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Created August 1, 2012 15:40
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imap downloader
#!/usr/bin/env perl
IMAP downloader.
perl -u 'user' -p 'password' -s '' -d './download-dir' -subdir 'maildir' -q 'search-query' -id 999 -from 999
use v5.10;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::IMAP::Simple::SSL;
use Email::Simple;
use Class::Date qw/now date -DateParse/;
use Path::Class;
use Email::MIME::Attachment::Stripper;
use YAML::XS;
# globals
our %opts = get_options( @ARGV );
our $DIR = $opts{d} // $ENV{IMAP_DIR} // './imap';
our $MAILDIR = $opts{subdir} ? dir( $DIR, $opts{subdir} ) : $DIR;
our $USER = $opts{u} || $ENV{IMAP_USER};
our $PASS = $opts{p} // $ENV{IMAP_PASS};
our $SERV = $opts{s} || $ENV{IMAP_SERV} || '';
if( defined $USER && ! defined $PASS ) {
require Term::ReadKey;
print "PASSWORD: ";
$PASS = Term::ReadKey::ReadLine(0);
chomp $PASS;
say '';
dir( $MAILDIR )->mkpath;
die "Error: Could not access/create IMAP dir '$MAILDIR'\n" unless -d $MAILDIR;
die "Error: Missing user/password\n" unless defined $USER && defined $PASS;
# load the db and create a logger
our $db = load_db();
# save only last 10 logs
my %old_logs = %{ $db->{logs} || {} };
if( keys %old_logs > 3 ) {
my @k = sort keys %old_logs;
$db->{logs} = { map { $_ => $db->{logs}->{$_} } @k[ -3 .. -1 ] };
our $log = $db->{logs}->{ Class::Date::now() } = [];
sub logme{ push @$log, $_[0]; say now() . " " . $_[0]; @_ };
( my $pass2 = $PASS ) =~ s{.}{**}g;
logme "CONNECTING to $SERV with $USER/$pass2...";
my $imap = Net::IMAP::Simple::SSL->new( $SERV ) ||
die "Unable to connect to IMAP: $Net::IMAP::Simple::errstr\n";
if(!$imap->login( $USER, $PASS )){
print STDERR "Login failed: " . $imap->errstr . "\n";
logme "CONNECTED.";
my $query = $opts{q};
if( defined $query ) {
logme "RUNNING SEARCH on '$query'";
my @ids = $imap->search(qq{OR BODY "$query" SUBJECT "$query"});
if( defined( my $id = $opts{id} ) ) {
@ids = ref $id eq 'ARRAY' ? @$id : ($id) ;
} elsif( defined( my $id = $opts{id} ) ) {
logme "ID '$id'";
my @ids = ref $id eq 'ARRAY' ? @$id : ($id);
} else {
my $last = $imap->last;
logme "LAST_IN_DB=$db->{last}, LAST_IN_MBOX=$last";
my $from = $opts{from} // $db->{last} // $last - 100; # on first time get the top 100
if( $last > $from ){
logme "last=$last";
#my @msgs = $imap->seq("$top:$last");
logme "LAST=$last to $from";
list( reverse $from .. $last );
} else {
logme "Nothing new.";
logme "Done.";
save_db( $db );
exit 0;
sub list{
for my $msgnum ( @_ ) {
#say "M=$msgnum";
my $msg = $imap->get( $msgnum );
unless( ref $msg ) {
logme "Message Not Found: $msgnum";
my $body = join '',@$msg;
my $email = Email::Simple->new( $body );
my %m = $email->header_pairs;
my $rec = date [split /;/, $m{Received}]->[1];
my $subject = Encode::decode('MIME-Header', $m{Subject} );
logme "$msgnum: $subject - $m{From} $rec";
use Encode qw/encode decode/;
dump_email( $subject, $body, $msgnum);
$db->{last} = $msgnum if $db->{last} < $msgnum;
sub dump_email {
my ( $subject, $msg, $msgnum) = @_;
( my $subj_file = $subject ) =~ s/\W+/_/g;
$subj_file =~ s/\s+/_/g;
$subj_file =~ s/__+/_/g;
my $msgdir = dir( $MAILDIR, "$msgnum-$subj_file" );
# mail folder
# convert data
my $st = Email::MIME::Attachment::Stripper->new( $msg );
if( ! $st->attachments ) {
# simple message
my $file = file $msgdir, 'body.txt';
open my $ff, '>:raw', $file;
print $ff $msg ;
close $ff;
logme "Simple message written to body.txt";
# attachments and message body are all the same
for my $attach ( $st->attachments ) {
my $fn = $attach->{filename};
next unless defined $fn;
# mail filename
my $data = $attach->{payload};
# if noname, its a msg body
if( !$fn ) {
my $ext = $data=~m/CALENDAR/s ? 'txt' : 'html';
$fn = $subj_file . ".$ext";
my $i = 0;
my $file = file $msgdir, $fn;
while( -e $file ) {
$fn = $subj_file . '_' . ++$i . ".$ext";
$file = file $msgdir, $fn;
my $file = file $msgdir, $fn;
# save me
logme " ===> $file";
open my $ff, '>', $file;
binmode $ff;
print $ff $data;
close $ff;
logme " Saved file $fn from message $msgnum.";
sub load_db {
my $db_file = file( $DIR, 'db.yaml' );
if( ! -e $db_file ) { # doesn't exist, touch file
open my $ff, '>', $db_file;
close $ff;
return {};
} else {
return Load( scalar $db_file->slurp );
sub save_db {
my $db = shift;
my $db_file = file( $DIR, 'db.yaml' );
open my $ff, '>', $db_file;
binmode $ff;
print $ff Dump( $db );
close $ff;
# usage: my %opts = get_options @ARGV
sub get_options {
my ( $last_opt, %hash );
for my $opt (@_) {
if ( $opt =~ m/^-+(.*)/ ) {
$last_opt = $1;
$hash{$last_opt} = [] unless ref $hash{$last_opt};
else {
$opt = Encode::encode_utf8($opt) if Encode::is_utf8($opt);
push @{ $hash{$last_opt} }, $opt;
# convert single option => scalar
for( keys %hash ) {
if( @{ $hash{$_} } == 1 ) {
$hash{$_} = $hash{$_}->[0];
return %hash;
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