G' → Cast b G t → Sub G (t :: G')
-- embeddings on substitutions
embedSub : ∀ {G G' G''} -> Sub G'' G' -> OPE G G'' -> Sub G G'
embedSub ● ope = ●
embedSub (s , t) ope = (embedSub s ope) , embedCast ope t
-- drop operation for substitutions
dropSub : ∀ {G G' t} -> Sub G G' -> Sub (t :: G) G'
dropSub s = embedSub s wk
keepSub : ∀ {G G' t} → Sub G G' -> Sub (t :: G) (t :: G')
keepSub s = dropSub s , var {b = false} (here refl)
-- converting embeddings in substitutions
embed2Sub : ∀ {G G'} -> OPE G G' -> Sub G G'
embed2Sub ● = ●
embed2Sub (drop op) = dropSub (embed2Sub op)
embed2Sub (keep op) = keepSub (embed2Sub op)
-- applying a substitution to a variable
applyVar : ∀ {G G' t} → Sub G G' → t ∈ G' -> ∃ (λ b -> Cast b G t)
applyVar (s , e) (here refl) = _ , e
applyVar (s , e) (there v) = applyVar s v
-- applying a substitution to a term
applyTerm : ∀ {G G' t b} → Sub G G' -> Cast b G' t -> ∃ (λ b' -> Cast b' G t)
applyTerm s (var v) = applyVar s v
applyTerm s tt = false , tt
applyTerm s ff = false , ff
applyTerm s (lam t) with applyTerm (keepSub s) t
...| b , t' = b , lam t'
applyTerm s (app t t') with applyTerm s t | applyTerm s t'
...| b , q | b' , q' = b ∨ b' , app q q'
applyTerm s (cast t eq) with applyTerm s t
...| b , t' = b , cast t' eq
applyTerm s (blame eq) = true , blame eq
-- identity substitution
idSub : ∀ {G} -> Sub G G
idSub {[]} = ●
idSub {t :: G} = keepSub (idSub {G})
-- action of embeddings on normal forms
embedNf : ∀ {G G' t b} -> OPE G G' -> Nf G' t b -> Nf G t b
embedNf op (lam nt) = lam (embedNf (keep op) nt)
embedNf op (ne? ne) = ne? (embedNe op ne)
embedNf op (con c) = con c
embedNf op (dyn nt) = dyn (embedNf op nt)
embedNf op (blame eq) = blame eq
embedNe : ∀ {G G' t b} → OPE G G' -> Ne G' t b -> Ne G t b
embedNe op (var v) = var (embedVar op v)
embedNe {b = false} op (app {b1 = b1}{b2 = b2}{b = .false} ne nt eq) with false-∨-elim {b1} {b2} eq
...| (eql , eqr) rewrite eql | eqr = app (embedNe op ne) (embedNf op nt) refl
embedNe {b = true} op (app {b1 = b1}{b2 = b2}{b = .true} ne nt eq) with true-∨-elim {b1}{b2} eq
...| inj₁ eql rewrite eql = app (embedNe op ne) (embedNf op nt) refl
...| inj₂ eqr rewrite eqr = app (embedNe op ne) (embedNf op nt) (true-∨-elim-l b1)
-- injecting normal forms back into cast terms
injectNf : ∀ {G t b} -> Nf G t b -> Cast b G t
injectNf (lam nt) = lam (injectNf nt)
injectNf (ne? ne) = injectNe ne
injectNf (con false) = ff
injectNf (con true) = tt
injectNf (dyn nt) = cast (injectNf nt) CUnR
injectNf (blame eq) = blame eq
injectNe : ∀ {G t b} -> Ne G t b -> Cast b G t
injectNe (var v) = var v
injectNe {b = false} (app {b1 = b1}{b2 = b2} ne nt eq) with false-∨-elim {b1}{b2} eq
...| eql , eqr rewrite eql | eqr = app (injectNe ne) (injectNf nt)
injectNe {b = true} (app {b1 = b1}{b2 = b2} ne nt eq) with true-∨-elim {b1}{b2} eq
...| inj₁ eql rewrite eql = app (injectNe ne) (injectNf nt)
...| inj₂ eqr rewrite eqr = subst (λ b -> Cast b _ _) (sym eq) (app (injectNe ne) (injectNf nt))
-- semantic objects for types
SemTy : Bool -> Ty -> Ctx -> Set
SemTy true _ _ = Blame
SemTy false ?? G = Nf G ?? false
