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Created June 5, 2018 19:54
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Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.
(** definition of streams *)
CoInductive stream (A : Type) : Type :=
| Cons : A -> stream A -> stream A.
(** example of cofixpoint *)
CoFixpoint zeroes : stream nat := Cons 0 zeroes.
(** taking a finite prefix of a stream *)
Fixpoint approx {A : Type}(s : stream A)(n : nat) : list A :=
match n with
| O => []
| S n' =>
match s with
| Cons x xs => x :: approx xs n'
Lemma approx_zero : forall n xs, xs = approx zeroes n ->
forallb (fun x => Nat.eqb x 0) xs = true.
induction n ; intros xs Hxs ; simpl in * ; subst ; simpl ; auto.
CoFixpoint truefalse : stream bool := Cons true falsetrue
with falsetrue : stream bool := Cons false truefalse.
(** Evaluating a cofixpoint *)
Eval simpl in approx truefalse 5.
(** coinductive proofs *)
CoFixpoint comap {A B : Type}(f : A -> B)(s : stream A) : stream B :=
match s with
| Cons x s' => Cons (f x ) (comap f s')
CoFixpoint ones : stream nat := Cons 1 ones.
Definition ones' := comap S zeroes.
(** coinductive equality *)
CoInductive stream_eq {A : Type} : stream A -> stream A -> Prop :=
| Stream_eq : forall x xs xs',
stream_eq xs xs' ->
stream_eq (Cons x xs) (Cons x xs').
(** auxiliar definitions *)
Definition frob {A : Type} (s : stream A) : stream A :=
match s with
| Cons x xs => Cons x xs
Lemma frob_eq {A : Type} : forall (s : stream A), s = frob s.
destruct s ; reflexivity.
Theorem ones_eq : stream_eq ones ones'.
cofix CHones_eq.
rewrite (frob_eq ones) ; rewrite (frob_eq ones').
(** "Lazy" lists *)
CoInductive LList (A : Type) : Type :=
| LNil : LList A
| LCons : A -> LList A -> LList A.
Arguments LNil [A].
Infix "<:>" := LCons (at level 60, right associativity).
Notation "[*]" := LNil.
Definition test : LList nat := 0 <:> 1 <:> [*].
CoFixpoint lrepeat {A : Type}(x : A) : LList A :=
x <:> lrepeat x.
CoFixpoint lapp {A : Type}(xs ys : LList A) : LList A :=
match xs with
| [*] => ys
| x <:> xs => x <:> (lapp xs ys)
Definition LList_decompose {A : Type}(xs : LList A) : LList A :=
match xs with
| [*] => [*]
| x <:> xs => x <:> xs
Lemma LList_decompose_lemma {A : Type}
: forall (xs : LList A), xs = LList_decompose xs.
intros xs ; case xs ; trivial.
Theorem lapp_nil
: forall {A : Type}(xs : LList A), lapp [*] xs = xs.
intros A xs ;
rewrite (LList_decompose_lemma (lapp [*] xs)) ;
case xs ; simpl ; auto.
Theorem lapp_cons
: forall {A : Type}(x : A)(xs ys : LList A),
lapp (x <:> xs) ys = x <:> (lapp xs ys).
intros A x xs ys ; rewrite (LList_decompose_lemma (lapp (x <:> xs) ys)) ;
case ys ; simpl ; auto.
(** predicates over coinductive types *)
Inductive finite {A : Type} : LList A -> Prop :=
| NilFinite : finite [*]
| ConsFinite : forall x xs, finite xs -> finite (x <:> xs).
Hint Resolve NilFinite ConsFinite.
Theorem finite_app {A : Type}
: forall (xs ys : LList A), finite xs -> finite ys -> finite (lapp xs ys).
induction 1 ; intros.
rewrite lapp_nil ; auto.
rewrite lapp_cons ; auto.
CoFixpoint from (n : nat) : LList nat :=
n <:> from (S n).
Lemma from_unfold : forall n:nat, from n = n <:> (from (S n)).
intro n.
rewrite (LList_decompose_lemma (from n)).
simpl ; trivial.
CoInductive infinite {A : Type} : LList A -> Prop :=
| ConsInfinite
: forall x xs, infinite xs -> infinite (x <:> xs).
Theorem from_infinite : forall n, infinite (from n).
cofix CH.
intro n ; rewrite (from_unfold n) ; split ; auto.
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