SemTy false bool G = Nf G bool false
SemTy false (t => t') G = ∀ {G'} -> OPE G' G -> SemTy false t G' ->
∃ (λ b → SemTy b t' G')
-- semantic objects for contexts
data SemCon : Ctx -> Ctx -> Set where
● : ∀ {G} -> SemCon [] G
_,_ : ∀ {G G' t b} -> SemCon G' G -> SemTy b t G -> SemCon (t :: G') G
SemVar : ∀ {G t} -> t ∈ G -> ∀ {G'} -> SemCon G G' -> ∃ (λ b -> SemTy b t G')
SemVar (here refl) (env , val) = _ , val
SemVar (there v) (env , _) = SemVar v env
-- embeddings on semantic types and contexts
EmbedSemTy : ∀ {b G G' t} -> OPE G G' -> SemTy b t G' -> SemTy b t G
EmbedSemTy {b = true} ope st = st
EmbedSemTy {b = false}{t = ??} ope st = embedNf ope st
EmbedSemTy {b = false}{t = bool} ope st = embedNf ope st
EmbedSemTy {b = false}{t = t => t'} ope st = λ ope' st' -> st (ope ●e ope') st'
EmbedSemCon : ∀ {G G' G''} -> OPE G' G'' -> SemCon G G'' -> SemCon G G'
EmbedSemCon ope ● = ●
EmbedSemCon ope (env , t) = EmbedSemCon ope env , EmbedSemTy ope t
-- semantic objects for cast calculus
UpCast : ∀ {G t} → ¬ (t ≡ ??) -> SemTy false t G -> Nf G ?? false
UpCast {t = ??} neq v = ⊥-elim (neq refl)
UpCast {t = bool} neq v = dyn v
UpCast {t = t => t'} neq v = {!!}
SemTerm : ∀ {G t b} -> Cast b G t -> ∀ {G'} -> SemCon G G' ->
∃ (λ b' -> SemTy b' t G')
SemTerm (var v) env = SemVar v env
SemTerm tt env = false , con true
SemTerm ff env = false , con false
SemTerm (lam e) env = false , λ ope st -> SemTerm e (EmbedSemCon ope env , st)
SemTerm (app e e') env with SemTerm e env | SemTerm e' env
... | false , f | false , a = f embedId a
... | false , f | true , a = true , a
... | true , bl | b' , a = true , bl
SemTerm (cast {t = t} {t' = t'} e eq) env with SemTerm e env | ≡-Ty t t' | ≡-Ty t' ??
... | false , v | yes p | q rewrite p = false , v
... | false , v | no p | yes q rewrite q = false , UpCast p v
... | false , v | no p | no q = true , blame eq
... | true , v | _ | q = true , v
SemTerm (blame eq) _ = true , eq
quo : ∀ {t G} -> SemTy false t G -> ∃ (λ b -> Nf G t b)
quo {??} st = _ , st
quo {bool} st = _ , st
quo {t => t'} st with st wk (unquo (var (here refl)))
quo {t => t'} st | false , p with quo p
quo {t => t'} st | false , p | false , q = false , lam q
quo {t => t'} st | false , p | true , q = true , blame (causeNf q)
quo {t => t'} st | true , p = true , blame p
unquo' : ∀ {G' G t t'} -> Ne G (t => t') false -> OPE G' G -> SemTy false t G' -> ∃ (λ b -> SemTy b t' G')
unquo' ne op st with quo st | embedNe op ne
...| b' , st' | ne' = b' , unquo (app ne' st' refl)
unquo : ∀ {b t G} -> Ne G t b -> SemTy b t G
unquo {true} ne = causeNe ne
unquo {false}{??} ne = ne? ne
unquo {false}{bool} ne = ne? ne
unquo {false}{t => t'} ne
= unquo' ne
-- building the initial context. We assume that no term is a blame.
unquoCon : ∀ {G} -> SemCon G G
unquoCon {[]} = ●
unquoCon {t :: G}
= EmbedSemCon wk unquoCon , unquo {b = false}(var {G = t :: G}(here refl))
-- normalization
nf : ∀ {G t} → Term G t → ∃ (λ b -> Nf G t b)
nf e with SemTerm (cast-insert e) unquoCon
... | false , e' = quo e'
... | true , e' = true , blame e'
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